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1. Control of Thought

2. Control of Action

3. Steadfastness

4. Identify with Higher Ideals

5. Evidence of a Mission

6. Evidence of a Call to Spiritual Order

7. Freedom from Resentment.

8. Confidence in the Power of the Master (Teacher).

9. Confidence in Ones Own Learning Abilities.

10. Preparedness for Initiation

These 10 Virtues in what humans do are much like the

Khemnu/Ogdoad/Eight/Ankh they exist at all times, yet are hidden unless
needed to be explained. They are like cells in your body, not needed to be
talked about unless you are ill. When humans are ill, then their virutes have
to be looked at.

It seemed that people of the Nile Valley lived them and it was incorporated in
everything that they did. I have found that the Greek Mystery System as Dr.
George G.M. James described in the Stolen Legacy did use the 10 Virtues.
There clarion call was gnthi seauton Know Thyself. Also the
exploration of virtues are explored in Hermetism crafts. This does not concern
us, because Nile Valley Text is the origin of all of this.

The 10 Virtues is included in the creation story and thus exist in the Secret of
the Ankh. In the Secret of the Ankh Video, the Memphite Theology of Shabaka
was described. In the Shabaka Stone Ptah as the creator is Ptah-Nun and

Read this part of the creation story and see which of these virtues exisited.

Sight, hearing, breathing they report to the heart, and it makes every
understanding come forth. As to the tongue, it repeats what the heart has
devised. Thus all the gods were born and his Ennead was completed. For
every word of the god came about through what the heart devised and the
tongue commanded.

Thus all the faculties were made and all the qualities determined, they that
make all foods and all provisions, through this word, to him who does what is
loved, to him who does what is hated. Thus life is given to the peaceful and
death is given to the criminal. Thus all labor, all crafts are made, the action of
the hands, the motion of the legs, the movements of all the limbs, according
to this command which is devised by the heart and comes forth on the
tongue and creates the performance of every thing. M. Lichtheim: Ancient
Egyptian Literature, Vol.1, pp.51-55.

The Creation Story and thus the Secret of the Ankh is both scientific and
spiritual. Here we see the God Ptah being born and giving birth to others in
the Shabaka Stone and we find later in the text that Man/Women must
master what the creative deity Ptah mastered.

So Master the Secret of the Ankh and then Memorize and begin to Master the
10 Virtues.

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