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vka clobalone

l\eGndalM a8er Li$ing

N3don l Srckl:th eeoflDdi, Limited.
E"-n 3.P," Blnda Krtdcorptey
B,rd'r.Ei Vmbd.aoo5l
Fd 02?-7059321536

Smbol: y


Suhr Prlnc. Pipes Chakm.n, Shrt ray.nt Chheda

3%with INR 34 c@res equity lnfuslon.


the ce.eral ManaseF Li$ini


p\iro7* t.-,epbhoyloar

Ddl,lsrer roa,

I cod.: \,oc6l

!p6 ltake In Vt*.s to mor rhan

As per th resolulion passed by the Board of Dircto6 in their meetim held today and
subj.ct to ShareholdeB' approval, Vikas EcoTech Limtted wittisueTwo crore newshares ro
Shrl. rayanl Chhda, Ch.nm.n, prln.e ptpeB& Fltflngs pw. Ltd, on preferenlat basis. Afrer
rhisallotment, Mr, Chheda! stake ln the companywittexceeda%; Mr. Chheda a re6dy owns
1.26% of shares in the companytnrough 6n invesrment made inJuty, 2016. Ihe above
naieaction is beTnS erecuted in hispeGonalcapacity.
Chh.da said, "t se lndian pvc pipe hanufacturing
h generatsh,ftTng to Lead free stabi[zets and eco triend V
chemicala ternatives llke Organotins over the next 3-5 yeau, simila.togtobatlrends. tn thir
context, Vikas E oTech is ihe only lndian @npanv rhat has built rn ho6e tndustriat
Pertormanc Re.dy produ.t and solutions basket that is free of L$d & other harmfu
chemcak and serus as an ecojriendly alternarive ,t wil hep the PVC and other ptastic
basd lnduslries to become environmental f riendly.
Speaking on his invenment, Shrl,
in part cularand danrcs indusiry


My investment in an lndividua .apacitv is with the sole int.ntion of being part ot Vikas
Ecorech's exciting futu.e srowth journey enabled throush a srear societal benefit !e!d
t!!! produ.ts and a green wo.ld for our ruture Benerations. Having known the teadeBhip
team led by the promoter Shrl. Vikas Gar8 for a long ume now, I am convinced of rhe
companvt prolitablevet responsib e wavahead."
Commenung on this, Shrl. Mkar Galg, MD, Vikas E@Tc.h timtred satd,

"our resove always

has ben to shilt the indunry needle towards ecojriendly and tead free producrs and
so h a matterofpridelhat industry pee6 arere@gnizing our innovalrvework, We
look loMard to Shri. Jayant Chhda! busine$ acumei and stratgic guldan.e to further
Regd. Office

I Vkas

House, 34/1, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi- 110026 (tNDlA)

I lnduslrial GrpMh Centre, Phase l, srDco comprex, Dlstr. sambe-187 121 (J&K)
rG-24 30 Vigyan Naqar, RIICO Indl. A@a, Shahjahanpur, Distt. Alwar-301 706 {RaD

rd mrcvaron teadeBt-ip as on ennry Hi! .ompdny p,inc.

P'perard FininS(6a onSre'Tdndsl,aLeS((u1rome, otvkas
rem*i<,ou na4d

Wth the Govemnenr ot

a egistarion ro ban the use oi tead in decorative

in the tasr partiamenr session, we believe a simitar teghtation hores
welliorlhe counnyand tndia! pVC industry.
hom pajnts

Jndia nacting


Thetoialfunds ot

INR 34 crores wil beutitsedforexpansionofourR&Dtacitiries,settingup

new ptaits and stiensrhenins our ma.ketins efforrs ror
both domesti.;n;

This is for your inlormation and noting purposes.


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