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Airceaft in Profile Grumman F-14 Tomcat - revisited Artwork by Jon Freeman S_S SSR a8 =a = Grumman F-148 Tomeat, BuNo 158991, “11, of VE-1 ‘Wolfpack’, USS Enterprise, August 1976 {ight Gul Gray FS 16880 over White FS 17875 schome, VF-1s Tomcats had brghthviz colour senomes {heoughout most of ther operational ives The ner faces ofthe tal fis had the NK al codes applied Note the ved ventral sakes and the Black ant-lare panel Grumman F-14 Tomcat, BuNo 157990, March 1972 Light Gull Gray FS 16440 over White FS 17875 scheme. BuNo 157900 was the ‘eleventh production Tomeat and was used for deck handing tials. aboard USS independence whit the cater was ad Up In po". Note the numeral 11 on tre fn rman F140 Tomcat. (GuNo unknown), "OV, of VEZ ‘Bounty Hunters, USS Constellation, May 19 ‘This machine wears the orginal Light Gull Gray FS 16640 over Wnito FS 17875, ESI Scheme and asthe CAG shp forthe uit Ile n Supp of temo‘ Zanes over Iraq i {Decal option avaiable on AeroMaster dacal sheet 48-424 ‘Any tne Babe.) Grumman F-14D Tomcat, BuNo 163564, 100, of VF-11 "Red Rippers’, USS Cart Vinson, circa 19908. Dark Ghost Gray FS 36520 over Light Ghost Gray FS 36375 scheme. BuNo 163564, "00" was he CAG ship for VF-TI, which have now Wansitoned back rom the F140 | omer oe (eval option avaiatie on AxroMaster decal sheet 48-500 “Any time Babe PX) Grumman F-14A Tomeat, BuNo 162961, 101’, of VE-14 Top Hatters’, USS John Fennedy, civea 1931 | Bar Sst Gry FS 96320 oor Lge Gros Gray FS 36378 srame «heavy weathered and te-olched. BuNo 162861, 101 took parti the 1981 Gull War Note the small Top hat on the fe! tank (Decal option avalable on AeroMaster decal sheet 48-526 “Any ime Babe PL.V/) © <0 srr noting tn 38 number 1 Grumman F-14 Tomcat Grumman F-14A Tomcat, BuNo 160606, '201', of VF-21 ‘Freelancers’, USS Constelation, cary 1380s Seera ian Gul Gray r& 440 schoma VEZ Tomas na the ack an ‘dazzle pane! extended over the canopy and swept forward ove the radome and Under the nose Ths was removed in 1885, Grumman F-14A Tomcat, BuNo 158583, "200", of VF-24 ‘Fighting Renegades’, NAS Fallon, dune 1964 (veral Light Gull Gray FS 36440 scheme. BuNo 158583, 200° was VF 24s GAG sship denoted by the ‘Double Nuts masex on the fn, The ret numeral Surrounded by stars on the fn incicales assignment to CVW-9. Note aso the Black! wit the red crop shadow which nccates that VF-24recelved a safety ‘ward Grumman F-14D Tomcat, BuNo 163893, ‘200', of VF-31 “Tomeatters’ USS Car! Vinson, October 1995 Dark Ghost Gray FS 36320 over Light Ghost Gray FS 36375 scheme. BuNo 163893, 200 was the CAG Ship for Ve-81 in 1985 denatoe by the ators ‘CAG on the fin, Note the dark grey stenciling and national insignia (Bees! option avaiable on AsroMaster decal sheet 48526 Any tine Babe ban Grumman F-14A Tomcat, (BuNo unknown), "207, of VF-32 ‘Swordsmer USS Jonn F Kennedy, January 1980 Overal Light Gull Gray FS 38440 scheme, BuNNo 158583, 200' was flown by ae Jococh & Connelly, CO of VP-32, with LUCd® Leo F Enright ae RIO, wher thay engaged and shot down the second of twa Libyan MiG-23 over the Gull of Sra. Avothor F-14A trom VF-a2. crowed by Lt Herman © Cook and RIO) [ugar Steve Colins despatched the frst MiG23.Allfourmon wore awarded the DFC Torths acton. Note the tan coloured rose racome! ¥ Grumman F-144 Tomcat, (BuNo unknown), 200", of VF-33 'Starfighters’, USS Amariea, 1992 Overall Light Gull Gray FS 96440 scheme. F-14A 200" was VF-58' CAG shio St ths time: denoted by the ‘Double Nuts’ modex on the fn. Note te star Between the VE" and the 33° on the ventral take Grumman F-14A Tomeat, BuNo 160926, 112" of VF-tt ‘Black Aces’, 19805 Greral ght Gall Gray FS 16440 schome wih Dark Ghost Gray FS 36820 {occa Sutraund.and tim. Noto the Dark Ghost Gray national insignia ans feneling On 19 August 1981, Tomcas rom Vist destroyed fo Libyan 228 tess than a MND sea ean modoing aan 20 @) Aircraft in Profile Grumman F-14A Tomcat, BuNo 160681, “110', of VF-S1 “Screaming Eagles’, USS Kity Hawk, 1978 Gveral Light Gull Gray FS 16440 schome. VF-51 received thele Tomeats in June 1978: Note the natural moal leading 0dges to the al black tals. Grumman F-148 Tomcat, (BuNo unknown), 101, of VF-74 ‘Bedevillors’, USS Saratoga, 1982 Overall ight Gull Gray FS 16440 scheme, This particular ara was assigned tove-78's CO and XO, and for some reason had the olmole rings pated on the nose radome, Noie the red lahtrng fash onthe fe! tank ‘Geumman F-14A Tomest, BuNo 162702, ‘201, of VF-O4 ‘Jolly Rogers’ USS'independonce, October 1998, foie 1.24 Over Light Cul Gray FS 18440 scheme Note the yellow fr bps and natural ey mati leading edge to thea lack tat fs o [Bosal option avaiable on Acrtastr decal shoot 48-522 Veny tine abe Pe) = Grumman F-140 Tomcat, (BuNo unknown), “10%, of VF-101 ‘Grim oy" Reapers’, NAS Oceana, cca 19803 es Dart Ghost Gray FS 36320 over Light Ghost Gray FS 36875 scheme. Note the ct dark grey sone, teil codes, VF-101 emblem and the Safety Award ) Grumman F-148 Tomeat, (BuNo unknown), “106”, of |VF-102 ‘Diamondbacks’, USS George Washington, circa 1594 Overal Ligh Gul Gray FS 16440. scheme wth Bl-wz national insignia and fembloms, Back sieneis and codes. VE-102 was the fst Torcal Unt To be aupped wh LANTIRN, which aici the idpendant use of ase guided Bombs and amore presse right atack navigation and weapons delivery. Grumman F148: Tomeat, BuNo 161608, 213’ of VF-103 ‘Sluggers’ (now re-named Joly Rogers’), USS America, clrea 1994 Sverat Light Gull Gray FS Tel40 scheme vith dark grey insignia. fomblems, sence and codes, This siera featured Fl Cat artwork on Bath sides of the nose radome, Nolo the LGB on the fuselage Underside weapons palte. The slarvard wing love pylon would have Rad an ANIAAG-14 LANTIRN pod tod ‘VEx103 fs now called "The Joly Rogers and caries he la’ VF-34 "skull ana Grossbones’ emislem {ecat apton svaiabie on Aerstiastor Seca sheet e35 ‘Any time Babe Pt.) © sv Area toting vue 25 amber Grumman F-14A Tomcat, BuNo 61621, '200' of VF-111, ‘Sundowners’, USS" Car! Vinson, August 1988 Overal Light Gull Gray FS. 16440 scheme, VF-t1%e' Tomeats must rank ‘amangst the most wellknown in Naval aviation cies with he Unk wearin fh 'satng sun tain orbiom ance tne cary 1060s. This CAG shp Ft had a sharkrouth and "Miss Molly atwork adoring fs nose which atthe time was most unusual a Grumman F-14A Tomeat, BuNo 159825, "100" of VF-114, ‘As USS Enterprise, circa mid-1880s ‘Overall Light Gull Gray FS 16440 schomo wih black odged in red modex "100" ‘and forward fuselage sash Ths aera had a dark gry false canopy painted ‘on tne uselage uncersige, Grumman FGA Tomcat, BuNo 162589, 51" of VF-124, “Gunfighters, siren 1989 ‘Gveral Light Gul Gray FS 16440 scheme with extended black ant-glare panel ‘round canpy area, Note the tomcat artwork on the fn Grumman £148 Tomeat, (BuNo unknown), 201", of VF~ Riders" USS Dwight D Eisenhower, crea 1991 (Gvoral Light Ghost Gray FS 36375 scheme with dark grey modex number tn 2 ‘Ghost femblem and codes, and Dark Ghost Gray FS 36820 insignia and stencil. Tis Sera is chown ae i appeared after ‘Operation Desert Storm c= Grumman F-148 Tomcat, (BuNo unknown), 100’, of VF-143 ‘Pukln Dogs’, USS Dwight D Eizonhower, circa 2001 veral Light Ghost Gray FS 36379 scheme with faded Dark Ghost Gray FS ‘36820 cockpit coaming and Engh bie tim, Dark Ghost Gray FS 36820 madex ‘number Insignia and stenais. This aera saw acton over Afghanistan an Suppor of ‘Operation Enduting Freedom after the terorist attacks of 17 Saplomber 2001. Noto the tout artwork for tha heroes of tne World tase cans allacis, was appied to the Starboard side nose un the mode number. Grumman F148 Tomeat, (GuNo unknown), 100", of VE-143 ‘Pukin Doge USS Dwight D Eisenhower, circa 2001 (Overall Light Ghost Gray FS 36375 schomo wih dark grey cockpit canopy gpamingmodex number. national insignia a stencis - enivened with the red inmarkings sea Arr orig mre 2009 Grumman F-14A Tomcat, BuNo 158905, 104" of VF-191, "Satan's Kittens’, USS Independonce, January 1988 Overal ight Gul Giay FS. 16480 scheme. VF-191 only flow the F-14A variant {hroughoul ts sence hfe, and most ofthe altrames were gotng rater ‘ld by : the time ofthe unis dssandmert in Apr 1988, Grumman F-148 Tomcat, (BuNo unknown), "208° of VF-194, “Hellfires’ later krown as ‘Red Lightnings), circa 198e wera bght Gull Gray FS 10440 scheme. VF-19¢% Tomcats all New with the Single markings of 9 fed pang Bol Brough we NM codes, Note Ihe el "208! modex number with Black crop shadow. VE-184 disbanded in 1988, me A de Grumman F-14A Tomcat, (BuNo unknown), ‘100° of VF-201, ‘Hunters, based at NAS Fort Worth, 1994 {Gverall Light Gull Gray FS 16440 scheme witha black cockpit coaming and tal A fine. Nole ho prosighous Gatto and ‘Safety S swards.VF-201 the only ‘eserve F14 squadron lef. The squadron is ful walned in adversary traning Snd ow has Bomboat capabiiies too. Se af Navy CSeumman F148 Tomcat (BuNo unknown), 100" of VF-202,"Superheats' : USS Dwignt D Eieonhower, 1988 ery lov faded, Dark Ghost Gay FS 35320 over Light Ghost Gray FS 36375, ‘heme with only the 216’ modex number being aiferent Barly discemabies ' minute Knight chess peice on top of 2 Texas Lone Siar af the top ofthe udder! VF-202 proualy wore te Taxas lag ia on theta fir Uni Ws disbandment a. = fon 31 December 1994 ie eS Grumman F-148 Tomeat, (BuNo unknown), 105" of VF-211, ‘Fighting ‘Checkmates', USS Kitty Hawk, 1987 Faded, Dark Ghost Gray FS 36320 over Light Ghost Gray FS 36375 scheme ‘vith only the “108 modex numer and fn markings applied n dak grey. VF-211 a Han P214As unt 2 March 1989 when the squadron began transiton fo the F- 4 "ade (F148) But ator reverted back tothe ‘Amodels due ta the lack of Bl Grumman F-140 Tomcat, BuNo 164348, 100" of VF- 213, "Black Lions’, USS Carl Vineon, December 2001 BuNotesasa seams to have an overah Dare Ghost Gray FS 36320 echome witha Meaum Gray FSS8237 ‘socket coaming along with all stenclng are national inegnia. Noe the they. mission matkings' on. the forward fuselage. Also of note is the love NY" decal next tothe Lah emom othe fr. VE-213. a Saw active sence over Alghanistan| poreepatng n Operation nc reed’ falowing ta WTC. ‘tao of 1! Seplomber Bot SS Grumman F-14A Tomcat, (BuNo unknown), "110" of VF-304, ‘Devi's Disciptoe’, USS Nimitz, mia-19806 ura ign Goat Gray FS 36975 fish with Dark Ghost Gray £5 26320 Seek coaming and Slonaling, Dark grey engine warns. 710) modex umber and fn emems. VE-061 was a Reae've Squadron which ook pan Redan (civ Duty Trang), which was condicid by a such Reserve ‘Sausdrons, Grumman 44 foment (No unknown) 20 of 02, Stains’ NAS Miramar, Sra ight a Grey £3 2640 fet tn ec coxkt conning and cn {ey natoral nga: Note the stators heae mot onthe rude VE302 wa £300. Resene Sauncron whch few te fd fom £088 unl December 1984 inane tnt was de elasisned Grumman F-14A Tomcat, (BuNo unknown), 204’ of VF-213, ‘Black Lions’, 1986 ‘Gveral ight Ghost Gray FS. 30375 fish with an overall disuplive "spnter patlom. A fow of Vi-Zi F-14Ae wore painted in ths disruptive comoulage patlem betwaen 1986 and 1987, probably for A Combat Traning. The cowue {ised was probebly a dark olive groan shade which contrasted sharaly against the overall Light Ghost Gray fish Note that verting was panied ver even the natal insignia! Grumman F-14A Tomcat, (GuNo unknown), ‘Red 31° of NSAWC, based at NAS Miramar, late 1990s NSAWCis F-12As are painted in psoudo-Soviet schemes such as the ‘Flanker Scheme shown here Overall cantufags scheme of gh Gres Gray FS 96975, With Soviet silo of-white and bluelgrey patches. Note the fins painted 10 resemble the Flankers”outine. (Boca far his F-14 can bo cbained onthe Two Bobs decal sheet 48-007 -14A Splintered NSAWC Tomcats} Grumman F-144 Tomcat, (BuNo unknown), 20° of NSAWC, basod at NAS. Miramar, late 19908 ‘Anciher one of NSAVIC' F-14As painted ina psouso-Sowet scheme. Ths ono Sports a ‘spitered "Flanker scheme consisting f Dark Ghost Gray F'396520 fa the base wih Blue FS36450 and Dark Sive FSI5108 on top, Note the SAIC embiom on ta fin (Decals forth F=14 can be obtained on the Two, Bods docal host 48-007 ‘Eidh Stmees NSAWC {Gruman F-14A Tomcat, BuNo 158878, 33° of VE-, based at NAS Fallon Vice. (callsign ‘Vandy’ vied various camaulage schemes including this one in 1985. Colours appear to. be. Sand and a Dark Tan colour All inegnia and sterling was overpanted apart om te black 33" modex number on te nose. sat Arce unceing wr 20s Aircraft in Profile ‘rumman F144 Tomeat, BuNo 159831, 45" of VE, based at NAS ‘Rnotier Vics camouflage scheme variation, this time in water-soluble palnt lanich- appears to be Light Ove Groon and. Dark Tan All meignia’ and Stoncting was overpainted apart trom the black "45" modex number 09 Te Grumman F-14A Tomcat, BuNo 161444, tof VX-4, based at NAS Point ‘Magu, Octobor 1987 "Tho cassie F-14A, "Vandy 1 I n an overall lossy black fish and must be ne ofthe most recognised Torncas ever wit the Playboy Bunny emblem the athe Ama sone of he va! Sony ha etn, og ‘Poliial correctness’ has now seen the Playboy Bunny removed from a Yxca's mchines! Note the AIM S&C ae Pheonix missle on the shouder pyle. Grumman F-148 Tomeat,(BuNo unknown), Thief of Baghdad of VE-24 ‘Fighting Renegades. based st NAS Fallon, 1994 The Viet Feids. was ulised as a aoversary alicat elow VF-24 sanded In August 1996 and wears a water based spintecamouage Scheme of Bark Brown and gh Tan yer Dark Ghost Gray F836820. Note the ‘Thefof Baghdad nese at and nine ‘ed mision marking. (Gocale for this aire fa avatabie on the ‘wo Bobs Decal shoot 46-025, ‘Sondbox Aleycas). Grumman F-14Ar Tomeat, (BuNo unknown), ‘Camel Smoker of VE-24 "Fighting. Renegades", based at NAS Fallon, 1904 The VF-24 Fedde" was. used in ashore based Combing exercise and wears a water-based ‘spinter Camouflage scheme of Medium Green, i ar Brown and Light Tan over Bark Ghost Gray FS36820, Nate tho Camel Smoker Pose art (Becals for iis SSreraft are also ‘valable onthe {we Bobs Decal sheet 42-025 ‘Sandbox Alleycats) based at NAS Oceana, 1993 The VE-T# F-148 was ullged as a adversary aircraft just before VE-74

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