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Priority Area

How it Affects or is Affected By Your Topic

Tobacco Use

On the social network, most of pro-tobacco pages have

approximately 1000 followers, while most of anti- or quitting
tobacco pages have 32 followers.
(Copyright Yunji Liang, Xiaolong Zheng, Daniel Dajun
Zeng, Xingshe Zhou, Scott James Leischow, Wingyan
Chung. Originally published in the Journal of Medical
Internet Research (http://www.jmir.org), 21.01.2015. CC-BY2.0)

Intentional or
Unintentional Injuries
(diseases and mental
health issues)

Studies show that as Facebook interactions interact, selfesteem drops. And in some cases, compounding issues and
experimenting with drugs even if just to self-medicate
can encourage a teenagers suicidal thoughts. (Bine, AnneSophie. Social Media Is Redefining Depression. The
Atlantic. The Atlantic Monthly Group, 28 Oct. 2013. Web. 11
Feb. 2016.

HIV/STI, Unintended
Pregnancy (or other
sexuality issues)

Among people who had fewer than 13 lifetime sex partners,

those with no social friends were only 0.4 times as likely to
be infected as those with one or more social friends. Among
people who had 13 or more lifetime partners, those with
many friends (5 or 6) but weak ties to them (talking less than
once a day with them) were only 0.2 times as likely to be
infected as those with either fewer friends or stronger ties to
their friends.

Drug and Alcohol Use

Recent studies show that 75% of teenagers seeing photos

on social networks of other teens smoking weed or drinking
encourages them to party in the same way. Teens who have
come across these kinds of photos online are 4 times more
likely to have used marijuana and more than 3 times more
likely to have consumed alcohol. (2011 National Teen
Survey Finds: Teens Regularly Using Social Networking
Sites Likelier to Smoke, Drink, Use Drugs. The National
Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. Columbia
University, 24 Aug. 2011. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.

Healthful Nutrition and

Dietary Practices

Social media exposes people to information and ideas.

However, different people will react to that exposure very
differently. Just as some women and men will be able to
ignore the unrealistic standards of beauty and looks
portrayed in traditional media, there are adults who will be
able to scroll right past eating disorder triggers on social
media. (https://netsanity.net/social-media-eating-disorders/)

Physical Fitness (care of

the body)

Social media is also woven into the daily fabric of our lives
in fitness and wellness. We have access to data, ideas, new
exercises, and the latest workout trends with the click of a
mouse. We can track our calories, access coaches, and find
instant answers to our questions. There are infinite
possibilities to find right path for our journeys in fitness and
wellness right here and right now.
(Stevens, Eric. Social Media And Fitness: The Good, The
Bad, And The Ugly.

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