January 15 2017

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 15, 2017

We just concluded the Sankranti celebrations where we worship the Sun. What must we
learn from the Sun and this festival? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.

On Sankranti the Sun-God begins his northward journey, the

Uttarayana. It journeys towards the Himalayas in the north, the
beautiful abode of Lord Shiva. The heart should be regarded as
the abode of the Lord and the vision should be turned to
experience the Divine. The human heart itself symbolises the
Himalayas as the abode of purity and peace. The Sun's
northward journey is a pointer to the path you must take to
realise God. In addition, the Sun is a supreme example of
selfless and tireless service. The world cannot survive without
the Sun. Life on earth is possible only because of the Sun. Thus
the Sun God teaches every being the lesson of humble devotion
to duty with dedication, without any conceit. Doing one's duty is
the greatest Yoga, says Lord Krishna in The Gita.
- Divine Discourse Jan 15, 1992.

Live in Love. Lead a Divine Life, dedicating all your actions to the Lord. Baba
15 jnvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: AsIN huxy hI sMkRWqI dw iqauhwr mnw ky hty hW, ijs ivc AsW sUrj dI pUjw kIqI hY[swnUM, sUrj Aqy ies
iqauhwr qoN kI is`iKAw lYxI cwhIdI hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: sMkRWqI vwly idn, Bgvwn sUrj, au`qr idSw( auqrwiex) vl AwpxI XwqRw SurU krdy hn[ ieh XwqRw, a`uqr
vl, ihmwilAw dI qrP hY ij`Qy Bgvwn iSv jI dw rihx dw sQwn hY[Awpxy ihrdy nUM,Bgvwn dy rihx dw sQwn
smJnw cwhIdw hY Aqy AwpxI idRStI rwhIN,idvXqw(Bgvwn) dw AnuBv krnw cwhIdw hY[mnu`K dw ihrdy Kud,

ihmwilAw dw pRqIk hY ijhVw,Su`Dqw Aqy SWqI dw Gr hY[sUrj dI au`qr vl XwqRw , quhwfy leI Bgvwn nUM pRwpq
krn dw sMkyq hY[ies dy nwl-nwl, sUrj iek insvwrQ Aqy AnQ`k syvw krn vwly dw pRqIk hY[sUrj qoN ibnw,sMswr
jIvq nhIN rih skdw[sUrj dy kwrx hI DrqI au`qy jIvn sMBv hY[ies qrHW sUrj Bgvwn hr iek nUM, hlImI nwl
Aqy ibnw GmMf qoN AwpxI ifaUtI inBwaux dI is`iKAw idMdy hn[Bgvwn ikRSn ny gIqw ivc ikhw hY ik AwpxI ifaUtI
krnw hI iek Xog hY[( 15 jnvrI, 1992 dy idvX pRvcn)[
ipAwr ivc rho[ idvXqw dw jIvn bqIq kro Aqy Awpxy swry krmW nUM,Bgvwn nUM Aripq kro[(bwbw)[

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