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1. a)Define advertising &Discuss about evolution &classification of advertising? Or

b) Explain about advertising process &its importance?
2. a)Discuss about advertising creativity Or
b) Write about media planning and strategy

a) How do you design advertising budget? Or

b) Explain functions of advertising agency?

4. a)How do you design incentives to middlemen? Or
b) Explain about different sales promotion schemes.
5. a) Discuss different promotional tools &explain with examples. Or
b) Does the free goods improve the sales? Discuss
PART-B CASE STUDY ( compulsory)


Ram and Co. manufactured a line of machinery and distributed its products to a wide variety
of consumer goods packagers through the country. The company was small by most industry
standards. Yet it enjoyed a time reputation as a producer of quality packaging machinery. The
Ram sales force was considered one of the companys major assets. The company was in the
process of a full scale evaluation of its promotional programme. In reality, it was an
evaluation of the personal selling programme since, except occasional display at package
exbitions there were not to speak off on the nonpersonal side. The firms entire promotional
programme consisted of personalselling.No advertising was dong currently, although several
years back the company and done a limited amount of advertising in trade publications.
However this was soon discontinued because the management was unable to measure the
advertisings effect and was doubtful of its value.
Mr.Ram,managing director of marketing, had ordered a complete appraisal of Ram and Co.s
promotional programme to determine its effectiveness and especially to reconsider the
feasibility of its no advertisingapproach.He had noticed that most of Ramas competitors,
although they too relied heavily on personnel selling, did considerable advertising. He
wondered whether or not he was mistaken-as to the value of advertising that perhaps a mix of
personnel selling and advertising would result in a more effective promotional programme.
1.Should rams company engage in advertising? What factors influence the inputs that would
be incorporated in a promotional programme?

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