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Olimpiada la limba englez

Etapa local
Clasa a IV-a
1. Use me/you/him/her/it/us/them correctly.
- I dont understand this topic. Can you help_________, please?
- Tomorrow is my sisters birthday. This present is for____________.
- Granny cant find her glasses. Please, help________ find_______.
- Did you see________ at the stadium yesterday? We went there at 7 oclock.
- Mrs. White, shall I give this test to _________?
- My father is the best swimmer. I am proud of_________.
- Mother is very busy today. Lets help __________.
- I wish ___________ a Merry Christmas!
- Tell _________ about your winter vacation. I really want to know how you spent
2. Underline the correct variant.
1) She is (pretty, prettier, prettiest) than her sister.
2) He is the (bad, worse, worst) player in the team.
3) That is a (long, longer, longest) match.
4) Which school offers (the good, the better, the best) education?
5) My suitcase is (large, larger, the largest) than your suitcase.
3. Fill in: dont, doesnt, isnt, arent, am not.
We ____________watching a television program now.
They ___________watch television every day.
They ____________study their lessons after class.
We __________having a party right now.
It ___________raining very hard at the moment.
It ___________rain very much during the summer.
Mr.Johnson _____________eating his lunch now.
My friend _____________always eat at this time.
I __________see any students in that room.
I ___________riding my horse now.
4. When do we do these activities? Choose the correct season:
1) We eat a lot of ice-cream and go to the seaside.
In: a) spring; b) summer; c) autumn; d) winter
2) We decorate the fir tree and make gifts.
In: a) spring; b) summer; c) autumn; d) winter
3) We eat grapes and go to school.
In: a) spring; b) summer; c) autumn; d) winter
4) We pick snowdrops and the snow melts.
In: a) spring; b) summer; c) autumn; d) winter

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