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Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 64.1 ‘Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited eure STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 1 OF 18 ‘This 's an SSBISSPC Standard and as such isa Controlled Document. Previous revisions of Controlled Documents shal be returned to the Focal Point, itis the responsibity ofthe reciptnts of registered Controlled Copies of ths document to ensure tha Users are ‘aware of ts issue. Controlled Copies ae printed on yolow paper with, where appropriate the Copy No. stamped in eine COPY NO. ( ) V TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION COATING AND WRAPPING OF LINE PIPE Custodian Approval Indicator : ETS/6 Date Signed: 25 Focal Point Indicator : ETS/61 Alltechnical quetias, suggestion, interpretation, clarteation, or change request shall be addressed inthe frst istance tothe Focal Point oF, if unavalable, to te Custodian. Contractors ancior Sellers should address such queries (othe pe'sch nominated inthe Contract ot Purchase Order © Copyright ‘Ths Document isthe property of Sarawak Shell Berhad/Sabah Shell Petroleum Limited, Allights reserved Nether the whole nor any patt of this Document may be disclosed to athers or reyroduted, stored in telievalsysiem or transmited In any form by ary mean (electronic, meenanieal eprearephic recording or otherwise without prior vriten eonsertaf the Copyright own sere 00 es sr reasreve Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 ‘Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited Ree STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 2 OF 18 This Specification sets out the Standard requirements to be complied with by ContractorsiSellers carrying Work direc’ or indirectly for Sarawa Shell Berhad or Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited. For a given Contract or Purchase Order, the documents related thereto may specify requirements that deviate fromm or qualify those set aut in this Specification The Contractor/Seller shall be responsible for identifying any and all such deviations and qualifications, and ensuring that the work is completed in strict accordance therewith, REVISION REGISTER senate patra |ocanser nena ad ries Ca eae 3 | 1263 _ | fseeLec aa aeeeE eC aed Pree veo i itn Ses 5 7/92__| Minor details as indicated by vertical bar to left of text __ 6 10/84 | Detail changes to items 4.3 and 5.6, Other minor document format changes as indiated sainacoe esr ar an Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.4 Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited REV:6 STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 3 OF 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4. INTRODUCTION. aA aiScOPEL A atiste saat secret ates 4 1.2. DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS .....4 alg-cditHt DERINGTIGNS attuedtteanattna tea 4 14 CROSS-REFERENCES 5 2. RESPONSIBILITIES 8 21 GENERAL. 8 22 PROCEDURES... 8 23 CODES AND STANDARDS, 8 3 MATERIALS. 7 34 GENERAL 7 32 PRIMER 7 33 ASPHALT ENAMEL 7 34 GLASS FIBRE REINFORCEMENT 8 35 OUTER WRAP. 9 4 COATING APPLICATION... 10 41 GENERAL...... 10 42 CLEANING 10 ig HELE PRIMING Hun auaeetan eae 14 44 PREPARATION OF ENAMEL 14 4.5 APPLICATION OF ENAMEL AND WRAPPING 12 48 WHITE WASH. 13 47 PIPE STORAGE. 13 5, _ INSPECTION AND REPAIRS a4 51 GENERAL... oe 14 5.2 VISUAL INSPECTION... 14 53 HOLIDAY DETECTION... 14 5.4 COUPON REMOVAL...... 15 5.5 SOUNDING OF COATING 15 56 ADHESION TESTING ..... 15 5.7 THICKNESS MEASUREMENT. 16 58 LIGHTING 16 REPAIRS 7 DOCUMENTATION 7 REFERENCES 18 1A 13 Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 ‘Sabah Shell Petroteum Company Limited saute STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 4 OF 18 INTRODUCTION SCOPE This SPECIFICATION defines the minimum technical requirements during the performance of all work necessary to receive, stockpile, clean, prime, coat and wrap hot asphalt enamel to the ‘external surface, store ‘and load out after coating the line pipe when such operations are carried out ina stationary yard ‘The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the required coating materials, supervision, labour, equipment, testing, inspection, the work site, plant space, stockpile areas, services and expenses incidental to and necessary for the activities listed herein and in a manner satisfactory to the COMPANY. DISTRIBUTION, INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Unless otherwise authorised by SSB/SSPC, the distribution of this SES is confined to companies forming part of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group or managed by a Group company (ie. the distribution code is "G" as described in SES This SES is intended for use in oil refineries, gas handling installations, chemical plants, oll and {gas production facilities, and supply/marketing installations. If national and/or focal regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more stringent than in this SES the Contractor/Seller shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be acceptable as regards safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. in all cases the Contractor/Seller shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this SES which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national andior local regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concemed with the abject of obtaining agreement to follow this SES as closely as possible. DEFINITIONS ‘The following definitions shall apply for the SPECIFICATION ‘Company - Sarawak Shell Berhad/Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited (also referred to as the Principal) or any duly appointed Party authorised to act for, and on its behalf Contractor - a Party to a contract with the Company (Principal) that is responsible for the the external coating of line pipe for offshore use. The Company (Principal) may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor. Principal - a Party, or an agent authorised to act for and on its behalf, that generally specifies the technical requirements, initiates the Work and u'timately pays for the execution of that Work. The Principal shall mean Company unless otherwise specitied. Seller - a Party to a purchase order with the Company (Principal that is responsible for the supply of all or part of any Facility, Product or Service to perform the duties specified by the Company (Principal), The Company (Principal) may undertake all or part of the duties of the Seller/Supplier. Specification - Standard Engineering Specification Number 54.1 (SES 541) "Coating and ‘Wrapping of Line Pipe" plus any referenced code. standard or specification seme00e (esr ny rF toot Reve Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited eeu STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 5 OF 18 Work - The collective term which includes the furnishing of all labour, material, tools and equipment required to apply an external asphalt enamel coating system onto Company supplied line pipe plus all quality assurance and control measures to assure compliance with the SPECIFICATION as documented in the Contractor's Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manual. The words Shall and Will indicate a requirement ‘The word Should indicates a recommendation, The word May inicates an option 1.4 CROSS-REFERENCES Where cross-references to other parts of this document are made, the referenced section number e is shown in brackets thus (-). Other documents referenced in this document are listed under References. 24 22 23 ‘Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 ‘Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limi REV: 6 STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 6 OF 18 RESPONSIBILITIES GENERAL, The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the requirements for receiving, hauling, handling, unloading, storage and loading of line pipe and other associated materials as given in SES 20.1 ‘The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for the line pipe and for the extemal coatings after the coating application. Any damage to the line pipe and/or the coatings shall be repaired in accordance with COMPANY approved procedures, PROCEDURES ‘The CONTRACTOR shall prepare a fully definitive set of procedures covering all operations required for the coating of the linepipe, sequenced in the order that the WORK is to be performed: The procedures shall be submitted to the COMPANY for approval within thirty (20) days of the award of the contract, The procedures, submitted to the COMPANY for approval, shalt include the following information: + Proposed pipe cleaning procedure i.e. shot biasting method and details of abrasives proposed plus type of solvents and other cleaning methods, + Manufacturer and trade name of the primer including the methods of application, storage, handling and the types/names of compatible enamels. ‘+ Manufacturer and trade name of the asphalt enamel including the methods of application, storage, handling plus the typesinames of compatible primers and felt outer wraps. Proposed kettles for melting the asphalt enamel. | Manufacturer and trade name of the felt outer wrap including the methods of application storage, handling and the typesinames of compatible enamels, + Testing and inspection procedures for all phases of the work * Proposed coating repair procedures, * Proposed handling and storage of bare and coated line pipe complete with joint identification/iracing methods, long/short term storage techniques and other relevant information. * A detailed Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manual. The manual shall be fully descriptive of all Quality Assurance and Control Procedures proposed, during the performance of the WORK, to ensure compliance with the requirements of the SPECIFICATION. Prior to the commencement of the WORK the CONTRACTOR shall revise the manual in accordance with the comments received or justify, 10 the satisfaction of the COMPANY, why no revision should be made to the proposed procedures. All inspections by the CONTRACTOR shall be performed in accordance with the procedures contained in the approved manual CODES AND STANDARDS ‘The CONTRACTOR shall make available for the COMPANY's use, a legible copy of the relevant national and international codes and standards, complete with amendments, referenced herein ‘The latest revision or edition approved at the date of the tender shall be applicable, In the event of contradictions between the SPECIFICATION and the referenced codes and standards, the requirements contained in the SPECIFICATION shall govern. 34 32 33 ‘Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54,1 Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited cate STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 7 OF 18 MATERIALS GENERAL ‘The CONTRACTOR is responsibie for providing all material required for the performance of the work. Ail material shall be supplied, in COMPANY approved packages, with manufacturing information such as name of manufacturer, batch number, date of manufacture and relevant manufacturing specification or standard clearly marked on the exterior of the package. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the COMPANY with supporting documentation from the ‘manufacture which verify the product supplied complies with the SPECIFICATION. The documentation shall reference batch number, date of manufacture, testing authority and Certification of product acceptance to the specified standard or specification, ‘The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the storage and handling of the cleaning, priming and coating materials in accordance with the COMPANY approved procedures. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the removal and disposal of coating materials that, in the opinion of the COMPANY, have become contaminated with foreign matter or have deteriorated to condition that is contrary to the manufacturer recommendations. The CONTRACTOR shall submit samples of the proposed glass fibre reinforcement and impregnated felt outer wrap for approval by the COMPANY, The COMPANY's written approval of the use of the above materials shall be obtained before commencing the coating operation. The CONTRACTOR shail be responsible for performing and assessing the result of the performance test as specified in the SPECIFICATION. PRIMER, ‘The primer shall comply with the requirements contained in British Standard BS 4147 Type B (chlorinated rubber/syntethic/fast drying) Viscosity test of the primer shail be carried out once per shiftiday during the performance of the WORK. The test shaii comply with requirements depicted in BS 4147, Section 7 Each batch of the primer, proposed for the WORK shall be tested for percentage of volatile matter. The test shall comply with the requirements in BS 4147, Section 7. Altemative primer BS 4147 Type A grade b shall comply with the requirements of BS 4147, Section 6. ASPHALT ENAMEL The asphalt enamel shall be manufactured, stored and handled in accordance with the Fequirements contained in BS 4147 Type 2 grade b Cerification of the manufacturing compliance with BS 4147 (Le. Tables 6 & 7) shall be provided to the COMPANY. The grade of bitumen utilized during the manufacture of the asphalt enamel shall be blown asphalt bitumen 115/15 (as manufactured by the COMPANY) or a COMPANY approved equivalent, ‘The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the performance of the production testing of the hot asphalt enamel. Production testing with the exception of penetration and softening point tests, shall be performed once per batch of enamel or once por shift/day whichever is more frequent Penetration and softening point tests shall be performed once per batch of enamel or twice per shiftiday whichever is more frequent. Samples for the penetration and softening point tests shall be taken from the point of asphalt enamel application, seven 06 (So SF Yor 34 Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 Sabah leum ci Limited jabah Shell Petroleum Company REV: 6 ‘STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 8 OF 18 The asphalt enamel shall comply with the following Penetration Test 0.5. mm minimum (100 g/5 sec @ 25°C) 2mm Maximum Softening Point 115°C Minimum (Ring and Ball) 130°C Maximurn Filler Content 25% Minimum (ref. BS 4450) 35% Maximum, Specific Gravity 1.2 Minimum @2s°c 4.4 Maximum, In the event the CONTRACTOR elects to use Shell pipe asphalt R11 5/18 export grade (filled 10 ‘comply with BS 4147 Type 2 grade b) type asphalt enamel, notification to the product's marketing ‘company shail be made of the schedule requirements at the time of contract award. The CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate space for stockpiling a buffer stock of Shell pipe asphalt enamel sufficient to supply the scheduled coating program requirements, ‘The CONTRACTOR is free to propose the use of an alternative type of asphalt enamel and shall in such case provide full details including the applicable specifications for the proposed enamel material, compatibility of enamel/primer and so forth, GLASS FIBRE REINFORCEMENT The glass fibre shall be a mat type composite material made of chemically resistance boro sllicate glass (per ASTM C162) hydrolytic class 3 in accordance with ISO 719. ‘The giass fibre reinforcement shall consist of filaments varying from 13 to 25 microns in diameter, spread in a uniform pattem pasted together and reinforced in the longitudinal direction. The reinforcements shall be spaced at a maximum distance of 30 mm in the longitudinal direction ‘The mat shall possess a porosity of 8 to 16 Nim? (Per ASTM D737 modified). ‘Sampling and testing of the glass fibre shall be performed in accordance with ANSVAWWA C203 and ASTM D146, The glass fibre shall comply with the following minimum physical characteristics Thickness 0.3 mm (Minimum) (ref. ASTM D146) Breaking Strength 3. Nimm longitudinal (Minimum) (ref, ASTM D146) 4.4 Nimm Transverse (Minimum) Bending The glass fibre shall not break when bent over (ref. ANE AWWA C202) mandrel of 3 mm radius at 25°C through a 90° are at a uniform speed in approximately 2 seconds, Glass Fibre Content After Annealing 45 gi? (Minimum) (ref. ASTM D148) Width 180 mm (minimum) 35 Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 Sabi etroleum Company Limited jah Shell P pany Limiter an STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 9 OF 18 OUTER WRAP The impregnated felt outer wrap shall consist of a felt of non-asbestosiglass fibre based material bound together with an inert bonding material impregnated with petroleum bitumen. The manufacturing, storage and handling of the outer wrap shall comply with the requirements contained in ANSVAWWA C203 for glass fibre outer wraps, All material property testing shall be performed in accordance with the requirements contained in ASTM D146, ‘The outer wrap shall be reinforced in the longitudinal direction at a spacing of 10 mm centre to centre. The glass tissue shail consist of chemically resistant borosilicate glass (ASTM C162), hydrolytic class 3 (ISO 719). The outer wrap shall be impregnated with bitumen (filler content 25, to 35%) in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C203, ‘The CONTRACTOR shall ensure the outer wrap complies with the requirements depicted in the SPECIFICATION. Sampling and testing of the outer wrap shall be performed in accordance with ANSVVAWWA C203 and ASTM D146. ‘Sampling and testing shall be performed in accordance with ANSW/AWNVA C203 and ASTM D146. The outer wrap proposed for the WORK shail comply with the following physical characteristics, Thickness 0.6 mm (Minimum) (ref. ASTM D146) Breaking Strength 6.5 N/mm longitudinal (Minimum) (ref. ASTM D148) 3. Nimm Transverse (Minimum) Bending ‘The outer wrap shall show no sign of cracking (ref. ANSVAWWA ©203) when the sample is bent around a mandrel of, 25mm cm in diameter through a 180° arc at a uniform speed in approximately 2 seconds. Glass Fibre Content After Annealing 50 gim? (Minimum) (ref, ASTM D148) Weight 600 gitm? (Minimum) (ref, ASTM D148) width 150 mm (minimum) 44 42 ‘Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 eum Cor Limited ‘Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limites REV: 6 STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 10 OF 18 ‘COATING APPLICATION GENERAL The CONTRACTOR shail clean the pipe joints plus prepare, store, handle and apply the coating materials in accordance with the COMPANY approved procedures noted in Section 2.2 herein above. The approved procedures shall comply with the requirements contained within the SPECIFICATION and ANSI/AWWA C203 plus manufacturer's recommendations. The coating system to be applied shall consist of the following A primer A layer of asphalt ename! A layer of glass fibre reinforcement A layer of asphalt enamel A layer of glass fibre reinforcement A layer of asphalt enamel An impregnated felt outer wrap, ‘The coating system shall have the following finished thickness. Minimum on pipe body 45mm Maximum on pipe body 65mm Minimum on pipe weld (if applicable) 4.0mm Upon completion and acceptance of the line pipe coating, by the COMPANY, the CONTRACTOR shall provide protection against solar heat damage to the coated line pipe. The solar protection shall consist of a white (lime) wash or a COMPANY approved equivalent. CLEANING Pipes will be provided by the COMPANY, free of mill applied oils, grease, lacquer or preservatives with the exception of a protective coating over the millsheat identification numbers, The CONTRACTOR shall thoroughly clean and dry the line pipe. All subsequent minor contamination such as dirt, dust, rust, scale, mill lacquer, moisture. oil, grease and other impurities shall be removed from the line pipe surface by the CONTRACTOR ‘The ends of the pipe shall be protected by the CONTRACTOR with plugs or other means to prevent entry of abrasives into the pipe dunng blast cleaning. Special care shall be exercised to ensure that the pipe number on the inside of the pipe is protected. Any abrasives entering the pipe shall be removed prior to coating. The method of protection shall not ulilise any oil or grease compounds that may affect welding on the lay barge. The external surface of the line pipe shali be cleaned by rotary blast cleaning. After blast cleaning treatment, the external surface of the line pipe shall correspond to Grade Sa 2.5 of SO 8501-1 (SIS 05 59 00). The blast cleaning abrasives used shali be a manufactured iron grit or copper slag. Sand shall not be used as a blast cleaning abrasive. ‘The cleaning of the fine pipe shall be so controlled as to prevent burishing oF injurious abrasion of the line pipe metal. 43 44 ‘Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 ‘Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited eae STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 11 OF 18 ‘The permissible degree of surface roughness or "maximum profile” after blast cleaning shall be in the average range of 0.05 mm to 0.10 mm as measured by TESTTEX or an approved equivalent. The "maximum profile” is defined as the greatest vertical distance between the summit of any peak on the blast cleaned surface and the bottom of an immediately adjacent trough. Profile measurements shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR at least once per shiftiday at three random locations of a pipe length. ‘Any surface which shows signs of contamination from blasting and/or handling after blasting shall be cleaned and reblasted. If necessary, the contaminated surface shall be brushed with a clean brush made of hair, bristle or fibre, or blown off with compressed air (free from oil, grease and water) or cleaned by vacuum to remove all traces of the blast cleaning products from the surface ‘The blast cleaning operation shalt not be conducted on surfaces that are less than 3°C above the dew point or when the relative humidity is greater than 85 percent, unless preheating of the line pipe is performed. Blast cleaning under these conditions may be performed provided the line pipe can be warmed to @ temperature (not to exceed 50°C) sufficient to perform the blasting ‘operation ‘The surface shall be thoroughly dry before the primer is applied. Immediately prior to priming, the cleanliness of the pipe joint shall comply with the requirements of ISO 8501-1 (SIS 05 59 00) Sa 25. Any pipe surfaces which shows signs of rusting prior to priming shall be re-blast cleaned to the required standard. PRIMING The CONTRACTOR shail thoroughly prime the line pipe before coating and shall remove primer from the bevels and ends of the line pipe. The priming shall be carried out within 15 minutes after the line pipe has been cleaned in accordance with Section 4.2 herein above The primer shall be applied by a continual process in a thin layer of a uniform thickness of 0,02 to 0.03 mm dry film thickness (DFT) without runs, sags or drips. Line pipes not so primed shall be and properly reprimed in accordance with the SPECIFICATION The drying time stipulated by the primer manufacturer shall be allowed to pass before application of the enamel. Freshly primed line pipe shall be supported so that it will not come into contact with contaminants. All tine pipe on which primer has become dead or has accumulated an excessive coat of dust and/or moisture before the primer Is dry or has been exposed to the weather for more than 48 hours after application of the primer shall be cleaned and reprimed before application of the enamel ‘No primer shall be applied within 50 mm from the ends of the pipe joints. ‘The CONTRACTOR shall perform and assess the required production tests as required within the SPECIFICATION, The wet film thickness of the primer shall be measured at least once per shiftiday to ensure that the correct dry film thickness is achieved PREPARATION OF ENAMEL The CONTRACTOR shall prepare the asphalt enamel for application in accordance with the requirements contained in ANSIAWWA C203. The enamel may be loaded into ketlles in either a liquid or solid form. In the event the asphalt enamel is provided in the solid form it shall be discharged into the kettles in such a manner as to avoid contamination with water, dirt or other foreign substances. The kettles shall be cleaned before filing with asphalt enamel and whenever coke or other deposits have formed on the heating surface. 45 Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 ‘Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited av STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 12 OF 18 A1.6 mm mesh strainer shall be focated at the outlet in such a manner that it can be cleaned easily. The temperature during storage and melting shall not exceed the application temperature less 28°C, until within one hour of the time of application. One hour prior to application the temperature of the enamel shall be raised to the application temperature recommended by the enamel manufacturer. ‘The enamel shall be at a uniform temperature throughout the kettles during the time of use and, therefore, additional unmelted enamel shall not be added to kettles while the enamel is being drawn for application. The kettles shall be equipped with mechanical metal stirring devices or shall be self agitating type kettles, The kettles shall have thermometers (accuracy 43°C) to indicate the temperature in the hottest part of the kettle, The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that spare thermometers are available. Care shall be exercised during melting of enamel to prevent localized overheating Enamel which in the opinion of the COMPANY has been damaged by prolonged heating or overheating or by other mishandling shall not be used forthe WORK. Coating operations shall be carried out anly when weather conditions are suitable in the opinion of the COMPANY. At the end of the shiftiday, the kettles used for the work shall be emptied and cleaned Recovered enamel products shall not be used under any circumstances. APPLICATION OF ENAMEL AND WRAPPING. The CONTRACTOR shall apply the asphalt enamel and wrapping in accordance with the requirements contained in ANS/AWWA C203. (Prior to application of the asphalt enamel the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the primed pipe surface is free of din, dust and other deleterious material). Primed pipe joints designated as contaminated by the COMPANY shall be recieaned and primed to the requirements as specified under Section 4.2 and 4.3 respectively. ‘The CONTRACTOR shall apply the asphalt enamel in an even coating at a temperature to manufacturers recommendation between 215°C and 245°C over the entire surface of the pipe Jength except for a distance of 250 mm #10mm from each end of the pipe. The CONTRACTOR shall adjust the thickness of the coating system fo ensure that any protruding weld has a minimum coating of 4 mm, The enamel applied shall be beveled over a length of at least 25 mm at each of the ends. ‘Tapering of each end of the asphalt enamel! layer shall be performed by gas burning and tapering, ‘The CONTRACTOR shall apply a total of two layers of glass reinforcement during the application of the asphalt enamel. The glass reinforcement shall be applied in a uniform spiral wrap with an overlap of 12 to 25 mm. The glass reinforcement shall be pulled into the enamel before cooling in order that an even distribution of reinforcement is achieved. The glass fibre reinforcement shall not touch the primed surface of the line pipe or remain exposed to the outer wrap. The glass reinforcement shall be embedded within the middle 23% of the relevant asphalt enamel layer A bitumen impregnated felt outer wrap shall be immediately applied after the application of the glass fibre reinforcement and asphalt enamel layers, The felt outer wrap shall be applied in a Uniform spiral wrap with an overlap of 12 to 25 mm. The felt wrap shall be applied before the ‘enamel cools in such a manner that the latter wrap is in contact with the entire surtaco of the enamel. ‘The resultant coating shail be free of wrinkling, pinholes, bubbles, voids, laminations, holidays. dry wrap plus any contamination. All end laps shall be secured to the line pipe using hot enamel to form a bond to the pipe surface san6 006 (ES OH srt soooneve ‘Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.4 stroleum Cor Limited Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limi REV:6 STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 13 OF 18 48 WHITE WASH All coated pipe lengths other than those that are to be within 48 hours concrete coated shall be white washed to reduce solar heat damage. The white wash used shall be made up as follows: 190 litres water 4 litres boiled linseed oi! 82 kg. unsalted quick lime 5.5 kg, sodium chloride ‘The lime and oil (boiling) shall be added to the water at the same time and mixed thoroughly and the mixture shall be allowed to stand 3 days before using. ‘The white wash shall be kept in a large container having a self contained mechanically operated agitator. The white wash shall be applied to the line pipe by a power operated pump through appropriate sprays and rubbing cloths or other means approved by the COMPANY. 4.7 PIPE STORAGE After the line pipe has been coated it shall be rolled for end trimming inspection and cooling on solidly constructed racks with retractable pipe stoppers with sufficient length to hold a minimum of 70 line pipe joints. No coated line pipe shall be lifted or handled in any way until the coating has cooled down. The coated line pipe shall be supported at least 150 mm clear of the ground by placing timber skids beneath the bare ends or by placing on high, broad, double rows of fine sand. The sand rows shall be covered with polyethylene sheeting to prevent contact between the moist sand and coating surface. Pipes shall not be stacked on each other without adequate padding, 8A 82 53 ‘Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 ce Limit Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited ae STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 14 OF 18 INSPECTION AND REPAIRS GENERAL ‘The COMPANY shall have the right to perform destructive and non destructive testing during the performance of the WORK. Testing by the COMPANY will not negate the CONTRACTOR's Fesponsibilities to perform the material quality and production testing as specified in the SPECIFICATION. Inspection of the coated line pipe shall be in the form of, but not limited to, visual checks, holiday detection, removal of coupons, sounding of coating, adhesion testing, and thickness measurements, The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to document all test including visual checks required by the COMPANY. The repair of all cut out areas and other defects in the coating, as a result of the inspection/testing, shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR and deemed to be inclued in the WORK. Ifthe pipe lengths selected for the inspection and testing specified herein show defects or failures which the COMPANY defines as cause for rejection the CONTRACTOR shall test the five (5) pipe lengths coated immediately prior to and following the rejected pipe length. If further defects or failures are detected then the entire production for that shiftiday shall be inspected by the CONTRACTOR. Additional WORK incurred through the inspection and testing of the additional pipe lengths shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and deemed to be included in the WORK. In the event the total production reject rate per batch is higher than 10% the COMPANY may, at its discretion, reject the entire batch associated with the defects or failures. Upon rejection of an entire batch the CONTRACTOR shall immediately instigate an investigation into the cause of the defects or failures. Production shall not recommence until the COMPANY is supplied with an acceptable explanation, in writing, of the reasons for the defects or failures and actions taken by the CONTRACTOR to avoid a reoccurrence in the future. VISUAL INSPECTION ‘The CONTRACTOR shall perform visual inspection on the quality of the materials and application of the various coating components. The visual inspections shall be performed once per shiftiday and shall include the primer, asphalt enamel, glass fibre reinforcement wrap and bitumen impregnated felt outer wrap. Visual checks shall be made of pipe ends to ensure the required cut ack distances are free of coating. Additionally the interior of all coated pipe lengths shall be Visually inspected to ensure that all dirt, grit/shot or other foreign contaminants are removed HOLIDAY DETECTION The CONTRACTOR shail furnish, operate and maintain holiday detectors, approved by the COMPANY for the WORK. The CONTRACTOR shall also ensure that the following spares are available at all times during the operation - holiday detectors, fully charged batteries, detector springs, rings and brushes. Every coated pipe shall be spark tested with the holiday detector. Test voltage shall be as specified in NACE Standard RPO274. All holiday detection shall be performed prior to the application of the white wash type solar protection, All holiday detectors utilized for the WORK shall be calibrated in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and COMPANY approved procedures. Calibration of the holiday detectors shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR at the beginning of each shift/day to the satisfaction of the COMPANY. 54 55 56 Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54,1 Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited heute STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 15 OF 18 ‘The CONTRACTOR shall provide the necessary equipment and qualified personnel to calibrate the holiday detectors. After the calibration of the holiday detector the electrode shall be passed over the coated pipe length surface at a rate ranging from 250 to 350 mm/sec. In the event that the CONTRACTOR Is unable to satisfactorily detect holidays, at the direction of the COMPANY, the coating operation shall be immediately stopped until a satisfactory detector is provided. The COMPANY may choose to furnish holiday detectors if it so desires. COUPON REMOVAL The CONTRACTOR shall perform an inspection of the distribution of the glass fibre reinforcements within the asphalt enamel layers, by the removal of coupons from COMPANY selected pipe lengths. These coupons may serve to determine the thickness and bonding of the coating at discretion of the COMPANY. The coupon, size 100 mm x 150 mm, shall be taken from the 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 position along the pipe length. ‘One of the coupons shall be removed along the longitudinal weld, if one exists, ‘The removal of coupons shall be performed at a frequency of one (1) in twenty (20) pipe lengths coated for the first one hundred pieces. if the results of the tests are acceptable, the testing frequency may be reduced to two (2) pipe lengths per shifViday, at the disoretion of the COMPANY. Hf any of the coupons taken indicate that the coating is not in accordance with the SPECIFICATION, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the defective coating along the entire pipe length, SOUNDING OF COATING The CONTRACTOR shall perform an inspection for voids within the coating by sounding or ringing along the pipe length. The coating shall be sounded or rung out by mean of tapping with a blunt instrument or mallet to detect voids. The sampling frequency for the sounding shall be one (1) in twenty (20) coated pipe lengths. Voids detected during the sounding shall be repaired in accordance with Section 6 {f more than five voids are detected in one pipe length the coating shail be removed for the entice length of the pipe, ADHESION TESTING ‘The CONTRACTOR shall perform adhesion testing on one (1) pipe in every twenty (20) coated. Tests shall be performed al the 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 positions along the pipe length to the satisfaction of the COMPANY. One (1) sample specified for adhesion testing shall be positioned Perpendicular to the longitudinal weld, if one exists Adhesion testing shall be performed on pipe lengths selected by the COMPANY. Adhesion testing shail be carried out between twelve (12) and twenty four (24) hours after coating. The surface temperature of the pipe length to be tested shall be at ambient temperature of not less than 21°C and not more than 30°C, Adhesion testing shall be performed on a sample made by using a heated sharp blade to cut out a section 150 mm long by 25 mm wide. The section shall be cut perpendicular to the two edges at fone end only. A flat spatula of 25 mm width, shall be inserted at the perpendicular cut Once Sufficient coating is lift from the pipe surface an attempt shall be made to peel the coating by ulling the sample away from the surtace of the pipe. 57 58 Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 roleum Ce Limited ‘Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limiter Beye STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 16 OF 18 The test shall be acceptable if no adhesion failure of the coating and/or no cohesive failure within the coating occurred on any sample tested. if any of the samples taken indicate that the coating is not in accordance with the SPECIFICATION, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the defective coating along the entire pipe length. If the total number of pipe lengths is larger than hundred (100) and if the result of the testing is acceptable, the COMPANY may elect to reduce the frequency from one (1) in every twenty (20) to two (2) pipe lengths per shift/day. THICKNESS MEASUREMENT ‘The CONTRACTOR shall perform thickness measurements, using a COMPANY approved film thickness gauge on each pipe length coated. Three locations shall be randomly selected, or as specified by the COMPANY, for measurement of the applied coating. In particular, if a longitudinal weld seam exists, thickness measurements shall be taken at two locations along the weld, ‘The film thickness gauge, provided by the CONTRACTOR, shall be the magnetic or electro magnetic type. The gauge shall be calibrated as a minimum twice daily. Calibration of the instrument shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendation and COMPANY approved procedures. The first ten pipes in every shift shall be subjected to a minimum of 12 thickness checks at three ‘equidistant locations spread over the total tength of the pipe at the 3, 6, 9 and 12 o'clock position around the circumference. For welded pipe one of these positions shall be over the weld. In the event the average of coating thickness is less than 4,5 mm the coating shall be removed for the entire length of the pipe. If the average is more than the 4.5 mm then for low spots measuring less than 75% of 4.5 mm i.e. less than 3.4 mm, the coating shall be removed around the low spot plus an extra 20 mm. The coating shall then be repaired in accordance with Section 6. LIGHTING ‘A proper lighting system shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR in the cleaning, priming coating and inspection areas. Minimum light intensities shall be as follows Generally 300 Imm? Surface Inspection 500 Imm? ‘Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 543 Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited i STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 17 OF 18 6. REPAIRS Any defective part of the coating such as holidays, voids tears or damaged spots and so forth shall be clearly marked and repaired by the CONTRACTOR to the satisfaction of the COMPANY. Repairs shall be effected using procedures previously approved by the COMPANY. Repairs to the enamel coating shal be made by removing the wrap over the damaged coating in a manner that does not disbond the adjacent coating, The repair area shall be heated to remove any moisture, primed and hot enamel shall be poured or “ragged” over the area. The felt wrap shall then be embedded and bonded to the asphalt enamel. All coating repairs shall be ‘made with the wrap smoothly applied and without wrinkles or buckles. Repairs shall be at least equal in effectiveness to the coating applied to the principal part of the line pipe. All repairs shall successfully pass testing by the electronic holiday detector 7. DOCUMENTATION e The identity of each tine pipe joint shall be preserved during the performance of the WORK. Each joint of line pipe shall be identified after coating by a sequential number using low stress stamping. The sequential number system shall reference the length of each pipe length, together with the original pipe mill identification plus heat numbers recorded inside the line pips at each end of the pipe, A certified permanent record shall contain the original copies of all documentation produced during the performance of the WORK. The permanent record shall be supplied to the COMPANY showing the sequential and serial numbers, pipe mill, pipe mill number, heat number, joint length and date of coating for each pipe length. Additionally the permanent record shall contain the Fesults of all production testing performed by the CONTRACTOR as required by the SPECIFICATION, The production test records shall include a statement by the CONTRACTOR indicating the acceptability or rejection of the test. s21R6 00 1 StF roa keve ‘Sarawak Shell Berhad SES 54.1 Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited REV: 6 STANDARD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION PAGE 18 OF 18 a REFERENCES The latest revisions/editions are applicable: Shell Standards SES 20.1 External Standards ANSIAWWA C203 ASTM C162 ASTM 0148 ASTM D737 BS 4147 BS 4450 Iso 719 ISO 8501-1 (SIS 05 59 00) NACE RPO274 Handling, Storage and Preservation of Materials/Equipment. Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipelines, Enamel and Tape, Hot Applied Glass and Glass Products, Definition of Terms. Methods of Sampling and Testing Bitumen Saturated Felts and Fabrics used in Water Proofing and Roofing, ‘Test Method for Air Permeability of Textile Fabrics, Bitumen based hot applied coating materials for protecting iron and steel, including suitable primers where required. Determination of ash from petroteurn products, Hydrolytic resistance of glass at 98°C method of test and classification Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual acceptance of surface cleanliness (pictorial surface preparation standard for painting ste! surfaces) High Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline Coatings Prior to Installation. 1.0

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