Task 1

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TASK 1 :


Task 2 :
writing essay



(n.d.). Retrieved from http://home.iitk.ac.in/~trc/friendship.pdf

(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.lds.org/family/love

hangs the success of every marriage and family. In the light of Christs love I see our familys
divine potential. I love them with all my heart, soul, and mind. And as I do, my ordinary family
is transformed into an extraordinary one.
O my friends, there are no friends. Aristotle
The second non-material thing that makes me happy is friendship. My definition of
friendship evolves over the years. A friend is a person capable of loving irrespective of
whether he is being loved or not. Friendship can exist between the same sex: man-man,
woman-woman, or opposite sex: man-woman. It transcends age and could subsist between
even an old man and a small boy. Human beings also establish friendships with their pet
animals such as cats, dogs, horses, doves and parrots. Yet, more than friendship, love is the
binding force in familial relationships. At first, my friends are the kinds we play with; even I
envy them or hate them. As I grow up, my definition becomes deeper than meaningful, but
also more selective. This list will help me examine my relationships over the years with the
people around me. I have travel in my mind to different periods of my life, which are
childhood, teen years, college or professional training, travels and different jobs. In each
period examine I have met and assess my feelings and thoughts about my relationship with
that person. Actually, I think Im the luckiest person in the world because I have a lot of
friends who are very kind and good-hearted. Each of my friends had the longest relationship
with me. Nowadays, I spent most of the time with my friends. The memories are stick hardly
in my mind. I always recall my sweet memories that Im spent with my friends. Im really felt
happy to have such a good friendship in path of my life.
Honesty is one of non-material thing that really make me happy. The saying honesty
is the best policy has been proven to be true, over and over again. I live a lifestyle of

honesty, so I can build up my character. Character is simply a snapshot of who really are.
Character is the window that people look through to the reality of our inner life. Honesty
always creates a circle of love. Honesty sets an example that invites others to imitate. When
others respond with honesty, it can create more interpersonal closeness and authenticity. I
still remember when I was in standard three, I was sitting on the sofa and doing my
homework, my aunt was helping me. I asked my aunt, What is honesty? She explained me
with a small story of our Mahatma Gandhi. When he was in primary school, Gandhi had spelt
the word, 'kettle' wrongly. When his teacher urged him to copy from others and correct the
spelling, he refused to do so as he was convinced that it was not the right thing to do.
Honesty and truthfulness were the qualities he came to embody throughout his lifetime.
Honesty is the best thing for a situation to end up well. This is because, if you lie and
people find out, you are likely to end up with many negative consequences. You will not be
trusted anymore. This could be very annoying. A practical example showing this is politics. If
politician promise they will do a certain thing when getting elected but they do not do it,
people will find it harder to trust the politician, and he will find it harder to be elected next
time. So we should always speak honesty. Honesty is the first chapter in the book of
wisdom Thomas Jefferson. Generally, honesty is the best policy in any situation. Some
people are very reliable and they hate those who tell lies for any reason. Other people
accept white lies when situation arises, even if they usually do not like lying. I strongly
believe that being honest is the most important consideration in our life.
As a conclusion, our live move by material and non-material things. Happiness is a
journey, and people have to willing to approach it as a journey and be mindful in the steps
that they are taking and of the things they are doing, so they are not just going through life
bumbling around but making progress towards the things that they want. Happiness is also a
mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions
ranging from contentment to intense joy. Dont find happiness on material things and forgot
the real meaning of happiness around us. As individuals and as societies, happiness is both
our highest goal and an extremely effective means of achieving many of our other cherished
goals. Both as individuals and as a planet, happiness is our ultimate reason for
living. Happiness is really all there is and all there ever will be; all else is only a means to
happiness. Happiness of non-material things make people more sociable and altruistic, it
increases how much they like themselves and others, and it strengthens their immune

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