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I Will Be Able To...

Interpret An Pitches Compose Improvise Develop


I Will Be Able To... Analyze An Sta Perform Present Produce Relate A

Compose Notation Assess An Clef Explain Evaluate Identify Interpret do
Improvise Solfege Synthesize A Treble Assess Analyze Connect Solfege
Develop Perform Relate A Listen Bass Sing Listen Dance Play Notate
Select Present Connect A Triad Alto Practice Move Dictate Write ti
Evaluate Produce Relationship Soprano Solfege Note Names Rhythm la
Melodies Using The The Roman Numerals Chords Sta do re mi fa sol A
Rhythmic Ideas Notate The Music Scale Sing Sing Sing Learn Review
Motives Explain The A Singing Major A Listen Compose Play Practice
Understanding Defend The Minor Tenor Identify Feel Pentatonic


Characteristics Identify Technique Test Tomorrow Ostinato Note Names A

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