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Shmoney Political Party

By: Joseph Mckenzie


Our platform focuses on criminal law, national defense, drinking age and traffic

Criminal Law

We will make sure all crimes are dealt with fairly depending on the crime and
not the colour or gender of the perpetrator.
We will make sure criminals are monitored carefully after leaving prison for
big crimes.
We will start programs that will help criminals get jobs after they leave prison
to keep them off the streets.

National Defense

Soldiers will be trained thoroughly before going out in the field to reduce war related deaths.
Veterans will be cared for after retirement.
All army workers will get free first class tickets when travelling back home to
see their families.

Drinking age.

The legal drinking age will be lowered to 19.

19-20 year olds will only be allowed drinks with 30% alcohol level

We are center. We are a democracy, we believe in human rights. We believe in

Our leader is John Tory jr.
23 year old male.
Has both college and university diplomas.
Accounting, electrical engineering and business.
Son of John tory, Mayor of toronto.

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