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EE389: Electronic Design Lab II

Hi-Fidelity Discrete Audio

Group 4
Sai Kulkarni,
Chiraag Juvekar,

Santosh Ananthakrishnan,

Subhojit Saha,

Project Guide
Prof. Dipankar

Department of Electrical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Without audio amplifiers, Elvis Presley and the Beatles would have been limited to
audiences within the confines of their audible vocal range. Rock n Roll could not exist. All
musical instruments would have to be acoustic and there would be no point recording them.
Preachers could not be heard in large church buildings, dance bands would have to revert to
orchestration and the city of Nashville would have to come up with an entirely new tourist
attraction. In essence, our culture, as we know it today, would die.
- G. Randy Slone ,
High power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual


1. Introduction

2. Rationale and Motivation

3. Technical Specifications

4. High Level Description

5. Circuit Description

5.1. Pre-Amplifier

5.2. Equalizer

5.3. Power Amplifier

5.4. Power Supply

6. LTSpice Results

6.1. Pre-amplifier

6.2. Tone Control

6.3. Power Amplifier


7. Fabrication


8. Conclusion




1. Introduction
Audio amplifiers are very widely used in day-to-day lives. Many engineers have delved
deep in this topic and state-of-the-art audio amplifiers are commercially available.
The aim of this project was to design an analog audio amplifier which was to satisfy
the following requirements:
Use of discrete components: Since the goal of this project was to gain experience in
analog electronics, it was expected to avoid using commercially available ICs as far as
Hi-Fidelity: It was aimed to obtain uniform gain and minimum noise and distortion
in the audio frequency range.

2. Rationale and Motivation

The motivation behind the project was simple. Since most of our experience has been
with digital electronics, we wanted to explore analog design.
The choice of analog amplifier was made because analog amplifiers are very widely
used and much engineering effort has gone into the same. They have very intricate
design and several possibilities to explore.
The approach we took was to study the different facets of amplifiers such as tone
control, voltage and power amplification, safety, reliability. Then we studied the
design strategies and circuits.
We then tweaked the circuits to accommodate in our requirements and constraints.
After simulating them using LTspice, we finalized the designs.

3. Technical Specifications
When we started off the project, the following technical specifications were targeted:
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): THD is the ratio of sum of powers of all
harmonic components to the power of fundamental frequency. Lesser THD implies a
more accurate reproduction by reducing harmonics added by the circuit components.
For high-fidelity design, a THD below 1% is considered adequate and inaudible to
human ear. We aimed at obtaining a THD of 0.1%.
Output power: Commercially available audio amplifiers provide an output power of
up to thousands of watts from very low power input. For this project, we aimed at
obtaining 20W output.

4. High Level Description

The amplifier consists of three stages:
Preamplifier: The input signal is typically very low power. Any further processing,
such as tone control, may introduce comparable noise and distortion. The preamplifier
is a low-noise low-distortion circuit which amplifies the input so that it can be
processed in the future stages.
Tone Control: The tone control or equalizer stage modifies the signal by changing the
frequency response of the circuit to suit the listeners liking. It performs two functions:
Treble Boost/Cut: Amplify/Attenuate high frequency components.
Bass Boost/Cut: Amplify/Attenuate low frequency components.
Power Amplifier: The power amplifier stage boosts the signal power in order to drive
the output (e.g. speakers)

Amplifier Stages: Block Diagram of the amplifier

5. Circuit Description
The four main stages of the amplifier are described below, along with the circuit
schematic and description:



The preamplifier stage consists of a voltage amplifier. The voltage amplification stage
consists of a compound pair with a current source load. The 2 transistors Q2 and Q3
make up the load. Q1 and Q4 correspond to the compound. The gain of the amplifier
is limited by global negative feedback. This also makes the gain very predictable. DC
coupling is an option by accurately setting the collector of Q2 and Q3 to as close to
zero volts. Volume control potentiometer changes the gain of the pre-amplifier by
changing the feedback ratio. This affects the DC biasing slightly and hence we have
chosen to use AC coupling.

Preamplifier: Schematic

The pre-amplifier stage has very high linearity and for the potentiometer ratio chosen
can give up to 20dB gain. THD for the pre-amp alone is well below 0.1%. Another
notable feature is that the supply is +/-15V which is compatible with the other stages

The specifications are summarized in the following table:

Total harmonic Distortion: < 0.1%
Output Impedance: 200
Minimum Load: 3k
Frequency Response: 10 Hz 100 kHz (-0.1dB)
Voltage Gain: 20dB nominal
Supply Voltage: 15V
Supply Current: <10mA



For equalization we have chosen a simple tone control circuit. More specifically we
have chosen the Baxandall tone control circuit. This circuit provides us with bass and
treble control. The added simplicity of the circuit is that it needs just one active
component to implement. The idea behind it is simple. The upper passive network is
supposed to provide a path for the low frequency components and the lower passive
network is supposed to provide a path for the high frequency components. By
choosing the appropriate value on the potentiometers we can modify both the
frequency domain independently. The amplifier ahead of the passive network operates
in negative feedback with the passive network setting the amplification ratio for each
band of frequencies. This stage is also capacitively coupled to the rest of the network.

Equalizer: Schematic


Power Amplifier

The power amplifier is based on a very standard desgin template. The idea is that we
have a input-stage followed by a voltage-amplification stage followed by an output
The circuits chosen for the three stages are as follows:
Input stage: Long Tailed Differential Pair with a Current Source Load
Voltage Amplification Stage (VAS): Common Emitter
Output Stage: Class AB output stage

Power Amplifier: Schematic


Power Supply

The power supply is custom designed. It consists of 20-0-20 transformer, with a 3A

current rating follwed by a bridge-rectifier and capacitors to maintain the output
voltage. For the equalizer part of the circuit this supply is then regulated to +/-15V

6. LTspice Results
The results of SPICE simulations for all the three are included below



For the preamplifier, the DC operating point analysis showed the output bias to be
0.0008 V which is close to zero as required.
The AC analysis shows the gain to be constant at 10dB in the audio range.

Preamplifier Output: Uniform gain for 20Hz to 20kHz.


Tone Control

The DC operating point of the output after tone control stage is also observed to be
0.0008 V.
In normal mode, the tone control circuit merely passes the signal as it is. The
attenuation is of the order of 0.2 dB
Thus, in absence of any tone control settings, we obtain a flat response with no gain of

Tone Control: Normal Mode

By changing the potentiometer values for bass and treble arms in the Baxandall circuit,
the following four conditions were obtained Bass cut, Bass boost, Treble cut, Treble
boost. These were analyzed separately and the following results were observed:

Bass Cut: Low frequencies are attenuated and high frequencies are passed ahead with
no change.

Tone Control: Bass Cut

Bass Boost: Low frequencies are amplified and high frequencies passed as they are.

Tone Control: Bass Boost

Treble Cut: High frequency attenuation is obtained.

Tone Control: Treble Cut

Treble Boost: High frequencies are amplified and low frequencies are almost

Tone Control: Treble Boost


Power Amplifier

The frequency response of the power amplifier shows a uniform gain in the audio
range while the transient response shows an output voltage of ~20V and output
current of ~2.5A.

Power Amplifier: Frequency Response

Power Amplifier: Transient Response


7. Fabrication
The circuit is routed on 2 boards, one for preamplifier and equalizer and the other
containing the power amplifier. The designs for the same are:
Preamplifier and Equalizer

Preamplifier and Equalizer: PCB Layout


Power Amplifier

Power Amplifier: PCB Layout

The preamplifier and equalizer board is stacked on the left side of the power amp
board. The large squares around the power transistors are heat-sinks.


The Final Boards

Power Amplifier (Above) and Preamplifier an Equalizer (Below): Final Circuits


8. Conclusion
The results obtained were satisfactorily close to the targeted values. This amplifier is
suitable for low power applications such as music systems for personal use, e.g.
household speakers/music system in a vehicle.
The design can be improved by using more advanced designs such as multi stage
amplification, IC components, high power devices, digital controls and better
fabrication to obtain better THD and higher output power.
We can conclude that, the purpose of this project, which was to explore analog design
and lay a foundation for future work, has been fulfilled.

Audio Power Amplifier Handbook: Douglas Self
The Art of Linear Electronics: John Linsley Hood
High power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual: G. Randy Slone
Self of Audio: Douglas Self
Microelectronic Circuits: Sedra and Smith
Elliot Sound Products Website:
Notes for EE735: Prof. D. K. Sharma, IIT Bombay.


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