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The K&J

Political party

National defense

We gonna send more nurse to help wounded soldiers

Sending more foods and water to the soldiers
Allowing the soldiers to send letters to their families
Having every month check up with nurses


Giving free medicine to families have low salaries

Building more hospitals
Prioritize cancer patients
Giving each family a first aid kit

The environment

Ensure that the decisions are based on science and evidence.

To provide the Canadians to express their ideas of views and to participate
We will respect legal traditions and perspectives on environmental

Marriage and divorce

Children choose where and whom to live with after the parents divorce
Provide health for the child or children
Not allowed to get married until 18, if you are 16 you need your parent's
permission and the chances to get married are rare

Right WING

Were right learning, traditionalist, conventional, fascist


The party leader of K&J is Ricky Mccall

Ricky Mccall
A 27 year old male
Education: University of Bristish Columbia
Work experience: Social Science, Business
Management, Accounting
Political Experience: Elected as a mayor of district of

Dear citizens,
It is my opportunity to annouce that Im running for
Prime Minister of Canada. Staying here in Canada
for how many years, I realized that we need change.
I will give this to you for more easier life for all of us
and more better future.
Let us give our children a better tomorrow, a better

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