College Research Paper - Karanikos

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Gabriella Karanikos

Miss Skirtich
14 December 2016
English 10: World Literature
Tar Heel Nation
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is known for its fantastic athletics
program. It is a powerhouse in the ACC and has a long-lasting rivalry with Duke University.
However, North Carolina is also a top ranked school, falling thirtieth in the nation. It offers a
wide-range of minors and majors. Attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sets
one up for success by, its state-of-the art pharmaceutical program, its affordable tuition fees with
financial aid, and its readily available resources.
Attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sets one up for success in
post-baccalaureate life due to its state-of the art Pharmaceutical program. The Eshelman School
of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill is ranked number one in the nation,
and number ten globally (US News.) The school is well known for producing excellent
pharmacists, who have been educated by some of the best professors. The school of pharmacy
offers a five-stage program which allows students to experience different areas of Pharmacology.
This provides the pharmacists-to be to have a hands on, well-rounded education. The five stages
consist of discovery, delivery, optimization, practice, and assessment. The discovery stage
consists of discovering new therapeutic agents and targets. At Eshelman, students have the
ability to research thousands of compounds so that they can discover therapeutic applications to
help fight diseases. The second stage, also known as delivery, consists of researching targeted
drug therapy, that will ensure optimal therapeutic efficacy of pharmacologically and
immunologically active agents. Stage three, optimization, advances clinical practice through
innovative translational research and through the education and training of clinical scientists,

future pharmacists and current practitioners. Practice, which is stage four, allows students to put
in to practice everything that they have learned, giving them a full hands-on experience. The fifth
and final stage, known as assessment, studies the effectiveness and costs of medications, how
patients take their medications, and the impact of drug policies on health outcomes of vulnerable
people ( Overall, these five stages allows students to get a well-rounded, excellent
education. The Eshelman school of Pharmacy at UNC Chapel Hill also offers fellowships and
residencies to their students, which are readily available ( These residencies allow the
students that have gone through the five stages of the school, to then be immersed into the real
world and practice what they have learned. Fellowships are offered to post-graduate so they can
continue to research and discover new things regarding pharmaceutical studies. Eshelman also
offers a variety of degrees for their students ( These include a Pharm. D which is the
degree to become a doctor of pharmacy. Those who receive this degree, go on to become
pharmacists. Receiving a Ph.D allows students to prepare for clinical research. The third degree
that is offered by the Eshelman School of pharmacy, is the M.S. This is a degree which allows a
specialization in the health-system and it prepares students for leadership positions. This degree
also coincides with a two-year residency program in health care, as well as classroom instruction
Furthermore, attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sets one up for
success in post-baccalaureate life due to its affordable cost with financial aid. The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), offers students financial aid on a need-based system.
These financial need packets come in a variety of things including, grants, scholarships, loans,
and student-work. On average, students receive around $19,000 dollars in financial aid for an
out-of-state student, this reduces the overall cost to around $30,000 dollars ( Even

though this is still expensive, student-loan comes to around $164/month, which a much more
manageable amount ( UNC offers two kinds of scholarships, University scholarships as
well as outside scholarships. University scholarships are tied directly to UNC and are giving out
by the Universitys admissions office. Outside scholarships however are linked to places outside
of UNC, these can be churches, non-profit organizations as well as community services
( All these services can help to reduce the cost in tuition for undergraduate students. In
addition to the loans, student work, and scholarships, students are offered grants. Grants are
amounts of money given to students for various reasons, and they can be used to reduce the cost
of tuition. 56% of students at the University of North Carolina receive grants (
UNC gives about $12,622 per grant to students. Grants can be received for research, athletics and
many more things. Overall, 100% of financial need is met by the University, allowing students to
be able to afford the education (
In addition to the state-of-the art Pharmaceutical program and its affordable cost with
financial aid, attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill sets one up for success in
post-baccalaureate life due to its readily available resources. UNC Chapel Hill has an abundance
of resources. However, some of the most important are the libraries. There are a multitude of
different libraries within the school for different types of research and studying. The libraries are
open for a variety of times, ranging from 24 hour libraries to 12 hour libraries ( Within
these libraries, there are study rooms that can be rented out, which are equipped with computers,
whiteboards and other technology ( These are very helpful as groups of students can
come together to work on projects in a quiet space. UNC also offers help with different kinds of
research, this can come from websites or other professors. There are also research consultations,
which allows students to sit down with teachers one on one, and get a better grasp on the

research that is being conducted. In addition to the students being able to access help regarding
research, UNC also offers research hubs ( These are little places/rooms that can be
rented for an individual that includes everything that is needed for research to be conducted.
They are readily available, which allows for students to make the most of them. Overall, this sets
one up for success because it is able to aid in anything and everything that could be needed to
In conclusion, attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will make one
successful in post-baccalaureate life due to its state-of-the art Pharmaceutical program, its
affordable cost with financial aid, and its readily available resources. North Carolina has
everything that a student needs to become successful after schooling is over. A student who
attends the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and applies themselves, will do well

Works Cited
"The Collegeboard Homepage." The College Board - College Admissions - SAT - University &
College Search Tool. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.
"How Does UNC Rank Among America's Best Colleges?" University of North Carolina--Chapel
Hill - Profile, Rankings and Data | UNC | US News Best Colleges. N.p., n.d. Web. 09
Dec. 2016.
"Naviance." Naviance. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.
"The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill -." The University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill. University Of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.

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