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Investgating the Impact of Leadership Styles of

Multicultural Collaborations Projects on Achieving

Projects Success(MCCP)
A Literature Review
Sama Raouf a, Laila Khodeir b
Abstract Due to the industry pressure and the current
economic situation, the expansion of the multicultural collaboration
project is inevitable. Such type of projects are characterized with
high degree of interaction between diverse culture stakeholders
which consequently leads to a number of problems and conflicts,
and in turn, risks. From the above it is clear that the project
structures needs to flatter and leadership styles at multiple levels.
The aim of is paper is to investigate through literature review, the
different types of leadership styles, and to assess the impact of each
leadership styles on achieving success of MCCP projects. The
findings of this study took the form of a preliminary frame work
which indicates which leadership style would beat be used to
handle specific project problem or conflict situation. The results of
the paper emphasized that in order to achieve MCCP success
multiple levels of conflicts should be managed. In addition to
adopting a leadership style that keeps balance between the
administrative process and leadership process. It was obvious
through literature discussed that the model of Complexity
Leadership should be tailored in order to include both the relation
between the construction project managers leadership and the
ability to solve the different dimensions and levels of project
conflicts complexity. Eventually this paper underscores the
importance of the role played by the leadership in mitigating
conflicts in MCCP. The limitation of this paper is that the results
only illustrate key constructs, and it will be tested in the next
phases of the research study.
Keywords: Leadership
Collaborations; Egypt




The nature of this type of projects consist of many

stakeholders with divers people have different experiences,
perspective, cultures and skills [3]. Recent studies have
focused on the positive impacts of utilizing multicultural
groups. But this expansion of the globalization worlds
construction projects does not completely understand the
impact of this diverse in the projects and how it effects the
project negatively which leads to a number of conflicts[4],
that leads to flatter project structures, and need for
leadership at multiple levels [1].
The aim of this paper shows the importance of leadership in
multi culture collaboration projects and investigate the
failure factors such as conflicts and the role played by
leadership in mitigating it.


This study is considered as the first stage for under progress

research dissertation, this methodology involves an
integrative review of existing pertinent literature. This is
critical to recognize the essential constructs that reaches the
research objectives. The framework guiding this literature
review consisted of leadership theories and conflicts theory.
The main approach consist of critiquing, synthesizing and
re-conceptualizing the findings of literature since the under
study elements are not new. The integrated review of
literature procedure consists of two key levels. Starting with
the dealing relevant journals with project management,
leadership. Then, articles published between the year 2000
and 2016, focus on project management, leadership and



Leadership in the construction industry considered as the most important

factor leading the project to success. A well-qualified leader can save a 10
% of the project total budget [1]
The successful delivery of multi culture collaboration projects is very
critical, because of they are mostly public funds financed them also, hence,
contend for the priority of different critical social services. The multi
culture collaboration projects performance attracts socio political interest
that affects the repute of the involved organizations.



A. The concept of Leadership

The leadership is the process of leading or mange a group
members in ore to satisfy the organization goal. Leadership
in the construction industry is the most important factor that
lead the project to success. A well-qualified leader can save
a 10 % of the project total budget [5]. The low level of
leadership studies in the construction industries is due to the
lack of understating the knowledge of social science [6].
Leadership it is should considered that it is most important
side leading the success of construction organizations.
According to Grisham (2006), leadership issues in business
schools have been expanded widely but there is a leakage in
the studies of leadership styles and its importance in mega
construction projects. Few studies carried out this point out
that construction manager they are not observed as leaders

Sama Raouf Senior Student, Dept. of Architecture Faculty of

Engineering, British University in Egypt Cairo

Laila Khodeir Associate Professor, Dept. of Architecture

British University in Egypt Cairo

Multi culture collaboration projects are complex systems,

which can neither be facilely understood throughout
straightforward linear approaches, nor efficiently managed
throughout controlling the measures of time, and cost [2].

especially regarding to the fact of managers are participatory

only with the daily fulfillment of work in site [10]. Widely
leadership is knowledge to set each of vision, trend, goals,
and the influence of every facet of culture [11].Leadership is
consider of the transfer key direction of failing of the
successful project. It is very important to notes this factors:
Leadership can be defined as the influence of the team
member, Leadership involve mangers skills and Leadership
is the significance for the project in success or failure.

2. Human skills
In variance with technical skill, human or interpersonal
skills are dexterity in dealing with people based on the
persons knowledge that concern people in addition to how
they behave, operate in teams, communicate effectively with
them also their attitudes, motives, and feelings. Leaders are
the skills required to efficiently influence peers, superiors,
and subordinates in accomplish the organizational goals.
This skill enable the leader to influence the group members
to cooperate together to achieve the goals. These leaders are
more empathetic and sensitive to how motivates others also
creates a trust atmosphere for their followers [22].

B. Differences between manger and leader

From the studying of the leadership styles, it should consider
the different between the mangers of the project and the
leaders as shown in table (1), mangers only focus on
completing the required task with the budget an time. In
spite of leaders who are interest in how the task completed
[7]. For more understanding what is leadership, should
exposed to the leadership characteristics. Leaders to be able
to control teams should have many of skills such as be
influenced not control, leader should be followed by people
while mangers focuses on the maintenance systems. Leaders
able to improve while mangers able to maintain directions
and cannot change it. Another skill in the leaders is listing
unlike mangers giving orders and directions. Also leader are
navigator listeners to what people say and making analysis
based on facts before taking decisions. Leaders always have
their point of view which no one else sees from it [8]. Since
all these previous important issues about the leadership
nowadays all constriction firms are searching about leaders
have professional skills [9]. The fact of leakage of skills of
leaders is regarding to the educational associations which in
charge with preparing them are graduate mangers not
leaders [8].

3. Conceptual skills
Conceptual skill let you to work with creative ideas. The
Leader how have high levels of this skills is good at thinking
throughout the ideas that take the form an organization and
its future vision, in addition to understanding and expressing
the principles of economic underlying their organizations
productivity [22].

D. Leadership styles
Human factors were highlighted as the main determinants of
projects performance. In this part of literature will
investigate the types of leadership styles and which one are
more suitable than the others in the construction industries.
There are five main styles of leadership in construction, the
Autocratic leadership, democratic leadership, participative
leadership or goal oriented leadership and situational
leadership [17].

1. Autocratic leadership
The autocratic leaders gives orders to the members of the
team and expecting fulfill it. This type of leadership may be
work effectively only in the short term and logically do not
work effectively on the long run. In addition to most of
people thought that autocratic leadership style always have a
negative effect on the team member, actually this true in the
case of the team member have a good awareness of struggles
and do not care about the hierarchy of positions and
challenge the team leader, this make the team member create
an predictability, safety and security power make the
autocratic leader fail to manage them [18]. According to
questionnaire off 225 team member and there leaders , the
autocratic style have a positive effect in the case of the
members of the team do not have struggles In the other
hand the autocratic leadership style have a positive effect in
between themselves, here the autocratic leader can success
to manage them in the want direction. [18].

Table 1: leader VS. mangers [1].

C. Katzs Three-Skills Approach

According to Katzs (1974) seminal research on the
leadership skills, it is consists of three main skills which are
technical human and conceptual. [16]
1. Technical Skills
Technical skill is mainly, depending on particular
knowledge, in a specific area of work. Having this skill
means that a person is respective and knowledgeable with
esteem to the activities particular to an organization, the
organizations policies and standard operation procedures, in
addition to the organizations services and products (Katz,
1974; Yukl, 2006). Technical skill is the most important at
supervisory stage of management, for middle managers it is
less important, and for top managers it is the least important
such as senior managers and CEOs. Generally, technical
skills is dexterity in working with issues [16].

2. Democratic leadership
The Democratic leader decision making deepened on the
opinion of the all team member. This type of leader create a
mood of belonging in between the team members. This due
to contribution of the decision process. Also from the
benefits of this type of leadership is increasing the goals
satisfaction from involving team members. In addition to
help they develop their own skills. And from psychology
point of view the team member will feel that they ca control

their destinies, also motivating the hard working. Generally

this type of leadership take long time but its results are great.
[19].On the other hand their id a slightly different point of
view which say according [7], the critics of Democratic
leadership shows that not every time of popular decisions
making always is the best to be considered and may be lead
to the failure.

underline in English the wide and interchangeable

application of management and leadership. By (1982),
Wofford said that the Leader Environment Follower
Interaction (LEFI) the spread of the theory of Path-Goal,
that is available for value-based and transformational leader.
In (1986) Tichy and Devanna attempted to distribute an
arrangement of theory identifying with authority [1]. The
creators begin by indicating the monetary and good weights
on leaders in the changing worldwide construction sector,
incorporating pluralistic workforces with rare assets.
Transitional leaders must individuals overcome three
explanations behind imperviousness to change:

3. Participative leadership
Participative leadership is depended on the decisions which
making by the team members. But this decisions according
to collective information and analysis about the issue to
develop their own goals and control the dissection. Also
they taking full responsibilities regarding their own
decisions making. This may consuming the time but in the
other hand the team members will be committed the best
benefit of organizations goals [19]. This type of leaders are
mainly depended on specified orders to the team members
which focused only on the near goal. On the other hand
there are opponents of this type of leaders shows that this is
a narrow side of view because not always the focused goal is
the right corner which will return with success [7].


Habit and inertia

Fear of the unknown
Sunk costs transformation, trust

In 1989 Roberts summed up study on leadership principles

exercised by Attila the Hun as desire, loyalty, empathy,
courage, decisiveness, credibility, timing, competitiveness,
transformation, power and empathy. In 1989 Yukl
expresses a comprehensive review of the study on
leadership, also concludes that: several thousand empirical
studies have been conducted on leadership effectiveness, but
many of the results are inconsistent and inconclusive. This
is side of the main purpose for the shortage of regulate
leadership skills for Project Managers. Beside of classify
the Dimensions of leadership into characteristics of the
follower, leader, and situation as shown table 2.

4. Situational leadership
Leaders of situation or contingency leaders are flexible
leaders which mean according to the situation they choose a
leadership style and use it that is of course depended on the
current situation and its needs. Moreover this type of
leadership may be work only in the short time.
E. Leadership theories
This part will include leadership theories from different
points of view. In 1862 Jomini (a military strategist who is a
pioneer in the strategic military thinking) said that the most
important skill which lead the leader to success is to be
brave. Also he believe in the leader how have the martial
spirit may be make mistakes but also can communicate with
soldiers and achieve the victories by the abilities of
communicate, power and transformation [1].

Table 2: leadership dimensions by yukl 1989 [1]

In 1944 the journal of the fighting man psychology which

was readied by a team of psychologists it is notes that the
better leader understand how to deal with the team members.
In addition to the manual notes that it is impossible to
handle or deal with the team member if the leader cannot
handle with themselves. Leader good experience always
inspire confidence, respect and loyalty in each one of the
group members. All of this enable the group members give
the high performance to accomplish the goals. So from
previous the leaders should command skills such as
transformation, empathy and power.
In 1975 Waltts and Huang responds that the language of
china people has hold over the same sustainability form
along 2500 years ago, and whatever who speaks it now days
could understand it. For English, there is a direction to
utilize leadership and management to exchange with the
meaning of managerial. This consequently show the true
meaning or definition of leadership will vary between each
culture. This is similar to the Chinese time of view is
different to the west time of view. Also Huang and Watts

Conflicts theory
In 1990, Bass & Stogdill examine conflict in a section along
with legality. They observes that leaders confront many
conflicts such as roles, resource, comprehension, and others.
Studies mentions the conflict as a daily fact in the world
marketplace and involve the cultural, racial, elemental,
managerial issues and gender. Leaders should have the
ability of confronting and managing or fix conflicts
efficiently. Conflicts resolved or managed in graceful way,
leaving side intact for the entrant, is a skill place that is
fundamental for leaders. Conflict management requires
many skills, moreover studies shows that in the statutory and
argue resolution industries, and communication skill are the
most critical and essential [1].

F. Conflict Management
Conflict defined as a dispute is defined as an argument about
an issue concerning project operations, usually resulting
from a debate over differences in two or more parties
Conflict is a complete section of human connection between
people, world, teams, cultures, denomination, firms,
organizations and countries. Conflict enable, if planned, be
sanitary and productive. In addition to, if ignored might
lead to calamitous consequences, and also the retro
gradation of long-range relationships. However in the world
of marketplace, the possibility for conflict is quite high as
cultural tenet and tradition meet with harmony.
Subsequently, cross-cultural leadership should present to the
inevitability of the conflict with direction, knowledge, aloe,
and a show of diversity.

Autocratic or democratic
Participative or directive
Relations oriented or task oriented
Considerate or structuring
Active or laissez-faire.

In 1983 Rahim a research about the conflict of interpersonal

strong methodology borrow the theory of Blake and
Mouton in 1964 that classifies methods of resolve
interpersonal conflicts. The point of view that belongs to
Blake & Mouton is one of interest for the others people
who in the context, also the attention for performance of
the team. In Blake & Moutons book, the gird of
Managerial, supply a grid to evaluate and train the
management skills, taking in consideration one thing is how
of managing conflict. Rahim model provide builds through
the studies of Blake & Mouton via looking in the case of
conflict by self-concern lens and the concern of others. So
this popularize version became more suitable for the use of
this discussion because it is provide good reflects that take
in consideration the culture and society in conflicts. The
Blake & Mouton research occupy additional western point
of view of performance or the success of corporation. Also
Rahims research express an opinion of these approach
based on a conceptual two-dimensional model of conflicts
shown in figure (1) as a concern for self and also a concern
for others. In addition to the researches emphasize the test
confirm the acceptability [1].

Cross culture leadership and conflicts

There are essential leadership dimensions which is

worldwide affect in any case of the countries which are
culture, economic environment, structure of the
organization, and the complexity of the project program.
According to Mead 1955 the definition of culture is suited to
universal discussion of leadership. So the adapted definition
for the cross culture in leadership is: a body of learned
behavior, a collection of beliefs, habits and traditions, shared
by a group of people and successively learned by people
who enter the society. The efficiently leading in the
environment of cross-cultural it is require the procuration of
basic human such as social, emotional, business, and culture
skills [1].
The cross-cultural leadership brilliance XLQ, is the ability
of managing conflicts. A powerful leader will avoid
conflicts, and will pigment this position in followers [1]. To
lead efficiently in a cross cultural environment demand the
gaining and cultivation of human (social, emotional, and
cultural), and cultural skills. Most of the authors states in
that leadership is a learned combination of skills that could
be efficiently translated into other cultures. The nature
culture of the organizations and countries on a one project
may be diverse. Taking in consideration a global matrix
organization with branches in 50 countries (which are
completely staffed with a considerable number of nationals),
binary with a small project firm that has branches in a 51st
country, those in charge of doing a political bureaucracy
project. [1] Suppose that the project is mange 50% virtually
on line with no face to face communication. Bass and
Stogdill (1990) propose that when implementing the
following leadership styles appropriate sensitivity to cultural
differences are required:

Figure 1: two dimensional model of conflict [1]


the second positioning. The relationship between task time

and the social distinction has been watched not all that
imperative in their study.
Although of the past studies might have contributed
extraordinary help, however conflicts still happens and it is
trying to lessen in construction projects [20]. The
fundamental reasons are that past investigates have not
concentrated on particular clash issues. Rather past scientists
have concentrated on distinguishing proof of reasons and
variable. Studies were centered on conflicts determination
and evasion approaches straightforwardly in attempting to
diminish clashes.
Indeed, past examination needs clear classifications of
reasons, components and regions of contentions. This
implies causes and components may be only the issues and
not struggle. Besides, the past examination has not assessed
particular clash issues identified with time, cost, quality and
wellbeing in development. No past exploration was found to
have investigated on assessment of any peace promotion
thinks about on development. This demonstrates particular
clash issues should be engaged and assessed to decrease the
contentions with the system of contention estimation. [21]

Conflict in Construction Industry

The conflicts in the multicultural construction projects

appear to be inescapable and are expanding in the
construction industry because of its instability, many-sided
quality nature, and inclusion of various classifications of
undertaking members. Struggle brings breakdown of
connections between task members and results to extend
defers, claims which are the fundamental weaknesses in
consummation of the projects of destinations and objective.
The past studies have investigated the reasons for clashes
and endeavored on administration of contentions in
undertaking; however the contentions still happens in
construction projects [20] Numerous management
approaches have been connected into development to lessen
clashes. For example [21]. distinguished a few components
and classifications of conflicts. They quantified the
impression of contentions from the field experienced
experts. The study has uncovered 6 classifications of
contentions taking into account member's exercises and 43
elements of conflicts. The elements, for example, change of
site conditions, interferences from open, assessment of
progress request, outline blunders inordinate varieties in
amounts and detail issues have been seen as the basic
elements having more impact on development ventures.
Besides, Stanslaus (2011) had attempted to gauge
impression of proprietors, temporary workers and advisors
in building ventures in Tanzania through polls review.


Wilson Bridge as an example in mange conflicts:

A. Introduction

The location of Woodrow Wilson Bridge over interstate 95

crosses the Potomac-River in Washington, had all the
components needful for extended and litigious conict. The
budget are huge, one of the most U.S. costly highway
construction projects, at $2.5 billion overall. The bridge
tacked thirteen years of construction, this is consequently
leads to a plenty of time for matters to develop and
relationships to tension. The interfaces consists of: twenty
one construction contracts major, each with possibility to
delay the others or on the other hand cost some existence
money. Wilson Bridge is complex technical structure with a
quantity of notable elements, involving the worlds largest
eight leaf draw-span supported by graceful V piers.
The Woodrow Wilson Bridge consider as a huge success;
the construction has been less conicts than circumstances
may have predicted. The credit of this success could be
distributed to three factors: (1) leadership awareness of the
project in the massive public; (2) the responds of leadership
to political and public rudiments; and (3) leadership that
utilize the prevention of conict and the philosophy of
management, process and tools in efciently and effectively

They have recognized 11 regions of contention, for example,

outline blunders, contractual cases, numerous significance of
details, and defer in installments, poor correspondence, over
the top contract varieties, contrast in assessment, varying
site conditions and impediments, mistakes in venture
archives, open intrusions and social distinction. The
outcome has demonstrated in light of their mean worth
measure that the deferral in installment zone was the
initially positioned. The study secured in various periods of
venture life cycles and uncovered amid development stage
has the most elevated power of contentions more than 55%
contrasting with different stages.
Another study had identified the connection of variable in
different phases of construction project life cycle. The
research also have identified clashes in between of members
and measured the frequencies and earnestness. The research
has found that the temporary worker confront most
successive (66%) clashes with the client and consultant.
This outcome has been examined taking into account the
importance level of 95% certainty on chi-square
investigation. Likewise, the exploration has focused on why
the contentions happen and at what phase of the venture
does it happen. Also, they have found that the contention
occurs for the most part amid development stage with
recurrence of 76% and reality of 74%.
The least studies of conflicts in construction projects has
seen amid preparatory design-phase (44% and 45%) among
alternate design phase- (57% and 59%) and the post of
construction (56% and 56%). Both the recurrence and
earnestness of contentions have been overwhelmed by the
distinction in undertaking needs a reason and venture time a
source and venture needs and objectives with the expense as

B. The insights Leadership and the Effective

Management of Conicts in Wilson Bridge.
According to Anderson JR and Polkinghorn (2008) the data
of the bridge were summarized into lessons learned
Microsoft database that currently numbers 374 distinct
lessons. The lessons have been summarized into ten Meta
categories as shown in Figure 2.

Personnel Psychology


The Leadership Quarterly


Total number of articles


Table 4 acording to Bass and Stogdill [1] shows many of

leadership factors, its nubmer of studies and pioneers
Table 4: leadership factors Bass & Stogdill

Figure 2: the ten Meta categories

This categories t particularly fully within communication

and the resolution of conict literature practice, also found
to some of the extent of needs based and based theories
identity. Certainly, the superposition between the ten
leadership insights emerging from the literature of conflict
resolution and 374 lessons.
Taking in consideration a few essentials principles from four
famous books investigate the parallels between the conict
resolution of mainstream practice and the findings issues in
the Woodrow Wilson Project [23]. The improvement in
prevention and intervention of conict have taken place
largely outgoing the mainstream, the researches states these
parallels are more impressive. A number of principles
identified by leading practitioners in the eld of conict
resolution. This table will be used in making comparisons to
the learned lessons.
Through the review of literature, the study has established
the need of leadership inorder to mitigating conflicts in
multi cultural collabration projects and to adresses the aim
of the research. In addition to the integration between
conflict resoultion and effiancy leadership.
The following table shows the top ten journales and its
puplications regarding to leadership from 2000 to 2012,
which came up with 725 as a total number of articels.
Table 3: top 10 journals and number of leadership researches
Numbers of articles
Academy of Management Journal


Academy of Management Review

Administrative Science Quarterly


American Psychologist


Journal of Applied Psychology


Journal of Management


Organizational Behavior & Human

Decision Processes


Organizational Science

Table 5 Sampling of Basic Conict Analysis, Prevention, and

Intervention Principles

Leadership in the construction industry is the most

important factor that lead the project to success. A
well-qualified leader can save a 10 % of the project
total budget.
Mangers only focus on completing the required
task with the budget a time leaders who are interest
in how the task completed.
Constriction firms are searching about leaders have
professional skills.
Leadership is consider of the transfer key direction
of failing of the successful project.
The technical skill is the most important for the
majority of position.
Human skill and leadership skill have a link to
manage the ability of giving the direction and the
Leadership involve mangers skills.

For leading efficiently in the environment of crosscultural it is require the procuration of basic human
such as social, emotional, business, and culture

Leadership principles desire, loyalty, empathy,

competitiveness, dependability, and anticipation
between others transformation, power and empathy.

Classify the Dimensions of leadership into

characteristics of the follower, leader, and situation.

Leadership involves many factors shows in


Fisher and Ury

Getting to Yes

Focus on
Basics of

Carpenter and
Public Disputes

Susskind and
Dealing with an
Angry Public

Strategy and
1) Conicts are
a hybrid from
and materials

Approach to
Parties and

1) Acknowledge
the concerns of
the other side

the Principles
of Practice

2) To nd a
solution, you
have to
understand the

2) Encourage
joint fact nding

1) Dont deal
over position

3) Take time to
a strategic plan
and follow it
4) Progress

3) Offer
commitments to
reduce impacts
4) Accept all
refuse mistakes,
and share power

5) Negotiation
begins with a
6) Parties
should help
designing the
processes and

5) Act in a
fashion at all

2) split up the
people from
the problem

3) Focus on
interests, not

4) Invent
options for

6) Focus on
building long

Constantino and
Design the
Process, System,
and Program

1) Put the focus

on interests
(support the use
of interest based
ways such as
negotiation and
of interest based
ways such as
2) Provide loopbacks (make the
available this is
allows the parties
return to a lower
cost, such as
3) Provide non
expensive cost
rights and power
4) Build in
dissection before
and evaluate
after (notify
before taking any
5) Arrange the
tasks from low to
high cost

6) Provide the
motivation, and

The following table shows conflicts style and how leader

deal with each style.
Table 6: conflict styles model
Conflict Style
IN Integrating

Figure 3: leadership involved factors

The essentials principles from four famous well known

books investigate the parallels between the conict
resolution of mainstream practice and leading issues [23].
The improvement in prevention and intervention of conict
have taken place largely outgoing the mainstream, the
researches states these parallels are more impressive. A
number of principles identified by leading practitioners in
the eld of conict resolution. Table 5 as shown it will be
used in making comparisons to the learned lessons.

where appropriate



OB Obliging


Conflicts are complex.

composition of ideas is
necessary to come up
with the best solutions
Commitment is
necessary from other
sections for successful
Time is available for
problem solving
One part alone cannot
solve the problem


You think that you may

be wrong.
Problems is important
to the other participate.






Situations where
Task or issues is
decision is
Other combination
are unconcerned
about the outcome
Other combination
does not have the
skills of problem
Issue is important
to you.
You think that you
are right






AV Avoiding






You are interested to

give up something in
interchange for
something from the
other participate in the
You are dealing from a
position of weakness.
Preserve the
relationship is important
Issue is fiddling.
Speed decision is
Un-popular course of
action is implemented.
Its important to
overcome assertive
Disapproving decision
by the other participate
may be costly.
Assistants lack
proficiency to make
technical decisions.
Problem is important to
Problem is trivial.
Possible dysfunctional
effect of challenging the
other participate
outweighs benefits of
Cooling off period is


Objectives of
participates are
mutually exclusive.
2. Participates are equally
3. Agreement cannot be
4. Assimilating or
directing style is not
5. Provisional solution to a
complex problem is needed.


The other
participate is
wrong or


References List

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problems is
Problems is not
important to you.
Both combination
are equally
Decisions do not
have to be quickly.
possesses high
degree of

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the Leadership Style of construction Managers in south Florida,
Florida: Flprida International Unoversity.


Problem is
important to you.
2. It is your charge to
make decision
3. Participates are
unwilling to defer,
problem must be
4. Prompt attention
is required.
1. One participate is
more powerful.
2. Problem is
complex enough
requiring Problemsolving approach.

[8] Kashiwagi, D, Egbu, C, Kovel, J, Badger , 2004. Leadership

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It is very common in the construction industry to find on the

multi-cultural collaboration projects teams from different
countries around the world. Also it is popular to manage by
a project manager with different nationality. However the
stress of the industry to boost the productivity and
minimizes the cost is very important now days and this is
consequently leads to conflicts which take place in
multicultural collaboration projects. So, it is clear that the
market needs a multi-culture leadership style or model that
have the ability to improve the leadership skills in multinational projects. This paper has investigated from literature
point of view leadership in construction management and its
impact on solving the conflicts of the project. In addition to
Conflict management abilities are turning out to be critical
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[23] Individual approaches to principled negotiation (Fisher and
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The various means of preparing for and running effective
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Approaches to dealing with sometimes hostile parties, especially in
public disputes (Susskind and Field, 1996 [S&F], pp. 3742)
How to effectively design conict management systems for
organizations (Constantino and Merchant, 1996 [C&M], pp. 46,

Sama Raouf Senior Student, Dept. of Architecture Faculty of

Engineering, British University in Egypt Cairo

Laila Khodeir Associate Professor, Dept. of Architecture

British University in Egypt Cairo

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