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Arcelia Salguero
British Lit. (3)
November 17, 2016

Booher, Katharine. "How the Media Affects Teens & Young Adults." Media. N.p., Oct. 2016.
Web. 15 Nov. 2016.
In this article, Booher explains how there is a positive and a negative side to social media,
but the negative side can be really harmful to teens and young adults. She provides a list of how
negative things on social media can affect a young person's life. Booher mainly focuses on
giving many examples of how the negative social media can affect a teens or young adult's life.
She claims that social media makes them become more violent and affects their minds by
believing in stereotypes. They will basically focus on the stereotypes the whole time because of
the people on TV are shown with perfect bodies. This article provides a good overview of how
social media affects teens and young adults; it will help me support my background research on
how teenage girls think of themselves/body by figuring out where the problem started and try to
find a way to stop it.

Posted under Health Guides. Updated 5 July 2016.+Related Content. "Eating Disorders:
Symptoms." Center for Young Women's Health. N.p., 5 July 2016. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.

In this article, Health Guides describes what health risk teenage girls are taking if they are
not eating well. Health guides gives examples of what happens to a person if they dont eat at all,

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also what health problems you can get. Health Guides gives may illustrations of what can happen
to someone's physical appearance and what kind of health problems they can get. Some of the
health problems that they addressed were anorexia and bulimia which are when you eat a lot of
food all at once and then you throw it up. This article provides outstanding overall information of
the Eating Disorders that can be caused if you dont eat well; it will help me support my
background research on how teenage girls think of themselves/body by being able to find out
ways to help prevent those types of health problems.

Knorr, Caroline. "How Girls Are Seeking (and Subverting) Approval Online." Common Sense
Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.
In this article, Knorr reports how teenage girls look for online approval and how that can
either destroy or build up their self image. She gives out percentages of how girls feel about a
picture they post or a picture that they are tagged in. Knorr claims that even though there are
many bad things about online approval there will always be a solution. Where teenage girls seek
the most approval online is snapchat and instagram, where they put under there pictures #tbh am
I pretty?? This article provides excellent overview of how girls are seeking approval online
because it gives many useful information; this will help me support my background research on
how teenage girls think of themselves/body by helping me explain during my senior project
why teenage girls seek approval from other people.

Mortensen, Kristin. "Daily Nutritional Requirements for Teenage Girls." Healthy Eating. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.

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In this article, Mortensen explains many healthy ways to eat without gaining many
pounds or losing you tiny waist. In the article she wrote the calories, carbohydrates, proteins,
fats, vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. Mortensen claims that eating healthy
in your teenage years will help you become a healthy strong adult. She also writes that when you
eat what you should have on your plate is fruits, grains, vegetables, proteins and some dairy one
the side.This article provides very good information about the daily nutritional requirements for
teenage girls; this will help me support my background research on how teenage girls think of
themselves/body by helping me be able to give out information to anyone that asks a question
about how to eat healthy. I want to know how I can eat healthy so when I grow older I could be a
strong healthy adult.

Packard, Erika. "American Physiological Association." N.p., Apr. 2007. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.
In this article, Packard explores the teenage brain to see why teens act the way they do
during that time period. She provides evidence by the research she did with her team of
neuroscientists. Packard compares the teenage brain to an adult's brain to see in what ways it acts
differently. She claims that the teenage brain processes information way differently than an
adult's brain, She also says that the teenage brain processes information with poor judgment and
anxiety. This article provides excellent information of how the teens feel and think; it will help to
support my background research on how teenage girls think of themselves/ body by helping me
understand how the teenage brain works.

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