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eile] eT Ct able of Contents 2 J Prom the Executives’ Desk 18 Partnership 2000 Jf BECAUSE YOU CARE Jewish Community Relations Commitee 3 Growing Jewish Columbus 17 Jewish Education & Identity 2008 Allocations 19 2009 Summer Family Missior Pexpetuate Your Gift 21 A Year in Review 2008 Annual Campaign Roll of #loncr 1 Young Adie Division Eee FROM THE EXE UTIVES’ DESK ‘A New Year Filled With Exciting Opportunities Steven A, Tuckerman ummm drew doe tivhar to teie tht 0 ier trogiat te wo Board aeons ctr th High Hay an ie gning of Ne Tne gh lg aeine rfl ok akon he pe ta Chair a eight sncee thnk fr ow apart i es = se yge ow 2008 Anna Rp ae eighth Flea nr aaa cif ear cmmy nd Fv wo, Oren ein Fleas ino stale and operons ht ei in the coming ‘Marsha F Hu re san ps th while smalaenoy king ahead the many agora weiner on en cxtng and compan rn Hai President Ae ect oan. Our pomom msc Wewtvert rtd & CEO aera ar occn nme ne what roar wn rin ny Se a an he ye Conary, wea at prin re NT pong ns Ect gn we oon at th ea alien {Uy Theega natives apn which wet es “ure gj iva Creating Best a Cans SCC Prechote andEaty Cll! Devore i onl, estroge XC we hve edo 1H gh os Frozen nna mal Gp. Onegai aor Ma rae Ge Predumls and aly Clidhond Program in i nth rw 2 aero ais an of elmore wei ele et roma HF Spanghiden abd aie nth creot te coning yn we wiles an ede chang ht wil rani ur Cra ON vih re iy it Best in Cars dersh Community in Noth Ameria! Ae wits gon curl trae wien eat pn OM mat nt ssh a eet, Arden oie aes Crna tion of snes no vrai hie” Here a Fer, we choose Greinen “etek rar to wring wth oun teaming year together bi amore bri eh Gob Shana Tv ee Meer? Board Ce Present & CEO. rah BECAUSE YOU CARE a cael No One Gift Touches More Lives For move than ight dace members ‘Arua Canpagn ~ Campaign tha ‘ne other etic around the word “of dhe Columbus Jewish comity have chosen to up the Federation's sch ernest lion of dlls herein our bone community Tre and “Oe Toivatio’s Annual Campaign a suree of Help, hope and promi Maope roc ergo. I ina eanpign where No One Git Tons More Lives orth goo Anal Campeigy we ve se gal of S¢Mlon wich willbe eo ect immedi eels Ei ashen evo cee the qual fH indy lai, Pres Oe Sa a Jets nina Milo Crt n Cn JO Prone wn aly GMD Fear vopame iret Con Obi. Tina daunting hllngewnene we arco 2 0 achieve nth your support. We ae ce pertng tare generation to wis ie wl ensure another ight decades 1 proving ely, hope and promise to hone ese fortunate sexing wih ur Grind Even conching with pe Sunday mee cried ween of St aera es mercy the god woo orp amin zeahol tab, Ow eee a erg wen br ie begins with. Panola smc br doar te wo Forme information abou he 300 Ann Campaign oto make your gif conte Mate Youn at fe si9300 or mycangner@citng. “The Gran! Bret Lion of ude Lneeos ardor Society Event Healtae Prosionals Event Major its Dinner Federation Shabbat ‘Super Sunday ‘Wesner Party Barn ome of Rhona Steven Schotenstcit Governor's Residence Home of Abigail & Leslie Wexner ‘Sunday, November 28 Home of Abigail & Leslie Wenner day teSaturday, Dec. 58 6 “Local Synagogues ‘Susy, December 7 “The Huntington Building, Coteus ewsh Federation 08 Anni Repore= ~ BUT IT STARTS WITH YOU IT BEGINS WITH THE CHILDREN Fe cay ne re ser he evish Community Cet 200) of Geter Canons provided Fenn foro iden ot ct el prac om nt ot 2 caren oth ou Wey aslews nl member fhe Cla commen the 7OC a hou tombe tn end ceney of vere oe ed Bs SLE a nga merce ew comity wi We eed ow RPP oO deer cya prove Best i Cnt serie ht ae more geography SOT ta an rag nattucey, ‘hw euble ws 0 cate mre mescingtl oportnier ro wren cee expr, discover ad participate nour wih omnmuny roving Seva Cons on eps in chaeng. Dre he Clo S20 Fo Sr ee glee qerane west td Vine Cus rare Ou FT ity fr fare genertons anone of tis unprecedented ert wl lac 1486 Mion Capit an vows SE ts len, Rerrch dents ink betwen he ei cy U0 Sere Teng cometn Sv, The 200 wil bth ding reso ae teal ga wil to provi moe opener he rong MSD STS de octet cod Nertkwort neighbors ennet o he eh commu Ft sc tohons our roving peer ny rvie nTeW USSG TAS ako eth einai on College Avene, Ax in Clee Progen 2 So Here ected to entre ha the highs cut of arly cabot edvatn Str eo ne mi or roan ning aoe pariah THs Oe re University. sini deseo erpttnaBst fn Can protools amine ran eur JOC Eey Chidbood Eden aster. Be prt fang Sr 8 Pi ge nday to the ein with he Cire Campaign, For ame nema, ay i Seed rector Carel Foliar a 01.60.0888 or elarin@esianbetee sre INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNITY 2008 Net Allocable Dollars sen Noon tse08.000 ie 2008 Local Allocation Breakdown s1sz200 Supplemental ocd ssose01 Ae) eaten pe eek Hii Synagogue Funding, Sret rogrmatey IM Campa Capita RR | | $627,825 ! ‘he pages oft how finds asd in the 2008 Amal Campaign were dria, Jevish Community Cater “eva Experience With Tens JET) ‘uch lo Project Link) ‘Seti Lie Enhancement New Ameria Acultrton are Atocation Spplemena Allocation ‘TOTAL JOC ALLOCATIONS (doa cat CRIN fing) Wexner ge Vilage ‘Gomi Coplay Program (oy WHY) ‘Sirvvrs of Na Peet ore Alooion Spent Acton "TOTAL WHY ALLOCATIONS (dot i a1 CRE Fig) Jesh Fail Services ‘Outreach Services “ew Loan Bria Farnd ‘Survivor of Nix Parecaton Sete Lik core Allocation ‘Supplemental Albcation ‘TOTALIFS ALLOCATIONS: tin Jewih Communities Government Airs {Coe Alleation ‘TOTAL OIC hia Vale el Consortia Care allocation "TOTALOvHC Coun Community Kl ZEIC/ Outreach & Bgagerent ‘TOTAL KOLLEL ALLDCATION Federation nave Prtirary Survvorsof Nat Perseation "TOTAL FRDENATION INCTIATIVES $50,000 100,000 ‘so1.011 $22,860 ss19,01 $6,250 $590,860 eae 55.000 sti9.a16 $12,000 ss10.980 382,000 si6993 s16.049 $39.000 $59,000 s11s00 85,550 20,000, (OSU Hite! Foundation Care Allecton sea6078 Supplemental Alocation $27,500 ‘TOTAL HILLEL ALLOCATIONS. Sasa ‘Shottenstein hatad Howse Frindship Cee 25,000 ‘New American Rabie Outreach Program §30000 “TOTAL HABAD, $56,000 Columb wih Day Sebact {Care Alcon (et, 110 stents) 087,500 Clunin Foah Acetny (Core Allocation (rt 228 sales) ‘00250 ‘TOTAL ALLOCATIONS TO DAY SCHOOLS _§258:750, Columbus Swi Historical Society ore llecaton 00 TOTAL CHS, $3,000 Jesh dueation & entity Committe (Pa) =Notpartof the Beto budget ‘Scholarship Fund (Camps & Pastors) #97200 ‘Dea TnerpretingSyagogue Servis) ‘8.000 iorone Melon Conmmuntven $5.00 ‘TOTAL JEWISH EDUCATION & IDENTITY 49.700 JEL SymgogeAlloctore ‘Religious Soppemental School Easton Fund $15 Adal Biveation Fu 25000 "TOTAL Jel SYNAGOGUES sei0a05 Capital Repair Replacement (CREAR) TOTAL GSR. se02.700 ‘TOTAL LOCAL ALLOCATIONS. 5,808,167 -CORE, PROGRAM, SUPPLEMENTAL & CR&R. ALLOCATION'TO RESERVES 05,687 MT MUP) Orbiter mele lao Comat hyd of the Jewish community. Your PACE/LOJE fund can. ‘URING OUR JEWISH FUTURE ‘A Perptin Annual Canpuign Kadowniert/PACE) is permanent find your Fert thon eae in your name. This resid fund, crue to endow your gift tthe Feder’: Antal Campaign lows your ong investment in your comunity (0 ‘nine, rain lp when and wheres noeded indent. “The Lon f ida Enslomment f LOTE, ithe endowment component of the Lion idedah Maj its program Iti « pows staerent of your commitment taeda, providing yas family anfcommunity. [APACE/LONE fd isnot hit to uitate or any par of nano gi is ourlating egacy Sr the fur you mae this gift ding your fete you recive carte nome tax dodueton, "hore area variety of ways to orate endeomts that donot hve tobe fanded ring ure a il provide you with caierable ax benefit. “Toarcange fora confident meeting, al eration Vie President fr Financia Re= soune Developmen Nancy Gazer at 644550908 or nlarer@tejCong or Fondation ‘Baeetve Direc Jacke Ioabe a 614.855:2986 or jaeobwhGong, th Xe ‘Colum ewih Federation 208 Amun Report = 10 Something for Erergone For more information, contact Young Leadership Director Matt Youngner at 614.559.3209 or om hn dn pp For more information, contact Community Shaliach Avi Kagan at 614.559.3212 or akagan@tejforg. oot re EC) te teeter For more information, contact Assistant VP Community Services Avram Kluger at 614.559.5284 or akluger@tcjfiorg: cotumbus Sev Fedrstion 2006 Annu Reort= 16 ‘on oing Learning sea fsa Net on thot contact Vice-President of JEdL For more information, 59.3228 or ijacques@tcjforg- Rabbi Idit Jacques at 614.5: You are thousands of DOT COT TTP nit ery away, ro) a oar) Tem 2009 Summer ath Mission The Federation is the HEART of YOUR Jewish eos ta pea POs WUrolencio ius ton ceenes The Annual Campaign is @ IN COLUMBUS and C S| | Roll of Honor ampaign aVaN TET rOlOrs} me aoe yer ayy 00,000 D 8 Soro 0 bo esr Senay ei ee arora} RESIN tetra dpa os non tar TG i all hie ted . si teyta. wlital Wilh a i is us ai daibah aah de tink tel ds a ae ne Hi laull apenas lad Lun alee ah lela Hai Sg ns L i } dat He tails lat ue pak e a ey, falta se an = cane aa a iii el: S a4 j i i the | bai y ul ide fay fala Laitwd ei aL ea alia nul ee RB ODER iy why i satmad i iWhbd d hula Hida id an su ha LL Lule ul Ae EHH a fie yan rain eeu vit HE Colamb lewsh ederaion 2008 Anant Repart= it fiery ot i i. fh TLL at as aol dibs Lh HY bth idl fas AA dd iH Hal Wl ae li hu Hd Hay ne HARGU UH SHEL Ue SHAE I } a isa Wl had flat ae i, i it gue ih slit ve ae fl gad dein te a elu a en SS a cane ae HEA Hay Hoag ihd b r if Ia ¥ fia ie! ! adi fly HI Ha BLUE U1 yan ty bs sl lu ti ah wy Hs lt Hb i Hea Hy fi i a BUI EM vv a vUTHUE eee e | th Hitt oid dir ty ancdad tei ; HE il eal Lie al Ht sEHH: TH HL a Ct iethidianilig (ue Hn a ota evs eration 08 Anil Report = 28 | | wa stat be dd i 55 Fad sah ty, a Aah Ay Sy Ce I i O ute te le i " He i Wins a Halal ly At dea aaa eI) Eg FA | 1 ca ul Bh hil S ah oe ee i) UHH HUTT UUHD eras oie ms eines i ore ad Roll of Honor Ea 8 a! (er 2 Ha sh i fh lid a dig 4 r ee ee il ‘estat ih ie e Lute ili [uf hi Eee i \ Haus Ea TREAT HH , i I th ie full Hida ae He Ln Mn Hl iii tl bi | He Anal Huu Pa ue nue ne Hp Hue bl Hane ue Bt Hl Hl) Hl au) il il al A AAT, Ha : a Ha i Bi fig ill 5 4 fs i 7 r i i fe) cies : wil od i i BM tidal hot nie Wily hed Hal tilled = ee ae ee TEE UE UT ‘Colembu eis eran 008 Annu Hepre- $0 ie | sg ied me nat TAME dasa Ba we 2) ye UAUDI BBR HHD Sua al a i = Tia ES HED 4 i eo H Ss ue a TBE en POOR oat ie cco Le eee eC TI meat COMMUNITY PARTNERS THE BRIDGE BETWEEN BUSI AND COMMUNITY “The Federation would like to acknowledge our generous corporate sponsors VORYS ‘Legal Counsel Anheuser-Busch i Huntington Abercrombie & Fitch a PARK SAERALANK For more information about how to become a Community Partner for the Federation, contact Nancy Glazer at 614.559.5208 or nglazer @tejLony, Columbus Jewish Federation, non-profit 1175 College Avenue Us postage Columbus, Ohio 42909 ofa ‘ww analy permit no 4189

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