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Antennas and Propagation

Chapter 2: Basic Electromagnetic Analysis

Vector Potentials, Wave Equation
Far-field Radiation
Transmission Lines

Antennas and Propagation

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Chapter 2

Antenna Theory Problems

Analysis Problem
Given an antenna structure or source current distribution, how does
the antenna radiate?
Focus of this course (more mature and developed)

Synthesis problem
Given the desired operational characteristics (like the radiation
pattern), find the antenna structure or source current that will
generate this.
Challenging! Much less developed.
Topic for research.

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Chapter 2

General Antenna Analysis

Problem Statement


Arbitrary volume V
Filled with sources
= electric currents (A/m2)
= magnetic currents (A/m2)

Compute fields E and H generated by currents

Maxwells equations gives exact solution

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Chapter 2

Maxwells Equations
Equations (Differential Form)
Gauss Law (electric field)
Gauss Law (magnetic field)
Faradays Law
Amperes Law

Constitutive Relationships

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Chapter 2


electric field (V/m)

magnetic field (A/m)
magnetic flux density (tesla, T)
electric displacement (C/m2)
electric current density (A/m2)
magnetic current density (V/m2)
electric charge density (C/m3)
permittivity (F/m)
permeability (H/m)
Characteristic impedance

= 0 = 8.8542 x 10-12 F/m

= r 0
Antennas and Propagation


= 0 = 4 x 10-7 H/m (free space)

= r 0
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Chapter 2

Time Harmonic Fields

Time-harmonic fields, or exp(jt) variation
Linear, isotropic media

Maxwells equations become

where =2f is the circular frequency (rad/s).

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Chapter 2

Boundary Conditions

Tangential E and H are

Continuous when no surface currents (J, M) (e.g. dielectric media)
Differ according to the surface currents
(conductive surface)

What if region 2 is perfect conductor?

PEC = perfect electrical conductor
PMC = perfect magnetic conductor
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Chapter 2

The Wave Equation

Maxwell famous for relating E and H fields by adding the D/ t term
in Amperes law
Allows wave propagation to be predicted
Given source free-environment, take curl of Faradays law:

Substituting into Amperes law

Wave equation

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Chapter 2

Vector Potential
Basic Antenna Analysis Problem
Given currents J and M , compute fields E and H
Option 1: Direct
Option 2: Use potential

Static Problems
Nice to use electric scalar potential (V =voltage) instead of E
Why? Can solve scalar equations instead of vector equations

Dynamic Problems
Use the vector potential A instead of B
Can solve vector equations
instead of complicated dyadic (matrix) equations
Definition of A chosen to make analysis as simple as possible
Exploit physical and vectorial properties
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Chapter 2

Vector Potential (2)

Properties we exploit in defining vector potential A
Gauss Law: B = 0
Any vector: ( A ) = 0

BA = HA = A

(No loss of generality)

Subscript A means arising from A or from electric current J
Substitute into Faradays law (with M = 0)
EA = -j HA = -j A
( EA + jA ) = 0
Scalar identity: (e) = 0
(e any scalar function)
Finally: EA + jA = -e
Note: when =0 , have normal definition of scalar potential

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Chapter 2

Vector Potential (3)

We have chosen definition of A so vector properties ensure certain
physical conditions are automatically satisfied
Simplifies analysis!

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Chapter 2

Vector Potential (4)

Substituting EA + jA = -e into Amperes Law

Note: We specified A, but A is not yet uniquely defined

So, choose A = -j e (Lorenz Condition)
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Chapter 2

Vector Potential (5)


Relationship for A that is just the non-homogeneous wave equation

Individually satisfied for each component (e.g. Ax, Ay, Az)
If we need fields,

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Chapter 2

Vector Potential (6)

Vector potential F for magnetic current M
Almost identical procedure, but roles of E and H switch
See notes for derivation

Also, to get E

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Chapter 2

Vector Potential Summary

Transforms complicated wave equation involving E and H
Simpler scalar wave equations for comps of A and F

Given J and M solve for A and F
When all finished, then find E and H
Helps us manage the complexity of EM antenna problems

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Chapter 2

Finding A for Known J

Governing equation
Need to solve

Direct solution wrt. some boundary conditions? Numerically...

Alternative Approach
Transform into integral equation
Greens function technique
Automatically incorporates boundary condition
Single equation

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Chapter 2

Greens Function Technique

1. Find fields radiated by a point source at origin
2. Translate solution to arbitrary source location
3. Solution for arbitrary current distribution given
by superposition of point source solutions
Similar to signal analysis for LTI systems!

Impulse response of system h(t)

Response for arbitrary input is y(t) = h(t) x(t)

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Chapter 2

1. Fields due to Point Source at Origin

Assume current distribution

We need to solve


Only have z-directed component on LHS, therefore also on RHS

Now, solve for point source (unit impulse) at origin:

call solution
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Chapter 2

Case 1: Away from origin

Assume r 0

Simplify by invoking symmetry of problem

RHS is only a function of r (point source), so g( r) only should
depend on distance from origin r = |r|

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Chapter 2

Case 1: Away from origin (2)

Do a trick on the d/dr term

So, need to solve

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Chapter 2

Case 1: Away from origin (4)

Only depends on single var r, so have famous ODE


Simplification: c2 = 0

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Chapter 2

Case 2: Include contribution at origin

Have solution

But how to find c1?

Need to include effect of source at origin
Consider original problem

Integrate both sides over a sphere

Let sphere shrink to simplify solution

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Chapter 2

Case 2: Include contribution at origin (2)


Simplify first term with Divergence Theorem

Integrating divergence of something over volume
= Integration of outward normal component on surface

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Chapter 2

Case 2: Include contribution at origin (3)


Just need to insert previous result

and solve for c1

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Chapter 2

Case 2: Include contribution at origin (4)

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Chapter 2

2. Translate Solution
Have solution for point at origin

r - r

For arbitrary source point r


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Chapter 2

3. Arbitrary Current Distribution

Have solution for point source

What about arbitrary source J (r )?

Big Idea: Can solve this equation by substituting the point source
solution into the proper integral equation.

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Chapter 2

Arbitrary Current Distribution (2)

Consider integral equation

Use the vector identity:

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Chapter 2

Arbitrary Current Distribution (3)

But, what is I equal to?
Divergence Theorem

Note: Surf. integral 0 as volume becomes large

Called the radiation condition
Intuitively: If we are far from all sources, Az and g will shrink to 0.

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Chapter 2

Arbitrary Current Distribution (4)


Recall that we have

Substitute into volume equation

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Chapter 2

Arbitrary Current Distribution (5)

Note: We have switched r and r (symmetry)

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Chapter 2

Arbitrary Current Distribution (6)

Interpretation? Like a convolution!

Since we have the same equation for each Cart. component

Similarly for magnetic currents

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Chapter 2

Summary of Greens Function Analysis

Compute fields radiated by arbitrary current source (antenna).

Use vector potentials to make problem simpler
Simple inhomogeneous wave equation for A
Solve the equation for a point current source (= Greens function)
Fields for arbitrary current given by integral equation
(Superposition or convolution)

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Chapter 2

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