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Defining the Angel cards

The word creates a vastness, it has at the end of it
Dance, so it is a joyous word, when there is allot of
something. It is a positive word, it means there is more
than enough of something, it means that there is so
much that you are not worrying about if you have
enough, but it is not frivolous, it is a word that means
there is enough, but it is in harmony. It is the exact right
amount to feel full, and that there is more without
feeling spoiled or greedy. Abundance is enough to
share, it is a positive experience.
There is that saying; God grant me the strength to
accept that which I can not change, and the power to
do what I can to make change. Accepting when its
your task, accepting the power you are given when it
really is the task that is given to you to do, as opposed
to your ideas, what you think it is about.
Adventure is about going out and taking risks, about
having faith and believing and trying, it is about being
spontaneous, openness, it is about the spark. Going
for an adventure is about following the spark , following

the way but with spontaneity and enthusiasm and

passion. Because inside the adventure one must
continue through the adventure to get to the other side
holding the line. All sorts of major transformation can
occur, it is when we give up our faith or our
fearfulness????? that it becomes harder, Even still you
learn something, even stil you gain something.
Authenticity, beyond the level of the superficial, you are
really touching the depth of something, when it is
authentic it is real, to the point of everything in your
being, it is like the origin. When it is authentic it is about
as true and honest as you can be. That is what is worth
living for, to be authentic, to authentically live.
Awakening is the marvel that we are gifted with when
we have done the work, and we come to know and
understand more than we imagined.
To be beautiful, for something to have beauty, it is as if
it resonates a purity from within; delicate, gentle, joyous
thing, not just for the eye but it is for the heart. It has a
depth that is complete, it resonates from the center and
is harmonious. It is a very delicate and subtle word but
it has a powerful meaning.

Clarity is like seeing in a harmonious way, everything is
clear and you can understand it. You arrive to clarity, so
it is a sort of arrival ( To a destination???) , you can
make clarity, when you want to understand you create
There is communication that is verbal exchange or
mental exchange, but communication has come to
mean so many other things because communication is
really about listening, noticing, exchanging. You
commune with the other person, you connect. When
you do it from the deepest level of the self that is the
full intention of the word.
The creation of something is the source, the spark, the
origin and yet it is also the continuance. Creativity is an
energetic force, a positive one that can be referred to to
live a whole free life. When you use your creativity you
are combining all the different aspects and touching
your potential. You are taking risks, you are opening
your mind and you are opening your heart. You are
living a birth, you are living a death, you are living a
Delight of light, a happiness, a lightness, a joyousness.

It is like a celebration and an action, it is an experience

and feeling.
Depth is physical and physiological, because depth
actually is a grounding term. When there is depth you
are not just on the surface. Its a feeling of being
rooted, a feeling of being in the earth, when you go
deeper you start to really do something in depth.
The never ceasing story of growing and learning; the
best way is when you share knowledge and in the
process of sharing learn more yourself. The positive
sense where you are learning the best of what you can
learn to help you become all you can become. The best
way to live is to always learn something, to learn
something new every single day. The difference
between learning and education though is that
education has guidance and support and a structure. It
is to find the way to educate everyone where the
teacher is always growing as well. That is the complete
potential of the word education.
Enthusiasm is the gift of energy that inspires you to do
all you need to do.

There are souls that understand and seek

expansiveness, they are about unity, they are about
connection. expansiveness is opening the heart to be
wider in its connection and to do so unconditionally. Not
everybody has the ability to get to expansiveness. The
way we live is limited, so the fact that there are souls
who exist who are really truly expansive and genuinely
so is what keeps the whole picture going. It is that
ultimate trust in connection and existence.
Forgiveness is a process that can not be forced, it has
to be honored and respected, it takes the time it takes.
It may unfold for years and it may complete in Ten
minutes, as long as you honor the process and the
rythme then it is genuine.
A vast wide open space where there is room for
movement to do and move in any way you feel. It is a
way to move and live without having consequences to
your actions and thoughts because you built the way
there. And the actions you will undertake that are the
ones of you being free with whatever is next in
progression. When there is a sense of freedom there is
a sense that you have done everything to arrive there
in the way that is the most harmonious. It is a
perception of how you can be within the framework of
your life.

Grace is often won through hard times and difficult
passage, and the strength to come through and
become whole again is grace. An important part of
existence is learning to live in grace, to be in the center
and to be in harmony.
Gratitude is appreciation and awareness of the benefits
of what an experience or a persons actions bring.
When we are grateful after an experience, it is because
we have understood the learning and knowledge we
have gained from it, that there is something that has
shifted our lives or helped us become all of whom we
can be. It is a thankfulness and it is an attitude that you
can only come to through a pure state. It has to be
there, you have to grow towards it as it is a completion.
Healing is a process, it is an achievement, it is an
action. Healing is surrendering, being present, being
free, being patient, being in depth, letting go, having a
vision. Healing is letting go ouf your wounds, healing is
moving on, healing is becoming free.
An existence with clarity, because it is not just about
telling the truth, it is about telling the truth in a way that

can be harmonious. Being direct, being clear allows

communication to flow, it allows that there are no
hidden agendas, it is straight from the heart. To be able
to speak the truth with clarity is a great achievement
and a great existence.
To arrive to humour, to keep that humour and laughter
makes learning, makes existing, makes everything
have a different edge to it. Its also about continuity, and
humour keeps continuity, it brings faith, it brings
inspiration because it is a letting go of the boundaries
and just entering into sheer joy.
Inspiration Is like a magic energy that fills you with this
ability to overcome everything and anything, and it
touches so many different sources. It touches creation,
it touches discipline, it touches the heart, it makes life
When you are genuinely aligned with what you believe
and you stay true to that. It is about being humble and
pure, it is about living by a moral sense that is the best
you can hope for in a person. When someone has
integrity you can trust them, you believe in them you
can rely on them. When you have integrity you can
trust yourself and you can trust that you are trying to

live a life that is true to yourself.

Intention creates a focus, creates a purpose, creates a
clarity, it pulls everything together in a way that it
guides one forward and through and onwards.
Is the energetic serenity that comes when you arrive at
a point when everything is in harmony, it is the
awakening that, is more peaceful and serene, it is the
real heart connection.
There are some beings that have a natural kindness, it
is genuinely there, there is a kind of sweetness, a
puniness and an authenticity, you can see it by the
glimpse that someone gives another person or an
animal gives another animal where they are genuinely
nice, they are true. This is something that is born in, it
can be bred or closed down, but it is something that is
very much a part of being human or being creature can
offer another one, it is their kindness.
There are a million kinds of ways to love, a million kinds
of loves: long, short, intense, resistant. Love is the most
powerful emotion. It can inspire us to do anything, it
can inspire us to be anything, it can inspire us to

believe even when didnt have anything left to believe

in. Love is like a tiny little flame that no matter how dark
it gets, love keeps the light going.
No Word:
No Word is like all of the potential, and is like the action
of stillness and that depth where when you close your
eyes you go deeper into a place that is beyond words,
that is beautiful and in the silence very real. It is beyond
the senses, it is about being.
Obedience is about being obedient to that which beats
most strongly in your heart, it is not about doing what
people tell you you are supposed to be obedient to, it is
about creating the way for what you need to follow, so it
is about being obedient to your path but also not having
to justify the things you do if they are not in harmony
which is deepest in your heart and is your calling.
Patience is about breathing, waiting, holding the line. It
is about understanding that everything takes the time it
takes. patience is quiet, it is beneath the surface, it is a
state that you come to that you achieve. You can be
infinitely patient with some things and totally impatient
with others. Being patient is learning how to use the
experience of being patient for anything you need to.

Power is an alliance, an empowerment of the energy to
make things happen. There is a huge power that can
then spread out into the world. I hold to that the more
we are following our natural inner power the more we
can conquer evil by just being who we are and not even
needing to fight.
Being present, being grounded, being in the moment is
the greatest balance imaginable. You are acting from
the place within you that is clear, connected to the
rythmes of everything going on around you. Being
presence is a great potential of being able to live your
life in balance with centeredness, groundedness and
Purification is a cleansing, it is a transformation, it is a
releasing the old and shedding the skin and coming to
that pure state inside of the depth where everything is
harmony. It is a process to go through in order to
become one with oneself in a harmonious way. It is a
releasing and it is a grand beauty and from purification
you also come to simplicity.
Relaxation is resting, letting go, releasing, unwinding
the moment and not allowing anything to influence you.

That is why breathe and relaxation are so connected,

intertwined. Because when you take a breathe and let it
go something in your body unwinds and something in
your mind releases. It is a very sought after experience
and not all of it is authentic or genuine, but when it is
achieved it nourishes the heart, the soul, the mind and
the body in a way that is truly harmonious.
When you release something you let it go, you free
yourself, you release whatever it was that held you
back, you release the past, you release an injury, you
release feelings or thoughts, and when you do there is
a sense of complete ease especially when you have
released it naturally. If you are forcing a release there is
some part of you that still holds on. Release, like
forgiveness, is a process you build up and once you
have completed release that is when I think you can
arrive to grace.
Resilience is about endurance, it is about discovering
that within, one has the means to survive, one has the
means to go on, one has the means to integrate
everything that is happening and still go forward
discovering the depth deep within ones self where
there is always going to be reason and faith and energy
to go on. Resilience is also about bouncing back no
matter what happens, one keeps going, to simply

integrate whatever has happened in life and move

forward and not get stuck in it. To draw fourth the
greatness within each one of us when we are being
resilient and live that quality.
Respect Part I:
Respect can be earned, it can not be forced. Often
people demand respect but do not deserve it. We can
respect those who are wholly inside themselves
because they are truly being who they are and we can
appreciate and honor them for it. Respect is like an
acknowledgement but it does not have to be formal it
can be natural. Respect is also about boundaries,
about honoring another being by respecting their
space, respecting their right to be all they are without
imposing what we believe is right.
Respect Part II:
Respect is about saying to another being This is who
you are and I honor that, and respect when it is mutual
is the highest, because when both people respect each
other it is like they are both living the highest part of
who they are as souls. When someone deserves your
respect you respect them and live by that code.
Through this we move forward in evolution.
Responsibility is about being responsible for that which
are your own tasks, you are responsible for others IF it

is your task, if it is your task it will not be a burden. You

have to be responsible for the things YOU are
responsible for and not the things that are not yours to
be responsible for. That can and will make the
difference between a burden and a joy.
Risk, you have to step into and really understand the
rythme of it, because risk is worth it all, you just have to
make the decision to go in fully. You can not risk half
way and get cold feet, you need to be in. Sometimes
you have to grow towards the moment of risk though
and accept that that is the moment to take that risk that
there will be happiness. So we have to risk what really
is the right thing for us to risk.
Simplicity is a way of being that one can strive towards,
keeping things simple and clear arrives to the roots and
fundaments, the base of things. Following on a kind of
avenue of pureness and wholeness. It is the foundation
of what is underneath, and yet it can hold everything in
a simple and clear way, in a way that includes letting go
of anything that is unimportant to keep it one a pure
note, easy and accessible.
Sisterhood & Brotherhood:
The very Idea of it is as we saw in the group, people all
supporting and including each other is really something

genuinely beautiful. The strength of Sisterhood and

Brotherhood is a great and powerful alliance.
Spontaneity is grace, it is without limits, it is just letting
go and being and following the next steps that your
heart promotes you to or that already exist and
surrounds you. It resonates, it is a great and joyous
thing to be spontaneous, especially when it comes from
the heart and it is natural.
We are given the strength, endless strength, to meet
the tasks that are ours on our path. We are given
surprising strength when it is in harmony. We can draw
strength from all kinds of sources that we do not expect
and it is a true strength as opposed to a brute strength.
It is an energy shield when you are in Alliance with the
right energy force.
To surrender is to fully let go of all expected outcomes,
surrender is when you allow the situation to be, you do
not run away or give up, you just open your heart. You
are just being with a situation rather than living by an
expectation or an idea of how it should be. It is when
you really trust in the universe, when you really believe
and have faith that all will be as it can be. Surrender
ultimately leads to happiness because it is a truly

harmonious way of being. It is something you haver to

grow towards and unfold.
Synthesis is when everything comes together and there
is a sense of wholeness or clearness. Synthesis is
merging together all the different pieces in a way that
creates the ability to work with them.
Tenderness is very delicate and subtle, it is a
gentleness, it requires being connected to the loving
part where from the heart come actions that are filled
with love, filled with delicacy, filled with caring about
whoever is relieving the tenderness, receives in the
way that suits them best. There is allot of loving support
and there is allot of caring and awareness about how
the movement affects the other person
Trust Part I:
Trust has many levels and layers, there can be a innate
sense of trust, a clear sense of trust, an immediate
sense of trust but often given the lives we all lead trust
has to be earned and built even if the first impulse is to
trust someone. When we are living in our hearts and
feel safe, trust becomes simple, when we are damaged
and we are healing, trust is a precarious aspect of
existence and it is not as if it comes so easily. To gain
someones trust, to trust yourself is coming from a place

of safety and belief in faith. If you have faith then you

are with the natural flow of existence.
Trust Part II:
Experience can make us beings that do not trust or are
afraid to trust, and that gets us back to being safe, so
when you are safe and you live in your heart, trust is
natural when it is with the right person, the right being,
the right situation. It is a heart thing, when you are in
your heart and you feel you can trust it becomes a
deep thing, a foundation.
To understand you need to breathe, and pause, and
listen because otherwise you are merely understanding
from the brain and the mind. You need to understand
from the heart, where there is miscommunication there
is no understanding. One understands from ones own
perspective without considering the other person, which
is not full understanding. To understand you have to
include whomever you are interacting with and try and
understand what they are understanding, to make a
middle understanding that makes communication.
Vision is seeing, vision is perspective, vision can be
clarity and seeing what is coming. It is about the past,
the future and the present. Vision is also about
creativity, and imagination, to see how things can be.

Vision is understanding the progression of the world

and the mazing and weaving of what the future can
Willingness is the genuine desire to do something or
follow something. It is the agreement: Saying Yes, it
has to come from an authentic part inside, and with it
anything can be achieved because there is a genuine
desire to be there, to do it, to follow it.
Wisdom Part I:
Wisdom is knowledge gained through experience and
understanding, The wise really know what it means and
can share it. Wisdom is something that is pure and
ancient and old, in the sense that you can rely on it.
Wisdom and being are very connected, it is coming
from the part of the person who is being, and when you
are really being it is authentic, it is deep. It is very
different to having knowledge and just speaking about
it, Wisdom is through experience and existence and
growth. Wisdom is about pure evolution.
Wisdom Part II:
There is gentleness to wisdom, it is not forced.
Someone can share their wisdom but not expect
anything back nor to be appreciated for it. When
someone is really wise, they do not need appreciation
of their wisdom, because the wisdom and being wise in

that way are enough in itself to nourish them which is

why the wise who share their wisdom are coming from
an extremely pure place.

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