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2010 NALO


Steps to Being

The 2010 Hurricane season is underway in the New Orleans area. Our NALO team is ready,
should an evacuation be necessary, to continue meeting operational demands. Can we say
the same for our families or ourselves as individuals?

Remember that Family Readiness is essential to Mission Readiness. Poor readiness

planning can negatively impact family stability as well as unit readiness, cohesion, and ability
to meet the mission. Preparing for a disaster or emergency is a responsibility that begins
with each individual.

The evacuation in 2008 taught us events can change quickly from day to day, and clear
communication is essential. After careful consideration and much planning, Captain Bowman
and his team have implemented guidelines for evacuation should the need arise. In addition,
this newsletter will provide a myriad of resources to help you make the best decisions for
your family’s disaster plan.

Steps to Being Prepared

1. ALL personnel should update their information in the Navy Family Accountability
and Assessment System (NFAAS) Spouses also
have the ability to access and update.

NFAAS - standardizes the method for the Navy to account, assess, manage, and monitor
the recovery process for personnel and their families affected and/or scattered by a wide-
spread catastrophic event. NFAAS provides valuable information to all levels of the Navy
chain of command, allowing commanders to make strategic decisions which facilitate a
return to stability. It is important to update your current information BEFORE a disaster

AFTER the disaster strikes…

NFAAS will allow Navy Personnel to do the following:
 Report Accounting Status – you will have the ability to update your family’s safety
status following a disaster
 Update Contact/Location information – indicate exact address and phone
information even if families are split from service member
 Complete Needs Assessment – allows families to assess 19 categories, including:
medical, missing family locator, transportation, housing and personal property,
financial, employment, child care, education, legal services, counseling, and mortuary
and funeral assistance
 View Reference Information – important phone numbers and links such as Red
Cross, FEMA, Military One Source and DEERS
 All information provided during the assessment is confidential. Details of the
assessment will not be provided to the service member's chain of command or
anyone outside the case management team (The Fleet and Family Support
Center) without the provider's approval. Commands will only receive general
needs data (e.g., 325 command personnel need temporary housing) to ensure
resources and policies are in place to support Navy families.

2. Have a disaster plan in place. Knowing what you will do, where you will go, and how
you will get there are all important factors to plan prior to an event. Check out the Southeast
Louisiana Disaster guide for help with a disaster preparedness kit, family communication
plan, 2010 Contraflow maps, phased evacuation plans, pet preparedness and more

 Don’t forget to include items and any special accommodations for your Exceptional
Family members. For additional assistance, please contact The Fleet and Family
Support center at 504-678-7569/2647.
 Have a plan to secure your home. Consider that your home may endure flooding and
wind damage. Have important documents ready to go such as items to prove your
identity (Social Security Card, birth certificates, marriage certificates) and residence
and vital medical paperwork.

3. Be financially ready to evacuate. Ensure your finances are in order and that you have
emergency cash on hand. During an evacuation, ATMs will be in high demand; we may lose
power and not all business take credit cards. You will be required to use your own financial
resources, should you choose to leave early and until an official evacuation from the base is
ordered. Once this takes place, service members will be allowed to use their government
cards. Plan to cover expenses outside of your allotted per diem.

4. Ensure a clear understanding of our command’s evacuation procedures.

COOP Team Evac Only Base Mandated Evac

(Determined by NALO CO) (Determined by Base CO)
When Approximately 36 hours Approximately 24 hours prior to implementation of
prior to anticipated landfall Contraflow.
COOP Team will already have evacuated.
Where Designated Command Site Service Members and their families may evac to
Safe Haven within a 500 mile radius but may not
travel east unless prior permission has been granted
by the command CO.
Important  Families may  Families should evac at this time to avoid being
Facts choose to evac at caught in Contraflow.
this time but will  Upon arrival at Safe Haven, service members
incur all evacuation muster according to established command
costs until the guidelines. Contact information MUST be updated in
official order is NFASS.
given.  Per Diem starts and reimbursement is paid
 Non-COOP team based on mileage up to distance authorized by the
service members CNIC written evacuation order. Travel costs outside
must follow of the authorized mileage will be incurred by service
established mission member.
guidelines.  When the base CO determines that it is safe to
return, service members and their families will be
allotted 48 hours travel back to the New Orleans

5. Be aware that it is important for service members and their families to remain
flexible! Circumstances and assessments can change on a day to day basis. The
command CO reserves the right to make decisions as needs arise. The COOP Team
service members are a temporary measure to maintain operations for a limited period of time
in the initial stages of an evacuation. Important points to consider:

 If the evacuation is extended, the CO will direct non-COOP service members in Safe
Haven to the COOP site. Any service member who cannot report to the COOP by
the date directed by the CO will be placed on leave until reporting.
 Service members in Safe Haven areas will have already used their allotted travel
days and mileage. Mileage to the COOP site will not be reimbursed.
 The CO will decide the length of stay based on mission needs and living conditions in
the New Orleans area. This can change daily. Updates will be available almost hourly
through the command Ombudsman.

In the event of a catastrophic occurrence where it is not possible to return for an

extended period, command service members will establish continuing operations at the
COOP site and will make arrangements for long term housing and accommodations. The
command Ombudsman will be available to assist families with information and referral
resources as needed.

6. Be prepared to travel home. Plan for the unexpected. Upon returning home after the
evacuation in 2008; some families dealt with power outages, mold in their home and difficulty
finding some food items and open gas stations. Remember that many families in the area
will need to replenish food and supplies at the same time. Others may have endured
damage to homes or suffered other significant losses. Expect stressed crowds, have
patience, and be flexible! As a NALO service or family member, you have a unique support
system through your chain of command and Ombudsman. Don’t be afraid to use them.

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