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Bahir DAR University

Bahir Dar Institute of Technology (BiT)

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Proposal of Online Land Management System for Bahir Dar Town Municipality

Group Members

Id No

1. Yaya Sherif


2. Tsegab Tesfaye


3. Samuel Takele

Submitted to Mr.Fekadu.M
Sat/January 14/2017

Online Land Management System for Bahir DAR Town 2016/2017

Chapter One................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 1
Background of the Organization.................................................................................................................... 1
Vision of the Organization......................................................................................................................... 1
Mission of the Organization.......................................................................................................................2
Background of the Project......................................................................................................................... 2
Statement of the Problem............................................................................................................................. 2
Objective of the Project................................................................................................................................. 3
General Objective...................................................................................................................................... 3
Specific Objective....................................................................................................................................... 3
Methodology of the project...........................................................................................................................3
Data Source................................................................................................................................................ 4
Fact Finding Techniques.............................................................................................................................4
Time Schedule/Work plan..............................................................................................................................4
Beneficiary of the project.............................................................................................................................. 5
Target beneficiaries of the system.................................................................................................................5
Benefits of the System................................................................................................................................... 6
Tangible benefits........................................................................................................................................6
Intangible benefits..................................................................................................................................... 7
Budget of the project..................................................................................................................................7
Scope of the project.......................................................................................................................................8

Department of computer Engineering


Chapter One

Bahir Dar (Amharic: ) is a city in northern Ethiopia in Amhara Region. The

population of Bahir DAR is ~318,429 people, and the city is 1,800m/5,900ft above sea level. The
origins of Bahir Dar date back to at least the sixteenth century. In the mid-19th century, in the
period of the Emperor Tewodros II. The organization of the Land Management System of Bahir
Dar Town municipality is found in the Middle of the town. This Organization is one of
governmental organization in the town.
Land Management System is a process of managing the use of land resources. In Bahir Dar
town land is used for different purpose. For example: for Building house, College, University,
hotel. At this time the land management municipality of Bahir Dar town has responsible to make
the arrangement of the building and use of land resources in the town.
The aim of our project is to specify the problem of the land management system in Bahir
Dar town municipality and give solution by changing the current system in to partial
computerized system to increasing the efficiency of the system. Our project cant change the
current system to completely computerize, because there is high relationship with the Bahir Dar
town court system. The court system is manual (not computerized).In this case the current
system is changed to partial computerized system. The proposed system simplify the problem of
current system of the land management municipality in Bahir Dar town.

Background of the Organization

Vision of the Organization

To see land owners use the plan of the town in a good way that the land management

organization of Bahir Dar town makes current system speedup the service by using science and
technology and the developing town in the Amhara region.

Online Land Management System for Bahir DAR Town 2016/2017


Mission of the Organization

To expand the Development and management of Bahir Dar town by keeping the plan of

the town, give good service for the land owners, provide good administration clearly In the
Bahir Dar Town.

Background of the Project

The service which is delivering in Bahir Dar town municipality office is manual. Due to
this, there are many problems arises in the municipality such as: long time administrative
procedures that increase the number of days needed to perform a job; lack of well-organized data
and data storage; process of investing in the town is boring when Investors want to invest.
Calling the investors to the town is very less. Investors live in other place cannot get information
about Bahir Dar town to invest because the information is posted in the office notice board in the
Bahir Dar town.
Much of the problems mentioned above could easily be avoided through developing a good
system and data management practices. Therefore, there is a need in designing better filing
system, improved data storing and retrieval mechanism to solve those problems. The need to
change the manual system into partial computerized is that the current activities of the town are
time consuming. In the proposed system informations are posted in the website of Bahir Dar
town municipality for every person who wants information about Bahir Dar town. The investors
can finish any process to invest in Bahir Dar town by sharing anything with the manager online

Statement of the Problem

Bahir Dar Town land management municipality office currently uses manual system. Most

of the time the manual system has many problems related to getting and giving the service. This
manual system is boring for the users to get the service. The current system is time. Consuming
for the user to obtain the service. This manual system has major problems. Such as:

Department of computer Engineering

Online Land Management System for Bahir DAR Town 2016/2017


The profile of the land owner's may be lost.

Difficulty of manually cross-checking the land owner profile.

There is data redundancy.
Land administration for investment and other purposes is time consuming.
The recording and management of land administration at Bahir Dar Town municipality
offices is not well organized.

Objective of the Project

General Objective

The general objective of our project is to change the current manual system of a Bahir Dar

town land management system municipality in to partial computerized system.

Specific Objective

In the specific objective we identify the solutions to solve the problems those are mentioned in
the statement of the problem to design the proposed system.

Designing database that can hold the information.

To check profile of the land owner easily.

To make more secured system to provide better security.

To put the data in well-organized manner.

Post the information on the website.

To avoid data redundancy

Methodology of the project

We gather information to develop our system. The way of gathering information to develop the
system are fact finding technique and data source. Those are discussing below as follow:

Department of computer Engineering

Online Land Management System for Bahir DAR Town 2016/2017


Data Source

The Data sources for our Project to convert the manual land management of Bahir Dar town
municipality to partial computerized are:
Bahir Dar town Land Management Municipality Office.
Search Engine(Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome)

Fact Finding Techniques

We use the basic fact finding technique for our Project to convert the manual land management of Bahir
Dar town municipality to partial computerized are:

By interviewing with manager and surveyor of Bahir Dar town municipality office.
By observing the ever activity in the municipality office.
By seeing the forms that used in the existing system.

Time Schedule/Work plan


Start Date

End Date

Project plan






First report






Unit Testing



Code Integration



Integration Testing



System Testing



Final Report



Department of computer Engineering

Online Land Management System for Bahir DAR Town 2016/2017


Beneficiary of the project

After completing this project the current system of Bahir Dar town land management

municipality is changed to partial computerized system which saves time and resource need. It
also manages, control, provide immediate and updated information for the user, and store
individual land owners information and employees of Bahir Dar municipality office information
The investor has his/her own role to increase the development of Bahir Dar Town. The
project gives a service for the investor by saving their time and profile after they registered to
Bahir Dar town municipality office. The investors and the manager of the Bahir Dar town

municipality office share information when investors want to invest in Bahir Dar town. They can
send their interest to the manager using the Bahir Dar municipality addresses.

Target beneficiaries of the system

The manager and surveyor of Bahir Dar town land management municipality office, Land

owners and None Land owners in Bahir Dar town are beneficiaries in our project. We discuss
their beneficiaries one by one as follows:
Land owners in the Bahir Dar town can access information about their land anytime easily
in a short period of time anywhere they are. They can also other information on the Bahir Dar
town municipality website.
Non Land owners they live anywhere can access the information available in website of
Bahir Dar town municipality office. When Non land owners get land in case of Rent or Lease in
Bahir Dar town they can share the information online to the manager to fulfill the rule and

regulation of the Bahir Dar town municipality.

The manager can control, create new account for the new land owner, post informations
to the website, update land owners information and Delete the land owners account easily.

Department of computer Engineering

Online Land Management System for Bahir DAR Town 2016/2017


The surveyor can add information into the land owners account easily after he/she collects
the information (by measuring and interviewing) on the land.
Generally the target beneficiary of our project is:
The project gives benefit to manager of the Bahir Dar town municipality to easily give
service to land owners and post information for announcing to the other, allocate land for the
land owners when they get land by lease or rent.
The land owner can get fast access and service from the land management system of
Bahir Dar town municipality.

The land owners of Bahir Dar town and the land manager are more beneficial of this

Benefits of the System

Tangible benefits

The tangible benefit of our proposed system is based on measurable benefit. Our system

reduces some outcome cost. The manual system of Bahir Dar municipality uses more paper, pen
and other materials. To store the data/information of user they use paper. In the present time to
update the information after once recorded they use another paper. This is cost consuming. Our
system is successfully completed it used to store the profile of land owner of Bahir Dar town. In
case of our proposed system we divided the tangible benefit in to two ways as follows.
One-time cost
The cost paid for system designers and system analysts
The cost of Software to be acquired to build and run the system
The cost to buy server.
Recurring cost
The cost to maintain computers, database and server if there is problem with them.
Salary of system administrator
The cost to give training for land owner and employees how to use the system.

Department of computer Engineering

Online Land Management System for Bahir DAR Town 2016/2017


Intangible benefits

The Intangible is recognized as a value that clearly exist but not quantifiable. The system

we will develop has many intangible benefits that revolve around mental satisfaction of users of
this system. These are:
Knowledge gain by project developer.
Increasing the competitiveness of the individual.
Improving the moral of worker in the organization.
Faster decision making in organization.
Facilitating information processing of organization system.
Having information about the Bahir Dar Town Land Management System any
Satisfies the Bahir Dar Town Land Owners in the way that they trust the system
is secure and accurate on giving service.

Budget of the project

For the purpose of administering this project we required to budget for different resource as
shown below:-


Budget item



Copy and print
Removable flash disk
Mobile card

Department of computer Engineering

Total price

half pack

Price of
each( birr)




Online Land Management System for Bahir DAR Town 2016/2017


Scope of the project

The scope of our project is providing the access for information about the Land

Management system to land owners and non-land owners. Land owners in Bahir Dar town can
access any type of information related to their land after registered to the Bahir Dar land
management system office anywhere they are. Any user who is registered into the Bahir Dar
town municipality office must know client side user name and password to see their land
information. Non land owners are the users of the system those can access any information that
is posted on the Bahir Dar municipality office website. The website of the municipality office is
accessed publicly.
Our system will be used for only Bahir Dar Town.
The function of the system is for only land administration system.
The system is browser based.
The function of the system is online.

Department of computer Engineering

Online Land Management System for Bahir DAR Town 2016/2017



Discussions with fellows,colleagues,friends&etc.
Document Analyses of document from the offices HTTP://WWW.agile diagram.htm
http://search software
Ould, M. (1999). Managing Software Quality and Business Risk. Chichester:
John Wiley & Sons.

Department of computer Engineering

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