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Just another Book on the Shelf

As I was about to go to school, something caught my attention. Drawn

by the pile of books on my study table, I took my time to fix it on the shelf
where it belongs. After fixing it, I immediately went to school and was
shocked by the news I grasped. I wasnt able to hold back my tears when my
classmates told me that a dear teacher of our alma mater was already gone.
I have seen her when I was still in ___________. She has always been allsmiling and pretty loud. She draws attention by her powerful aura. In my
mind, I thought she is one strong woman.
She is the loving daughter of Mr. Angel Padron, Sr., and Mrs. Sofia
Cacal. Nurtured by two magnificent citizens of Bacarra, she pursued and
finished a degree at __________________________, Bachelor of Elementary
Education Major in Home Economics. Her older brother, Mr. Angel Padron, Jr.,
had been with her since they were kids.
After achieving her goal to become a full-pledged teacher, she was
wed to Mr. Zandro Paolo Pascualto whom the Lord has given a gift, Zy Bryx
Pascual, their son who is now in Grade VIII. They happily reside at Brgy. 21,
Libtong, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte.
Her teaching career would have reached its fifteen years this
December, nevertheless, she was included in the list of the
__________________ to be awarded during the ___________________ last
_____________ at _________________. Maam Bevz (just like how most people
address her) started as a Grade II classroom teacher at Pulangi Elementary
School. Hence, during the leadership of Mr. Nestor M. Rimalos, she was
assigned to be the Kindergarten teacher and head of the canteen. This
school year, she was then given the opportunity to teach Grade I pupils, still
at Pulangi Elementary School.
Mrs. Mary Ann E. Jabiar shared: During the awarding, we both shared
pity for ourselves not having a bouquet of flowers. We even thought that we
will just have a bouquet of flowers on our 20 th year, even if well just have to
share one bouquet.
Without her smiles and laughs, Pulangi Elementary School would never
be the same. She has inspired a lot of pupils, just like me, to strive harder.
She has shared her insights to young minds. She has imparted memories
with her co-teachers. Above all, she has conquered to live a life worthy to be
known by everyone.

As I got home, I laid on my bed and stared in nothingness. There had

been so much that happened, I thought lying for a while would take it of
somehow. After a while, I stood to face my homework for that day.
Life has taken its toll. There is just nothing we could do to stop death at
all. We only have one life to live and we must make the best out of it. Maam
Bevz went first even at such a young age but I believe Ill see her again. Her
story might have ended, but a new story is about to unfold again.
Just then, I had a glimpse of the shelf on my right, with all the books I
have read and not read at all. I stood to return my books into order and
whispered to myself, Just another book on the shelf.

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