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How should Uganda reconcile its chronic political instability with its
petroleum reserves?
2. Should Kazakhstan maintain its production of thorium?
3. Should Nations take actions to prevent the extinction of elephants?
4. Has Germany been too lax with its immigration policy?
5. How has the recent fine levied on Yakuza crime bosses changed the
underworld power dynamic?
6. What will be the legacy of Abenomics?
7. What should Tanzania do to protect the rare White Giraffe?
8. Will Tanzania be able to survive this drought, after having turned of its
9. Will the Trapeze lessons that the EU diplomats purchased be put to
good use?

How will the recent death of Sergey Kislyak effect Turkey?

Is Russian eagerness to support the Philippines with weapons an
international power grab?
How long can Indias eastern Orissa state support itself with a
Barter economy?
How did President Yoweri Museveni manage to win relection for
the 7th time with rapid growing opposition from his former doctor,
Kizza Besigye and ex-prime minister, Amama Mbabazi
Amid overfishing concerns, how will Japan keeps its blue fin tuna
industry alive?
15. Will the fourth time be the charm for Raila Odinga and the Kenyan presidency?
16. Who will gain control of the Chadian legislative body in 2017?
17. Will socialists be able to gain a majority in the Albanian parliament this year?
18. How will Brexit effect UK local elections?
19. How will Russia react to increased aggressive U.S. militarization on its borders?

20. Will the Green party make a splash in the New Zealands General Election?
21. Should world leaders be concerned with the Radiation leaking into the Ocean from
Japans Diachi Fukushima Reactor?
22. What will Eric Lannings legacy be for High School Debate in China?
23. What location should Hillary go to visit after losing the election?
24. How will the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo effect the local population?
25. Will North Korea continue its saber rattling in 2017?
26. For how much longer will Turkey remain in a state of emergency?
27. Does Mein Kampfs recent popularity bode ill will Germany?
28. What actions should Chile take, to put out the fire in Valparaiso
29. How will PM Theresa Mays criticism of the United States effect Israel?
30. How should Spain deal with its pollution issues?
31. Will the alt-right gain traction in Europe?
32. Is the Iran Nuclear Deal already being violated?
33. Is Japan spending too much on its military?
34. Will Merkel and Hollande be able to push for new Russian Sanctions?
35. What will it take to destroy ISIS?
36. What does the recent opening of a Tim Hortons in Dubai, mean for globalism?
37. What will happen if the Philippines withdraws from the ICC?
38. Has Chinese Censorship gone too far?
39. Will the Jews Out movement in Ukraine gain any traction?
40. Why are nations so flustered with Russia taking back what is rightfully theirs?
41. Will Indonesia ban all alcohol?

42. Should Russia be prepared to disconnect itself from the Global Internet?
43. Are Swedens nuclear power stations at risk?
44. Is South Koreas decapitation unit a good idea?
45. Should Elor Azariya be pardoned?
46. Will Paris manage to lure London Bankers?
47. Will the Indian Governments endorsement of UBI succeed?
48. How should China handle its Smog?
49. How will Vladimir Putin be remembered?

Are the allegations of corruption on Netanyahu true?

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