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Question 1:

What is the most important idea in the first paragraph? Cite specific evidence from
the selection or make inferences drawn from the text to support your answer.
Question 2:
How do Miss Hopleys actions in paragraphs 7 and 8 help Ernesto decide whether
the principal is a possible friend or a menace? What does he decide about her?
Cite specific evidence from the text to support your answer.
Question 3:
How does the authors word choice in the paragraph that begins, Miss Ryan took
me to a seat at the front of the room, help readers understand how Ernesto was
feeling on his first day in Miss Ryans class? Cite three examples from the text to
support your response.
Question 4:
Which context clues helped you determine the meaning of the word formidable as
it is used in paragraph 8 of Barrio Boy? Write your definition of formidable and
indicate the clues that helped you figure out the meaning of the word.
Question 5:
Which context clues in the passage helped you figure out the meaning of
mobilized, in paragraph 8? Write your definition of the word mobilized. Tell how
you figured out the meaning of the word. Then use a print or an online dictionary to
confirm the definition.

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