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Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in
Proverbs 9:9
By JungMin Yun 11A

Understanding and exploring the concept to the fullest level, applying the acquired theories into the realworld problems, and researching and analyzing the ideas into the deepest height are what you do in AP
Physics I class. With very basic studies of matter and its motion and behaviour through space and time, Mr.
Richard Acda, the AP Physics I instructor, thoroughly encourages students to expand and develop the ideas
drawing out students opinions and understanding of the subject. The laboratory projects which employ the
physics concepts implemented in the class play a huge role in aiding the understanding of the topic and
further thinking.

Throughout the first semester, I have learned how to

exploit and manipulate numerous tools and equipments
of laboratory. One of the activities I enjoyed the most
was the Electrical Circuitry laboratory. In this
experiment, with the given question of, Is there a
relationship between resistance, voltage and current
according to ohms law if the resistance varies? we
had to prove the Ohms Law which states that, The
resistor's current I in amps (A) is equal to the resistor's
voltage V in volts (V) divided by the resistance R in
ohms (). To do this, we connected the positive and negative terminals of the power supply with the wires,
located the sliding contact or wiper to three different parts of the rheostat (left, middle, right), then touched
the terminal A and B with the multimeter set to ampere to check the current. With both tested values and
computed values matching closely enough, we have concluded that theres a relationship between the
computed value and tested value, proving ohm's law to be true. Hence with total of ten experiments with two
voltages and ten different resistances, the results showed Ohms law was applicable, thus proved Ohms law.
We go through hardships and face obstacles in the process, but
seeing the outcome and the result of it is worth all the struggles.
says Tanya Rishi 11A. The best part of the laboratories in AP Physics
I class is to witness the achievements we have made. It is never an
easy task to understand, analyze, study, and apply the concept,
however, with continuous efforts, passion, dedication, and trust
within oneself has always brought good answers. Also, Pornapat
Tirapairojana 11D says, Even though there are difficulties present in
every laboratory projects, it is still fun to do it. Nevertheless of the
presence of doubt and question on ones performance and extra study
of the concept, the AP Physics I classs activities are myriad of fun
and laughter. Every AP Physics I class activity approached to me
with full of challenging, ingenious, pioneering, and inspiring
learning process.

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