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Creeley Date: _ - Investigative Report Rubric Content Points Introduction © Establishes ethos palaee © Describes or defines the issue Tae 5 © Intended Audience (s) » } O Sth eee) OMe penta Body rod Establishes Logos yi prio Provides facts, details, and direct quotations) ee Ordering of facts, details, and direct quotations is logical and information does not repeat itself ‘All facts and quotes are attributed to a source and the source is on the Works Cited page ‘Traces the effects ofthe issue on various groups Supporting ideas are presented using narration, cause and effect, description, exemplificaton, | analysis, or definition to support the assertions «Somewhere, and maybe often, the writers’ acknowledge opposing viewpoints (those who need convincing) Conclusion ‘s Brings together the various perspectives making an emotional connection b 8 © Makes a final attempt to connect with audience, establishing pathos ny © Includes a (reasonable) appeal to the audience to adopt a particular attitude or undertake a specific action Mechanics Points © Avoidance of: Pd A AIT > passive voice, especially in areas where more than ‘one form occurs ‘ > Fragments and Run-ons : , pene PT > Typos, spelling errors ONL WA DCR) © } Of1, me, my, you, your, our, us, we (unless authors feel use of these words has a direct 10 and positive impact on the reader) ’ > Punctuation issues... Comma after prepositional phrases, for instance; proper use of the semi colon, colon, and ellipsis > Questioning the audience, unless writers feel by doing so, increases the meaning and a impact of the argument > Ofuse of ETCETERA or anything like it (‘among other issues” > Thing: ALWAYS a better word choice > Sweeping Generalizations/Fallacious Argumentation (use of All, None, Every, Never, Always) «Academic Vocabulary: avoidance of idioms, slang, clichés, (unless the intention of their use serves a planned purpose) «Formatting: Proper indentation, line spacing, word count; Citing of sources Works Cited page Gok |) Properly formatted MLA 8: (alphabetized, hanging indentations, urls w/o hytpsy/, only double |” Ji4 spaced, article title first or author first -nota site, ete.) Ae d bok yp de ( L Total Sp a

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