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(Name Of Student)
(Name of Institution)



Introduction : This monologue discussion paper adheres to the the monologic type of
communication that aims to involve manipulation or if not, control the discussion of the subject that
is the practice of euthanasia in the medical profession. As pondered on previous discussion,
monologic communication involves a speaker that seeks to command, coerce, manipulate, conquer,
dazzle, deceive, or exploit ideas about a particular issue. Other persons are viewed as "things" to be
exploited solely for the communicator's self-serving purpose: they are not taken seriously as persons
but as a medium for expressing ideas and ratiocinations.
For this discussion paper, I try to communicate my sentiments regarding my struggles with God.
I would like you to do some personal soul-searching with Him. I want to explore the path of my
family. I want you to meditate about yourself with my family and with my Divine Creator, not as I
am, but as I may becomefor at least 5 to 10 years from now. Now, here are my reflections: What
do I see in myself now? What do I really want to be a few years form now? Is it really impossible to
have a picture-perfect family? Can I be a great provider for my family?
Body : In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, may You, my omnipresent
Almighty Father have the utmost understanding in deciphering my sentiments. May You give me
your divine providence in reflection these personal realities- that my family is an extension of my
loving and caring self, that I need my family to fulfill my dreams and that my family is your gift to
Lord, I was about to dig in to a nice big breakfast. I had my paper, I had my coffee, I was feeling
great to face the new challenge of my life. As I was trekking for work, I saw this family come
walking in, a mother and a young boy. They seemed worried. They sat down right across from
me. Then a moment goes by and I see this little boy come in. What struck me was the fact that he
was wearing those hand crutches. You know, the ones that get attached to your arms so you wont
lose your balance and you can walk. This kid must have been about eight years old.



The boy begged me for food because I looked at him and I could witness his embarrassment. He was
asking for alms because he and his mother were starving. The boy with her mother was abandoned
by the father. His father was not a good provider for his family said the said. He was usually
punching his mother because of some family issues like household tasks.
Later, they left his father, instead, decided to go away having this great love among each other and
that was so remarkable to me and special. I felt blessed to see this because I know that this is a
message Youve given to me- a message of self-transformation and a message of love and
forgiveness. I believe that with this situation Lord, you enlighten my soul.
Father, I admit that there were days when I complained and got aggravated about things that
happen in my life especially when I engaged in conflict with my ever-loving mother and with my
father but now, here was this young man, proving me to be a fool. I broke down right there. I cried
as quietly as I could. I tried my best not to show it in public. I used my newspaper to hide my face
and then I went to the bathroom to try and get a grip of myself. I cried not because of pity but my
Lord, I cried because I know that You touched my life. Whenever I think of my life taking a hard
turn, Im going to think about that little man I was lucky enough to see. We should all learn from
that boy, he was and is an angel of Yours. Therefore, I humbly offer this prayer for the healing of his
family and also for the guidance of my own family.

Lord, may you heal all broken families in your precious blessings and remove all the sorrows
they have for each other and fill them with your constant love. Lord, take away from them all
bitterness, anger and the desire to hurt each other. May they grown strong in your love.
Lord, may you have your eternal mercy on those families where they have no time for Prayer.
May they come closer to you through daily family prayer.Lord, have pity on families where they



live only to gratify the flesh. May they grow spiritually through building better relationships
despite of fear and anger.
Lord, have mercy on all families from all these bondages and help them to believe only in You
one God forever and ever. Lord, have mercy on families who live in selfishness and pride, and
where there is no real sharing of all that you have given to them generously. May they live their
lives for you. Lord have mercy on families who suffer because of alcoholism or drug addiction.
Lord touch them and heal them. Give to all who are affected, strength and the courage to accept
their and to wait patiently for deliverance.
Lord have mercy on couples who do not have a child, a good job, a house to live in. Lord bless
them in your kindness and mercy. Lord we pray for all those who are struggling with sickness,
financial problems, and other sufferings. Lord, be merciful to them and help them in their needs.
Lord, we pray that all families may give the first place to Jesus in their hearts and thus become
your witnesses. Lord, give us real sorrow for all our sins and give us the strength to live a virtuous
life and to always glorify you.
Lord my greatest realization with this situation is that Living in a happy family is important to
mold each and every human being into responsible social beings. Home and families are places
where kids and elders live with a feeling of security and also places of sharing, love, care and
concern. Mutual understanding, adjustments and love creates the unbreakable bond between family
members and if taken care of certain aspects, any family can be made a happy family.
Conclusion : A family can be two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term
commitments to one another, and usually live in the same house. Families range from all sorts of
races, forms and sizes. Families differ in various ways but each one has its own definition of a happy
home and family. So, what makes a happy family? There are many important factors that make a

Order is one of the important factors that make a happy family. With order there is no chaos

or confusion in the home. A well-organized family will be able to function smoothly and easily in



completing various tasks that each individual must do. When each individual knows his/her own
responsibility, he/she is capable and able to bring more harmony and peace in the home.
Quality time is definitely one aspect to having a happy family. This quality time spent
together as a family no matter what the activity is will surely strengthen a familys relationship.
Quality time helps to develop a bond between family members. Not only will this strengthen ties, it
will provide you with charitable memories of times spent together, whether it is having fun, being




In addition, a happy family must have an open communication between each individual. It is
important that each member of the family is heard, either it be about a problem, sharing good news
or just because that person is there. Everyone is important enough have their own opinion. An open
communication between parents and their children will help increase trust and decrease the problems
of drug and alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy and crime. Also an open communication between a
husband and wife will bring much understanding, appreciation, trust and much more. Being open
with each other is something that is essential in a happy family, but may be very hard to do.
Discussing our feelings among each other can help us to have a stronger bond. Finally, having faith
with Him is best way to make a family more spiritual and more contended.

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