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Level 130-190

NOTE: From this point forward you should make it a habit of doing your 3 daily m
issions every day, or as often as possible.
Upon reaching level 130 do the 130 dungeon a preferred minimum of 6 times, 9 if
possible. To do this without directly affecting leveling speed you may want to c
onsider really trying to hit 130 before logging off one day so you can get your
3 dungeons in, and do the next 3 immediately after you log on the next day.
After your 6+ runs of the 130 dungeon you should be at around level 140-145+, th
anks to the experience break at 136.
Resume questing where ever you left off, likely Aspimesti Crossroads or Main Cha
mber, and complete all story and side quests in all of Main Chamber.
You should be an absolute minimum of level 145 by now. If you are not at least 1
45 you need to fix it through the 130 dungeon and missions, or ensuring you've d
one all quests and 100% explored all level 6+ EXP card zones.
Now you need to jump over to Greene Manor and quest through Greene Manor, Shaton
Farm, and Shaton Reservoir. If you've been following this guide the fastest/bes
t way to get there would be to warp to Septyni Glen, go through Dina Bee Farm an
d make sure you pick up the statue, go west to Shaton Farm and south to Greene M
anor. Otherwise if you have Tenants' Farm warp, that way is faster.
Upon finishing these 3 zones you should be at least level 150.
A lot of people decide to grind out 10-20 levels at Demon Prison District 2.
Where as I genuinely know it's not necessary to grind here at all, and technical
ly doing so can actually slow your overall leveling speed, if you do not grind h
ere for at least 5 levels during 145-165 (DP2), you may struggle greatly making
it to the next experience break at level 186.
My recommendation is actually trying to grind at least 2-4 levels here, ensuring
you complete all of the adventure journal kill requirements during the process
for the free handful of experience cards.
Once you are approximately level 155-160, resume questing:
Quest all through Demon Prison District 1, make sure you talk to the NPCs after
completing the story quests on each floor to pick up the side quests that only a
ppear after finishing the floor. Upon completing all floors of Demon Prison you
should be approximately level 165, possibly or hopefully even higher, but if not
, again, it's not a huge deal.
Quest through Dina Bee Farm, Vilna Forest, Uskis Arable Land, Spring Light Woods
, Glade Hillroad.*
By now you should be at least level 170. Go south from Glade Hillroad to Viltis
Forest, in the middle area of the map there is a warp statue. Use it and go to S
tele Road, and then north to Nuoridin Falls.
Do all of the quests in Nuoridin Falls, Namu Temple Ruins, and Istora Ruins.
You should now be at least level 173.

Go back to Viltis Forest and finish questing in Viltis Forest, Laukyme Swamp, an
d prepare yourself for Tyla Monastery.* Honestly if you have a friend or guild m
ate willing to help with this zone, it's not necessary but the zone tends to be
annoying unless you out-gear it or have a friend or two questing with you.
Upon completing Tyla Monastery you should be at least level 177. If you are not
177, make sure you have done all explorations and quests up to this point, have
done your daily missions, and consider doing some adventure journal kill require
ments for additional cards.
Warp over to Forest of Prayer and go north to Aspimesti Crossroads.
Take a quick detour into Roxona Reconstruction Agency West Building and Roxona R
econstruction Agency East Building. I recommend 100% exploring both maps and pos
sibly even grinding out the kill card requirements real quick, if you're in the
Now go north of Apsimesti Crossroads to Verkti Square and quest through Verkti S
quare, Roxona Market, and Ruklys Street.* By the time you finish Ruklys Street y
ou should be approximately 181-182, if not higher.
Warp south to Dina Bee Farm or Viltis Forest and go to Mokusul Chamber, through
Laukyme Swamp.
Quest through Mokusul Chamber, Underground Grave of Ritinis, and Videntis Shrine
.* By now you should be level 185.
Warp north again to Ruklys Street, go through Verkti Square to Downtown. Quest a
ll of Downtown.*
By the end of Downtown you should have hit level 186, the experience break, and
the stupid hard shenanigans is over, it's smooth sailing from here on out.
Go to Inner Enceinte District, through Downtown, and quest all of this zone. It
should get you to roughly level 190.

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