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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 18, 2017

What should we not ignore, if we want happiness and peace in life? Bhagawan lovingly
reminds us today.

If the development of the moral and spiritual resources is

neglected, remember, you are choosing to ignore the provision
of peace and happiness. Happiness and peace do not
automatically follow when a person is fed well, clothed well,
housed well and even educated to a high standard and
employed under comfortable conditions with no injury to health
or security. There are millions who have these in plenty and are
yet worried in pain or are highly discontented. Happiness and
peace depend on the inner equipment of people, not on their
outer skill or riches. All of you are fundamentally divine, and so,
naturally, the more you manifest the Divine attributes of Love,
Justice, Truth and Peace, the more joy you will be able to
impart and enjoy yourself! If you choose to manifest less of the
divine attributes, the more ashamed you ought to be, for you
are living counter to your own heritage!
- Divine Discourse, Aug 3, 1966.

Devotion to the Divine will give you bliss, prosperity and peace. Baba

18 jnvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: jy AsIN Awpxy jIvn ivc KuSIAW Aqy SWqI cwhuMdy hw qW swnUM iks cIz nUM nzrAMdwz nhIN krnw cwhIdw?
Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, Xwd duAwauNdy hn[

au`qr: jy qusIN,sdwcwr Aqy A`iDAwqimk sRoqW dI q`rkI vl iDAwn nhIN idMdy qW Xwd r`Ko ik qusIN, KuSI Aqy SWqI
pRwpq krn dy rsqy qoN pry ht rhy ho[jy koeI mnu`K cMgI Kurwk Kwvy, cMgy kpVy pihny, cMgy Gr ivc rhy , cMgw pVH
ilK jwvy Aqy cMgI ishq Aqy r`iKAw vwlI nOkrI kry, ieh swrw ku`J hox dy bwvjUd mnu`K nUM, Awpxy-Awp SWqI pRwpq
nhIN ho skdI[ies qrHW dy su`K hox dy bwvjUJ, l`KW hI lok ies qrHW dy hn ijhVy duKI hn Aqy sMquSt nhIN hn[KuSI
Aqy SWqI, mnu`K dy AMdly guxW kwrx hY, Aqy bwhrly hunr jW AmIrI kwrx nhIN hY[[qusIN swry mUl rUp ivc idvX
ho[ies leI ieh kudrqI hY ik ij`ny izAdy qusIN ipAwr, ienswP, scweI Aqy SWqI dy gux Awpxy ivc pYdw kro gy
au`NnI izAwdw SWqI Aqy KuSI quhwnUM pRwpq hovy gI[ jy qusIN Awpxy ivc,Gt idvXqw dy gux pYdw kro gy qW au` nw hI
ijAwdw quhwnUM SrimMdw hoxw pvy gw ikauN jo qusIN,Awpxy mUl gux,idvXqw dy ault cl rhy ho[( 03 Ag`sq, 1966 dy
idvX pRvcn)[
Bgvwn dI BgqI quhwnUM,AwnMd, KuShwlI Aqy SWqI pRdwn kry gI[(bwbw)[

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