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The samples in this study were 108 schools of Bangkok Metropolitan, they were learning experiences of information technology curriculum in prathomsuksa 4 of the 2" semester, the academic year of 2003. They were selected by the simple random sampling technique. The research instrument was interview sheet. Which were divided into 2 sections, namely: Part I: Information in schools of Bangkok Metropolitan and general information of main content’s interviewer. Part Il: Informaticn of conditions and problems of the development of information technology curriculum. The data were analyzed with frequency and percentage. The rescarch results were as followings: 1. Conditions of the development of information technology curriculum. Readiness preparation of information technology curriculum mostly was provoked by school personnel through meeting and inviting lecturer for advice, including conference, trainning, seminar concerning school curricislum. In addition, there wes a steering committee of curriculum provision relying on personnel’s educational certificate and capability, data gathering by investigating school's fundamental data and instruction Development, educational quality development plan by setting a committee in accordance with the National Education Plan, Most schools provided information technology curriculum through analyzing prerequisite data. It included leamer’s fundamental data and local needs, objective of the curriculum covering TE 153190 learning standard, and enhancing learner's competence, provision of matter and leaning activity by setting appropriate activity and learning objectivity, including learning management plan in accordance with leaming standard, leaming media development relying on ultimate utility for learner, and test and test and measurement as to actual circumstance and leamer's competence. ‘Schools prepared personnel for use of information technology curriculum by providing training and seminar concerning leaming as to cight matter groups of leaming, personnel for learning management according to educational certificate and capability, leaming process through demonstration, practice, and leamer-centered approach, and service of curriculum materials for personnel. In term of information technology curriculum’s evaluation, it was done by steering committee and actual evaluation and learner's capability. The evaluation was practiced at the end, of the semester and then its results were used for curriculum improvement. 2. Problems of the development of information technology curriculum, The problems conceming readiness preparation of information technology curriculum mostly confronted were that there was a few computer personnel and personnel did not adjust as to a new curriculum. Problems concerning provision of information technoiogy curricuium were that there was a few computer personnel and personnel and lacking of knowledge and experience of curriculum provision, whereas problems concerning use of curriculum included that there was lacking of budget for leaming provision and personnel training, and problems conceming curriculum usage’s evaluation included that personnel were lack of knowledge and experience about curriculum usaz’s evaluation and there was no enough budger to improve all weakness as to the results of the evaluation,

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