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The Top 5 Best Performing Mutual Funds of India1. Reliance Short Term - Direct (G)
2. L&T Short Term Opport. (G)
3. Axis Short Term Fund (G)
4. Kotak Bond-Short Term Plan - Regular (G)
5. HDFC Short Term Opportunities (G)
These give above-average returns and are top class actively-managed funds.
You may choose to invest in as many as you like!
Top 4 High Quality Online Portals To Help You Invest in Mutual Funds1. Invest in Mutual Funds Through
2. Stock/Share Market Investing - Live BSE/NSE, India Stock Market
Recommendations and Tips, Live Stock Markets, Sensex/Nifty, Commodity
Market, Investment Portfolio, Financial News, Mutual Funds
3. Invest in Best Mutual & Equity Funds Online in India

I shall give you an annum plan:

Total savings =20,000*12 =2,40,000.One should always divide investment into three
A)Liquid money:(20% of total)
20% of 2,40,000 is 48,000 p.a.This is the annual amount you should save in your
savings bank account annually.Every 1st of any month, have an auto-debit of 2,000 to
your savings bank and please do not touch it(until really necessary)
planned vacations/Gifts for yourself & family etc are few things your money would go
please use this money instead of credit card

How to save liquid money?

For me personally, they are really helpful in my time of need
Its is good to keep a good chunk of money in your saving's account which you can use in
.Some personal tips:
a)Open a savings account and link your salary account to it.Go for an auto debit from
your sal account to this savings account.
b)It is highly recommended that keep a Public sector bank as your saving's bank
c)Do not handle much of it in terms of Netbanking,mobile banking.Infact I don't carry
the ATM also with me.This is a psychological game I play with myself to save myself
from being a spendthrift.If I carry the ATM , I shall know I have money and can spend
more than reqd(human tendency nothing bad in it)
d)Interest earned on SB account is taxfree(limited upto 10k is if the interest)
B)Short term plan:(50% of total)
50% of 2,40,000 is 1,20,000
1)Recurring deposit:(48k)3000 per month go for 15 months duration
2)Axis Long term Equity Fund:(38k-40k)-ELSS *TAXHELP*
One shot , has 31.5% return in 3 years
3)SIP: Icici value discovery Fund:(24k): 2000 per month
4)NSC(10k) *TAXHELP*
at one shot give 10k and it will be around 15k(1.5 times) in 5 years
5)Fixed deposit(backup plan)
C)Long term plan(30% of total)
30% of 2,40,000 is 72,000
1)PPF:(1000 per month*1 2=12k) *TAXHELP*
Deposit before 5th of every month to gain that month's interest% interest is
8.75(earlier)/8.1 (now)

-add average money which is not immediately required by you as the duration period is a
long term one i.e 15 years
-Government is too lenient for PPF
- one can add to there PPF account ranges from mere Rs 500 to 1.5 lakhs(recently
2)SBI Blue Chip Mutual Fund (5000*12:60000) best in the market
Minimum sip amount in 5k
4)Buy IPOs (backup but definitely recommended)
Some notes:
1)Improve your plan every year as money increases
2)Intend to save 3540% of your salary minimum
3)Use backup options provided above whenever you have a bulksum amount.For
example your RD matures and if you dont require money immediately fix it as a
FD/Invest it in IPO/Do ELSS
4)options maked under *TAXHELP* are tax saving options
5)Do not use credit card until absolutely necessary
6)Use A)Liquid money in case of contingencies/emergency/plans
7)For investment in MUTUAL FUNDS:
-Try 2 mid cap and 1 large cap investment(if you can afford)
-For details see here: Shambhavi Choudhary's answer to What are the differences
between small-cap, mid-cap, and large-cap mutual funds in India?
-No tax benefits but great return
-Lock in period investments(ELSS) do have tax benefits but minimum period is 3 years
8)For investment in FD/RD:
A)Fixed Deposits:(6 months-15 years)When you get a bonus/any investment
matures/a major chunk of money keep it in FD.Today, private banks like ICICI,HDFC
etc has made it really transparent where you can open through netbanking itself.The
minimum period is 6 months.They don't come under tax exemption but are a great

asset.Minimum FD period available is 7 days however I would prefer the money to go for
minimum 6 months.
B)Recurring Deposits:(6 months-15 years)-One should make a rule of always
having a recurring deposit in Life while you are earning.-Merely starts from 500 Rs and
the best middle duration (keeping best interest provided in mind) is 15 months-TaxableConvert your RD total (once it matures) into FD if you really don't need that moneyKeep minimum 2 RD's-Can be broken at any point of time-Highly recommended

Congratulations!! At your age, very few people think seriously about investing. Most of
them think about spending and/or showing off with the latest mobile phones, latest
watches, latest bikes, latest cars.
YOU can expect to be a Crorepati by 2030 or much before, if you continue with your
investment orientation.
I am giving below some basic inputs on how to make safe investments in Mutual Funds
on a monthly basis and how to double your money every 45 years.
What are Mutual Funds (=MFs)?
When we invest directly in the stock market, we purchase shares ofAsianPaints, Infosys,
ITC, Nestle, TCS. But, as we are not experts, many times we buy & sell shares (=stocks)
at wrong prices which lead to unexpected losses.
So, instead of shares, wise people purchase MFs. Each MF is managed by a Fund
Manager who is an expert in buying & selling of shares. So, when you buy a mutual fund
worth Rs. 10,000/-, the Fund Manager buys many shares worth total Rs. 10,000/making sure that he is buying them at the right price. So,when you buy an MF, you dont
have to worry about buying individual shares. The Fund Manager does it for you.
MFs typically give about 15% TAX-FREE returns per year in the long run. In other
words, if you invest in Mutual Funds for 45 years, then your invested money will double
in 45 years. (In Bank/Company Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits etc. your money
will double only in about 8-10 years as you can get maximum 7-10% returns, and that is
also Taxable.)

Invest equal amount of money in the following 3 Mutual Funds every month. In other
words, start a monthly SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) by going through ICICI/
HDFC/ SBI or any other dependable bank or broker. Investing in these Hybrid/
Balanced Mutual Funds is a safe investment.
Axis Long TermEquity Fund | (Tax saver. 3 year lock-in.)
TataBalancedFund-Regular Plan
HDFCChildrensGiftFund- Investment Plan
These funds are managed by experienced fund managers. So, these are safe investments.
After you understand more about investments through MFs, you may invest in multi-cap
mutual funds after a few quarters.
Please note that directly investing in the stock market is very risky and you may lose your
money as it is a Very High Risk investment avenue. So, dont invest in stocks/shares
directly. Invest in MFs.
All the best!!
Most of the people think,
>> (Monthly Earnings minus Monthly Expenses) = (Monthly Savings)
In reality, it should be,
>> (Monthly Earnings minus Monthly Savings)=(MonthlyExpenses)
So, you should FIRST put your money in savings (=investment) on a monthly
basis and THEN start spending for the month from the balance money
available to you after your monthly systematic savings/investments.
It is great that you have already started thinking in this manner about savings and

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