Implications of Ichinen Sanzen

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Implications of Ichinen sanzen

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What are the implications of the principle of Ichinen Sanzen?

Destiny is not fixed: The concept of IchinenSanzen is derived from the Lotus Sutra,
which differs from pre-Lotus teachings in regard to attainment of Buddhahood (and to
overcoming ones karmic obstacles). Based on the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren Buddhism
teaches that ones future is not dictated by past karma, but by ones current actions (or
life-essence) at each moment. Our present life-essence (ichinen) directs our life to create
a relevant future (or a relevant scenario of events) - one out of a spectrum of many
possibilities (sanzen) the future can take. Any situation we experience at present has an
impact on the future. The future we are inspired to create starts from our determined
actions at each moment - based on the Mystic Law.
- Buddhahood is a reality: According to the principle of IchinenSanzen, life at each
moment contains - not only the lower states of suffering - but Buddhahood as well , as a
potential. The teaching of the Ten Factors of Life (mentioned in the Hoben chapter of the
Lotus Sutra) implies that there is no physical or mental barrier preventing ordinary people
from attaining Buddhahood. Additionally, the Mutual Possession of the Ten Worlds, (Juryo
Chapter) teaches that in any state of life, Buddhahood exists as a potential (or dormant
state) awaiting manifestation. These teachings are the essence of Ichinen Sanzen which considers Buddhahood as an inherent state of reality of life - to be revealed now, in
this present moment of life and not in a future life or in another place.
Interconnectedness of Individual, Society and Environment: Buddhism
distinguishes three realms of existence of life; the Individual, a Group of Living Beings,
and the Environment. What is valid for one individual (experiencing the Ten Worlds in own
life) is also valid for a group of individuals or society, as well as for the environment without which people do not exist.
IchinenSanzen teaches the inseparability of these three realms: yourself - as an
individual - society to which one belongs, and the environment sustaining all life.
The interconnectedness of these three realms implies that: an inner change in the life of
an individual can trigger a change in the lives of others and can affect the surrounding
Ichinen Sanzen is the Ultimate Truth: Nichiren Buddhism teaches that the ultimate
truth of life is expressed is readily expressed in all phenomena including the life of
individual (the microcosm) interconnected with all living beings and environment (the
macrocosm). According to the principle of IchinenSanzen: the life of an Individual is
inseparable from the life of all living beings and environment. This clear observation leads
to a remarkable insight, indicating that there is no separation of ones own life from the
ultimate truth (which is the cosmic life itself). It basically teaches that ones life - and the
life of the universe are inseparable, lifting thus the value of individuals life as equal to the
value of the universe: One day of Life is more valuable than all the treasures of the
major world systemA single life is worth more than the major world system WND1 p 955
Ichinen Sanzen is the Gohonzon, the Life of Buddha : The basic message of
Ichinen Sanzen is that: Buddhahood is a possibility in the life of the individual. This
theoretical possibility was turned into actual reality by Nichiren. The essence of
Nichirens life was that of Buddhahood: revealing the Ultimate Law, transforming great
hardships into events showing the actual proof of strength, life force and wisdom,
benefiting others and humanity at large. The essence of Nichirens life, the life of
Buddhahood, was contained in the form of a mandala by his own inscription of the

29/10/2015 09:50

Implications of Ichinen sanzen

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The life state of Buddhahood, embodied in the Gohonzon, includes all the Ten Worlds in
their highest state of being. Each of the Ten Worlds expresses itself in reality of life
(shoho jisso) through the Ten Factors, summarised in the Gohonzon by the inscription of
Myoho-Renge-Kyo, which is the nature of life of all living beings and the environment.
The Gohonzon expresses the state of Buddhahood as the enlightenment of the whole
spectrum of reality of life, at each moment WND1 p 417. The enlightenment of an individual
person is manifestly linked and reflected in the enlightenment of other living beings and
also their supporting surroundings or space (the inanimate environment).

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Implications of Ichinen sanzen

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29/10/2015 09:50

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