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Name: Christine Anne Mesa

Grade: 11
Section: STEM Romans
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: If I were the governor, I would not allow coal mining projects because of
the great damage it causes to our environment. Coal has been a major threat since
it creates greenhouse effect and contributes to global warming. I dont think we
should add more destruction to Earth so I came up with this decision as a governor
who has concern to our planet.

Name: Jennifer Lemaitre

Grade: 11
Section: STEM 1
School: Saint Benilde International School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: It depends upon where the coal mining would take place. I may say yes
for coal is helpful when it comes to generating electricity but if I were the governor
of my province and I was in charge with my people, Id say no. Coal mining could
have a huge negative impact to the government in terms of waste management and
coal fires. Coal fire is the rise of temperature at the surface and contaminate
groundwater, soil and air. If I were the governor of my own city or my province,
my intention is to help my people and let them have a better city for their future. If
I were to allow such causes of issues in my hometown it will only damage it, so
my answer would be no.

Name: Byron Jay Polinga

Grade: 11
Section: STEM Romans
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: Yes, I'll allow a coal mining project because it will not just help us in
terms of business but it will also benefit those who buy these coal deposits we've
got from the mining project. This mining project will benefit us in terms of
business because coals are used for fuels. This means that every fuel company
needs coal for their business.

Name: Kathleen Lyka Mae Ang
Grade: 11
Section: ABM 1 Corinthians
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: Yes, I will allow it. First of all, coal can be used in a variety of ways. You
can use it for electricity generation and steel productions. It has activated carbon
used in filters for water and air purification. Basically, coal mining projects can
help a lot in the community.

Name: Alyssa Libranda

Grade: 11
Section: ABM Block 1
School: Wesleyan University Philippines
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: Yes, because it will be a great start of my area in business. Like for
example, the more coal that will be bought by other cities, the more money will be
invested in my city. And the more money we will save for government projects and
stuffs. Plus, it will be a big help considering our government wants to upgrade our
area to a Highly Urbanized City. And we need funds, so my answer is yes.

Name: Reni Angelo Enguancho

Grade: 11
Section: ABM Block 1
School: Abeniano Delos Santos Academy, Inc.
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: If I were the governor and my province is rich in coal deposits, I will not
allow a coal mining project because it is harmful in our environment especially to
humans. It causes us to have a chronic lung disease which is really bad. I think we
should do other projects like "Tree Planting" so that we can make our world a
better place to live in.

Name: Barron Jhay Balbuena
Grade: 11
Section: ABM 2 Business Finance
School: Tanza National Trade School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: No, because if I approve coal mining projects, my province will be
polluted. Even though it can give incomes to my province, I will not sacrifice it.

Name: Ivy Rose Araga

Grade: 11
Section: ABM L
School: Tanza National Comprehensive High School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: Yes, because coal mining can help our country to become rich but it
should have limitations for using the coal, for our own sake and for the nature.

Name: Reymart Fraga

Grade: 11
Section: ABM Block 2
School: Amable Mendoza Abeluz
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: For me, it depends upon the situation. If the area that Im controlling
over has a sentimental value to my people or it is a tourist spot, well definitely I
would never ruin the place even if its rich in coal deposits. Still, I would think first
on how my people would feel about this. And if the area Im ruling is not that
progressive, well probably, this would be the right time to help this area increase
their economic growth. Surely, the coal mining project will mean a lot to the
progression of the area. And the area will be well-known because of this project.

Junior High School

Name: Job Juntura
Grade: 9
Section: Moses
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: Yes, because there are only several places that rich in coal and we can
help our community grow. We need to maximize our natural resources in a certain

Name: Cielo Marie Arieta

Grade: 10
Section: Hope
School: Tanza Child Development Centre
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: No, because it affects our beautiful nature.

Name: Kisses Jimenez

Grade: 10
Section: Ruby
School: Tanza National Comprehensive High School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: If I were the governor of my beloved province, I will allow people to
mine those nature treasures because at the very first place its nobodys property,
but the property of nature. I will be happy for my province to see people helping
each other.

Name: Jayjay Sabroso

Grade: 10
Section: Abraham
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: No, because it can lead to environmental harm.

Name: Karl Sosa

Grade: 10
Section: Abraham
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: No, because coal mining can destroy nature.

Name: Jenesie Mae Autriz (SSC Student)

Grade: 8
Section: Aristotle
School: Tanza National Comprehensive High School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: Even though my province are rich in coal deposits, I will never allow the
coal mining in my province because it has no good effect in the community.

Name: Andrealyn Villa

Grade: 9
Section: Solomon
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: If I were the governor of my province, I will not allow the coal mining
projects because it will be dangerous to some people particularly the residents in
the area. Sometimes in mining there are possibilities that the province might lead
to certain disasters like landslides and may cause death to a large amount of
Name: Dan Albert Bola
Grade: 10
Section: Crystal
School: Tanza National Comprehensive High School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: If I were to be the governor of my province, I would allow them to build
mining companies but, of course, there will be limitations. Knowing that mining
can cause pollution, and my residents might be badly affected, I would have an

agreement with the mining companies that they should be responsible, and they
should give something favorable to my residents.
Name: Kent Edu Michael Montao
Grade: 9
Section: Einstein
School: Liloy National High School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: If I would be the governor of my province, an area where there is an
abundance of coal I would, and wouldnt allow mining projects. Would in ways
that through this, it would improve my provinces economic state and benefit from
this coal mining project. On the other hand, I wouldnt I would be responsible in
controlling if things are getting a little bit excessive that could destroy its natural

Name: Shentte Ruth Ferreras

Grade: 10
Section: Aquinas
School: International School for Better Beginnings
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: If I were the governor, I will not allow the coal mining project. Even if
coal is an abundant, low cost and reliable source of energy, the hazards that it
imposes on the miners such as explosions and cave-ins cannot be ignored
especially if the miners will be coming from the province itself.

Name: Janelle De Leon

Grade: 10
Section: Boracay Island
School: Rizal High School Pasig
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: The current status of nature is unfortunately at risk. You see, our country
highly depends on our natural resources which we are rich of and apparently
almost all of us contribute to its misuse. However, if I were a governor in my
province, I would not allow any coal mining project to be conducted for I believe
that our natural resources should be preserved and not use it to the extent that it
will no longer exist sooner or later.

Name: Danrick Velasco

Grade: 10
Section: Crystal
School: Tanza National Comprehensive High School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: As a governor of my province, I will not allow that project because it can
destroy my province. Even though it can help my province to gain more money,
but for me nature is most important.

Name: Nico Delacruz

Grade: 10
Section: Abraham
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: Yes, because coal has a good energy source and I know that if I allow
this project in my province this will help us to create even more jobs outside the
mining industry.

Name: Alaine Michelle Angela Torres

Grade: 9
Section: Lucban
School: Tanza National Comprehensive High School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: No, because it will affect the environment and can damage the nature.
And eventually it can also affect the health of my constituent.

Name: Eryn Villavincencio

Grade: 9
Section: Solomon
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?

Answer: No, though it is very useful especially to those people who are in needs,
it is also harmful to our nature. It leads toxins to the environment also, which
produce pulmonary problems to people.
Name: Xyla Denize Muega
Grade: 11
Section: GAS 2 Philippians
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: I will not allow mining projects because there will be a lot of
environmental impacts that can happen in my province if I allow those things. My
province will suffer in landslide, soil erosion and other related disasters.

Name: Lyanne Zyrille Fojas

Grade: 11
Section: GAS 2 Philippians
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: If I were the governor of my province, I will allow the coal mining but
not for a long time. Allowing the coal mining in a certain place is a big decision for
the government officials because you have to think two things. The sake of the
people and the sake of the economy of my province. So I will also allow this
project because it is the treasure of the province. When I export it, my people or the
residents who are living in that province will benefit and it starts to progress. Not
for a long time because it may affect and destroy the environment.

Name: Micah Alyssa Quezon

Grade: 11
Section: GAS 2 Philippians
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: No, because there will be a lot of environmental impacts if I allow coal
mining projects in my province. We must preserve it.

Name: Cheenea Rooz Losaes

Grade: 11
Section: GAS 2 Philippians
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: Yes, but there will be limitations that they must follow. Also the rules
and regulations and it needs to do about good in our country.

Name: Jazmine Anne Parin

Grade: 11
Section: GAS 2 Philippians
School: Holy Nazarene Christian School
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: Maybe yes and maybe no. If I were the governor of my province, I will
only give of the place to do projects such as coal mining.

Name: Andrea Malang

Grade: 11
Section: GAS
School: Colegio de Naic
Question: If you were the governor of your province and you know that your area
is rich in coal deposits, will you allow coal mining projects? Why yes or why not?
Answer: If I were the governor of my province and have the knowledge that our
area is rich in coal deposits, Ill allow coal mining project because it can contribute
to my provinces wealth and it can help my people especially those who are in need
of job to raise their families, but as a responsible governor Ill make sure that the
coal mining project wont lead to an abusive act that will destroy our natural

Project in Earth Science

Submitted by:
Dominic Emelo
Crizel Portuguese
Audrey Joya
Ellaine Armado
Submitted to:
Teacher Mailyn Trejeros

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