Sp-Rm-Bu-A047-How To Packingunpacking A Guest Luggage-Srs

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The St.

Regis Shanghai Standard & Procedure 上海瑞 吉红塔 大酒店 标准与程序

Position: Butlers 职位:专职管家
Department: Housekeeping Dept. Head: Jevons Yang 部门:客房部 部门经理:仰平
HM Approval: Paul Nash Date: Dec 1, 01 酒店经理批准:黎瑞邦 日期:2001 年 12 月 1

Task: How to Pack/Unpack Code: RM-BU-A047 任务:怎样打包 /整理客人的行 序号: RM-BU-A047
Guest Luggage 李

Standard: 标准:
Butlers will provide Unpacking service upon arrival and Packing service prior to 专职管家要为到店客人提供打开行李的服务并优先为要离店的客人提供打包
departure to Guests. 服务。

Procedures: 程序:
1. Upon Guests arrival Butlers will offer to unpack their luggage. 1. 当客人到店时,专职管家需要提供打开行李服务。
A. Jones 先生,您需要我为您打开行李吗?
A. Mr. Jones, Would you like me to unpack your luggage?”

2. 虽然大多数客人不需要此项服务,但如果有需要,专职管
2. Although most guests will not require this service, if the request is made the
Butler will provide an enthusiastic attitude to complete the service. 家要以热情的态度提供并完成任务。

3. The Butler will complete the service as earliest as possible depending on the 3. 根据时间允许和实际情况,专职管家要尽可能早的完成服
time concerns and situation, however do not rush and all unpacking must be 务,然而不要匆匆忙忙,所有打开行李的服务都必须依照
done properly as trained and meets the standard of St. Regis. 培训的方法来做,要符合瑞吉的标准。

4. Record all request in the daily Guest Needs and Preferences log sheet with 4. 在日常客人需求和喜好交班单上记录下所有要求的正确时
accurate time, type of request, duration and time required to complete. 间、要求类型、完成任务所需时间和所要求完成的时间。
5. Butlers must be knowledgeable with the steps of unpacking always-taking
5. 专职管家必须有打开行李的步骤方面的知识,一贯小心对
personal care of Guests personal items. You are required to be discreet and do
not discuss subject of Guest personal items on other associates. 待客人的私人物品。您要保密不与其他员工谈论有关客人
6. Upon Guest checkout schedule contact Guest 2 hours before departure or
what deemed appropriate, and ask if their require Packing Service. 6. 根据客人要求退房的计划,在其离店前的 2 个小时或适当的

Printed Date:1/18/2001 PAGE: 1/2

The St. Regis Shanghai Standard & Procedure 上海瑞 吉红塔 大酒店 标准与程序
Position: Butlers 职位:专职管家
Department: Housekeeping Dept. Head: Jevons Yang 部门:客房部 部门经理:仰平
HM Approval: Paul Nash Date: Dec 1, 01 酒店经理批准:黎瑞邦 日期:2001 年 12 月 1

Task: How to Pack/Unpack Code: RM-BU-A047 任务:怎样打包 /整理客人的行 序号: RM-BU-A047
Guest Luggage 李

A. “Mr. Jones, Would you require any assistance in packing your A. Jones 先生,您需要帮助打包行李吗?

7. 如客人需要打包服务,你要到客房根据你所受的培训以专
7. If Guest request packing, you will go to room and follow your training in
packing his/her luggage in a professional manner.

8. Log all requests in the Guest Preference sheet in order to ensure input in the
Guest History for future stays. 8. 为了客人将来的再次入住,要在客人喜好单上记录下所有

Printed Date:1/18/2001 PAGE: 2/2

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