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In todays cross-cultural, hyper connected world, companies face constantly evolving threats and opportunities. Effective
leadership and communication is more critical than ever to adapt and drive change. Managing teams and organizations is no
longer enough for companies and organizations to succeed; they need transformational leadership.
JIMPACT Enterprises creates strategic performance breakthroughs for teams and organizations through transformational
leadership and personal power. We help companies to exceed their performance objectives by creating new levels of trust,
empathy, empowerment and leadership.
Our work across key markets with some of the worlds leading organizations has helped us develop a range of leadership,
communication and diversity tools. From creating unprecedented levels of engagement and performance in the workforce,
to diversity workshops that leave participants celebrating their differences, we provide executives, individual contributors and
trainers the tools that allow them to not only deliver the message but to be the story.


Helping to create self-empowering leadership
models within the workplace, we create new
levels of empathy, appreciation, social and
emotional intelligence.
Transformative Leadership Tools include
activities, one-on-one coaching, self
assessment, feedback, listening and
communication tools to lead and motivate in
ways that are genuine to the leader and to
the team. We teach new ways to leverage
vulnerability, confront personal fears and
extend trust to galvanize teams and reach
performance goals in ways previously
believed to be impossible.
Leadership Workshops and solutions are essential for creating new possibilities for leadership through self-reinvention,
and for reinforcing behaviors essential to successful leadership models including trust, motivation, empowerment, diversity,
cross cultural competency, employee and personal development.
Cross Cultural Leadership Workshops are our traditional workshops with focus on the complexities of leading business
initiatives across multiple cultures. We do not espouse theory. Our tools and trainings are based upon direct experience
working in key markets including China, Ireland, Turkey, Norway, India, Mexico, the Netherlands, Malaysia, The Bahamas,
Spain, Canada, and in 43 States.
Blind Spots are a critical challenge to leadership. We work with leaders to take them beyond their comfort zones to
understand and assess how their blind spots impact their decision making and relationships. We develop ways to work with
blind spots as opportunities to increase leadership effectiveness.

No Excuses. Just Performance!

Training tools, insight, and professional services that
enable trainers to not only deliver the message but to
inspire, motivate, create buy-in and generate performance

Crash and Learn moves beyond solely teaching content,

to contextualizing the process of learning, inspiring
through story telling and captivating the learners
imagination to present content in ways that deliver results.

Present Like a Pro Workshop is a one or multiple day

program on game-changing presentation and facilitation
techniques that inspire learning and justify commitment.
JIMPACT offers new approaches to delivering leading
presentations that captivate audiences and communicate
key takeaways. By combining proven practices for
accelerated learning with the art of storytelling, we help to
develop the skills to communicate the message and
develop buy in with participants. We also teach ways to
connect with any audience, and to work with difficult

JIMPACT BOOTCAMP is a transformative one or two day

event that creates training and facilitation performance
breakthroughs for teams and individuals. Through
powerful leadership tools and presentation techniques,
participants are trained in the JIMPACT method of
maximizing knowledge retention through dynamic
participant-centered presentation and facilitation skills,
personal power, and be-the-story! storytelling
Trainer Leadership helps trainers exemplify leadership
skills before, during and after the session, effectively
creating a proactive learning environment. By building
upon practices of situational leadership, the session gives
trainers tools to effectively work with management and
make their training sessions a success for all levels of the
organization. This training also helps trainers develop
techniques to engage reluctant learners and transform
difficult participants into supporters.

Crash and Learn: 600+ Road-Tested Tips to Keep

Audiences Fired Up and Engaged Workshop provides
key insights into mistakes and behaviors that can
demotivate participants and create resistance.
Customized programs highlight specific scenarios and
help both new and experienced presenters and trainers to
continually innovate and build upon their presentation and
facilitation techniques.

Beyond the Next Level: Advanced Presentation Skills

transforms facilitation into an opportunity for dynamic
storytelling and personal power. Many trainers believe
that there is a level that they have not yet reached. This
workshop is designed to create performance
breakthroughs, through self-introspection, and new levels
of engagement with the audience through the seven
principles of breakthrough performance including intuition,
connectedness, energy, humility, enthusiasm, leadership
and showmanship.

A combined approach of hands on instruction, with built-in

moments of discovery, reinforcement and informative
readings including Jims book Crash and Learn, helps
make this seminar a phenomenal way to deliver a higher
level of presentation. Key areas include:

Ways to create an empowering learning

Understanding underlying reasons for mistakes
Developing crucial presentation skills and
Self Evaluation and tools for continuous


Restoring Trust and Confidence: How to Recover
from Diversity Foot in the Mouth
Mutual understanding and appreciation creates
opportunities for diverse teams to reach new levels of
success, however diversity-related communication
mishaps destroy trust and confidence. This workshop
provides the tools to make a successful recovery by
using mistakes as opportunities to build greater levels of
trust. We address key aspects such as ways to
personally recover from inappropriate comments,
overcoming the fear factor of difficult conversations,
reestablishing productive relationships through empathy,
and creative techniques to build cultures of appreciation
and inclusion.

Fostering Cultures of Inclusion is a highly interactive

workshop that provides participants the opportunity to
overcome the limiting notions of mainstream diversity and
to celebrate themselves and others for the unique
contributions that they bring. This workshop focuses on
key objectives such as exploring how diversity impacts the
bottom line and
understanding how
demographic changes
within the workplace
influence internal and
external interactions.
We seek to increase
the understanding of
diversity and empathy
to provide new
opportunities for growth
and development.

Blind Spots prevent us from becoming the people we

are meant to be. This transformative workshop helps
individuals develop steps to understand and assess how
their blind spots impact their decision-making and
relationships. We develop ways to work with our blind
spots to create opportunities for continual performance
Transformational Diversity Training Techniques is
designed to empower trainers, leaders and others who
lead diversity initiatives in their organizations. This
program provides key strategies to engage, inspire and
create buy-in with participants. We provide techniques
to deliver your session with power and purpose,
effectively engage reluctant learners and difficult
participants, build an environment of safety and trust,
and successfully interact with participants one-on-one.

[JIMPACTs] contagious
energy, well-drawn visuals
and examples, and
tremendous knowledge
helped turn a disjointed
and difficult group into a
cohesive team.
C. Woods, NUI Corporation



Vital Components of Team Building is a workshop

that teaches the art and science of building successful
teams. Through hands on exercises and activities,
participants experience teamwork at its best and most
challenging including making oneself vulnerable to
establish trust, celebrating diversity, effective
communication, motivating others and other critical
leadership techniques.
Coaching from the Inside-Out provides critical
leadership practices and multicultural communication
skills for executives to succeed and support and coach
their team members in the long term. This workshop is
designed to help participants refine their personal vision
of leadership. This workshop catalyzes a call to action
by providing an opportunity for mindset shifts, behavior
modifications and a customized action plan to adapt to
constant change, maximize productivity and reach new
levels of success.

Polished Professional Web 2.0 provides game

changing insights for developing a professional
reputation online and offline. Learn powerful
communication techniques, ways to effectively engage
with difficult people and positively influence others.
Learn how to apply these time tested techniques
through social media tools with ways to build your
reputation online and gain access to time saving tools
that allow you to track topics of interest, share through
social media channels such as twitter, tumblr, facebook,
blogging and other social media tools.
From Average to Awesome, based upon Jims
bestselling book of the same name, this workshop
provides key insights on how to live with a renewed
sense of passion, power and purpose. The session
includes key highlights such as strategies to recover
from setbacks, methods for self-reinvention,
succeeding in the midst of fear, exceeding the
expectations of others, methods for connecting with
others and ways to take care of oneself for the longterm.
The No Excuses Workshop enables participants to
turn excuses into opportunities for performance
breakthroughs that are driven by personal power and
responsibility. Through techniques that empower the
individual to take ownership for tangible outcomes, we
help to create new levels of personal accountability for
our success.

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;

courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."
-Sir Winston Churchill


From Average to Awesome.
Self-Reinvention Redefined.

RESET. Recovery and Restoration

More than a keynote, from Average to Awesome is a

transformative journey that puts the participant back in the
drivers seat of life by engaging the mindset and behaviors
that produce awesome outcomes. Jim draws from his
book of the same name, providing additional insight into
the methods of reinvention, tools for living life with passion
and purpose, and ways to connect with all people.

This self-exploratory keynote examines how to rebound

from professional challenges, personal pitfalls and
change. During the session we take an in-depth look at
our role in creating these situations and how we can
respond and grow from such experiences.
Focusing on Key Areas Including

No Excuses:
No Matter What Your Boss or LIfe Throws at You.
Personal Responsibility and Accountability

We have the power to transform the direction of our

everyday lives, is a message that resonates across
culture, language, nationality, social status or class. This
keynote, based upon Jims book of the same name
establishes techniques that empower the individual to take
ownership for tangible outcomes, and helps to create new
levels of personal accountability that ultimately drive our
Whos Directing Your Movie? Personal Power.
During this introspective keynote on professional and
personal development, Jim provides insight and passion
for taking control of ones life. The key, Jim shares in his
high-energy style, is writing your own script, choosing a
powerful and generous supporting cast, successfully
handling your drama, action packed moments and
relentlessly working toward securing positive outcomes.
Audiences leave empowered to regain control of their
lives and take their personal power to new levels.
Oh, Yeah! Customer Service.
In this high impact presentation, Jim highlights what
workers can do to go above and beyond to provide
exemplary service. Customer service essentials, habits,
best practices and strategies are discussed and provided
in an interactive and engaging manner. Participants are
empowered to return to their workplaces, searching for
opportunities to exceed the expected levels of service,
with a new understanding of how positive customer
service outcomes can be the difference between keeping
and losing customers.

Empowerment, personal responsibility and

Driving change while overcoming fear and
Methods for bouncing back with continual growth
Strategies for coping with toxic people and toxic
Strategies to reward oneself and take care of
ones heart

This session will go a long way in helping you stand

strong and firm during, and after, those difficult times in
life. Were going to help you bounce back and prepare for
long term success.


Thank you to Jim Smith Jr., and the JIMPACT organization for making a
huge difference in our training culture at Aimco!
-Juli Fussell, Director of Performance Training, Aimco

According to surveys completed by all levels of staff, Jim was the most inspirational and
dynamic speaker ever! We have already seen Jims thoughts carry-over into the workplace.
He accomplished everything we set out to do; motivate staff, increase interaction and give
them something actionable.
-Dan Robichaux, Chief Administrative Officer, Neighbors Federal Credit Union

As a veteran trainer, I still find myself learning new and valuable techniques every time I see
you in action.
-Mary Imbornone, VP of Programming, ATD, Philadelphia Chapter.

You continue to inspire me as well as my staff of trainers. I am a JIMPACT junkie!

Barb LeBlanc, Director of Training & Menu Integration, Cousins Submarines

"What's getting in my way?" Really brings it home for me. So did you! Thank you for

Marcie Bergstrom (Upsher-Smith, Inc.)

More than a workshop on facilitating, this was a lesson in personal leadership, authenticity and
powerful delivery! I have been Jimpacted!
Uva C. Coles, Dean, Career Management, Peirce College

It would be fair to say that the presentation was a hit, but its Famous to say you were
AWESOME! The responses from the General Managers attending the workshop were
Joleen Flory Lundgren, EVP Human Resources and Training

You are on "the verge" of something big!

I can feel it! Be careful though.
"The verge," unfortunately, is where many people stop.

My staff and I participated in your workshop on June 1st and 2nd
and over the past 20 days we have been JIMPACTing everyday.
For me personally your help couldnt have come at a better time.
The following two weeks after your class I traveled the country making presentations to our VPs, Senior
Directors, Regional Directors and District Managers. I started off each presentation by being the story and as
I went through my presentation I kept remembering back to your class (be big, hold your fingers up when
talking about things less than five, focus on someone when telling the story or making a point, etc). My
presentations went off without a hitch and I received great feedback. This was the first time that I went back
to my seat after the presentation and my boss said there was not one thing to improve on. I owe it to you.
As far as my Trainers, they have JIMPACTed our three-week training classes. We have posters and quotes
that are framed and hung at angles, we have quotes on chairs and the floor, we roll dice for breaks, play
music before class and after class, sneaky reviews and more. We recently appointed someone as our
JIMPACT coordinator to share ideas across the Pharma companies so that we can all benefit from the
creative ideas.
Going forward we are building a training class for our representatives that have been in the field for about a
year to come back for a week and take a deeper cut into all areas of the skills. In the process of building this
class we have put JIMPACT ideas in our leaders guides so that it doesnt matter who is facilitating, they must
use the JIMPACT ideas.
Jim these are just a few of the many ways you have helped myself and my team improve personally, but also
in a manner that will have a positive impact on our training classes. I say this because our training classes
have approximately 75 plus people and we have classes every 4 to 5 weeks. Quick math will tell you that we
have trained over 40% of the company this year so everyone that has been trained since June 1st has been
Thanks again for the help and if you have any other resources or aids that you can pass along please do so.
Scott Tinkel
Training Manger- Product Training PriCara

No Excuses. Just Performance!

We believe training and coaching is more than an event, it is an opportunity
to create performance breakthroughs through application based training to
build teams that improve measurable business results.

Dear Jim Smith,

What an amazing program you conducted on Executive Presence: Presentation Excellence for the
Just Born Leadership Team! Each of the participants was on the edge of their seat from the
opening to the very closing of the program. They made clear and measurable progress and became
much more effective presenters immediately. I have heard nothing but high level praise from
everyone who attended.
In fact, immediately following the program, the Vice President for Brand Development and
Corporate Services delivered a presentation for a local business organization. She used the tools
and skills she learned in your class. One of her colleagues sat in on the presentation and grabbed
me at the cafeteria the following day. He said Wow! That was the best I have ever seen her
present! She was already a good presenter, but she has really taken her skills to the next level.
Thank you for delivering such high quality results, thereby making me a hero with my internal
Meloney Sallie-Dosunmu
Senior Manager of Organizational Effectiveness & Talent

An effective message must

provoke change
long after the applause dims.

January 29, 2010

Re: Jim Smith Recommendation
Many accomplished speakers hold the audience, entertain, and
satisfy. Yet few make the personal, emotional connection that lingers
beyond the ride home from the speech. Jim Smith, Jr. is one of those
rare keynote speakers and presenters whose message lingers, gnaws, and provokes change long after his
applause dims. Earlier this month, Smith delivered his RESET keynote to 80 attendees of the January
2010 Philadelphia ASTD chapter meeting. Today, all the attendees I speak with still talk about it! Jim
mixed humor, introspection, storytelling and precisely-timed motivational pronouncements into a 75minute keynote chock full energy, interaction, emotion and audience buy-in thats earned him the
moniker Mister Energy in the speaking world.
Jims rich resume of credentials in academics, professional sports, corporate leadership, publishing and
speaking contribute not only his depth of knowledge, but also to his bold presence as a speaker. Yet
Jims recounting of everyday situations built his strong connection to our group of training and human
performance practitioners, managers and corporate leaders. Jim enlivened his talk with examples of
accessible, familiar life challenges from the mundane (Do I dare try to exchange my dying Christmas
tree for a new one?) to the poignant (Did I blow it by telling my daughter that a B wasnt good
enough?) to the career-altering (Was I so comfortable being the nice guy employee that I was afraid
to show management that I could lead?) - illustrating how each offered a choice of short-term
satisfaction or long-term mutual benefit.
Jim went on to demonstrate ways each situation presented choices, and called on us attendees to voice
similar choices in our own situations. He then challenged us to go on record with the choice that would
lead, inspire others, and test ones self-centered, short-term wishes against mutual long-term interests,
goals and shared values. Jim transmitted his RESET message via some memorable catch phrases:
Dont just think outside the box Live outside the box! Perform outside the box! Dance like
nobodys watching! Instead of ordering from the whine list of life, waiting for things to turn
around, Jim asked why dont YOU turn around? In this way, Jim challenged this professional group
to transfer the evenings learning into real-life change and action, and sent us home with tools to do just

David Fink,
VP of Programs, ASTD Greater Philadelphia Chapter


Higher Education

American Society for Industrial Security
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
Apartment Investment and Management Company
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP)
Dealer and Retirement Services
Bureau Honig & Partners
Capital One Bank
Charles Rivers Laboratories
Diversity Leadership Alliance
Gartner Inc.
Genworth Financial
Home Box Office (HBO)
HRdergi Turkey (HRM Magazine)
Hugh OBrien Youth Leadership (HOBY)
Jackson Energy
Just Born
Laboratory Animal Welfare Training Exchange (LAWTE)
National Black MBA Conference
National Security Agency
Neighbors Federal Credit Union
PECO Energy
PEMCO Insurance
Philadelphia Futures
Simpson Strong-Tie
Teachers Credit Union
The Enterprise Center
The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts
Visions Hair Salon


Camden City School District

Community College of Philadelphia
Drexel University
Harvard University
Rutgers University- International
Executive MBA Program
Stephen Girard College
Swarthmore College
Temple University
University of North Florida
University of Texas at Austin

Hotel and Restaurant

Choice Hotels International
Chukhansi Gold
Council of Hotel & Restaurant Trainers
Cousin's Subs
Famous Daves
Jack in the Box
Raising Cane's
Sheraton Hotels
The Melting Pot

Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals

Astelas, Inc.
Centocor Ortho Biotech
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
Harlem Hospital
Johnson & Johnson
McNeil Consumer Products
Ortho-McNeil Janssen
Princess Margaret Hospital
Providence St. Vincents Medical Center

Jim Mr. Energy Smith Jr. #

JIMPACT President & CEO

Jim is an author, empowerment/motivational speaker, trainer and coach who has transformed the lives of thousands of
people across the world, through his call to transform our lives from within. Some have referred to him as part Joel
Osteen and part Oprah Winfrey, because Jim has a gift that enables people to overcome their inner fears and take their
leadership and public speaking skills to heights that were previously unimaginable. Individuals who have been
JIMPACTED often leave emotionally drained yet inspired to reach new levels of personal success and make a positive
impact to the world around them. His enthusiastic and passionate style of speaking has earned him the distinction of Mr.
Jim is the bestselling author of From Average to Awesome: Lessons for Living an Extraordinary Life, Crash and Learn:
600+ Road-Tested Tips to Keep Audiences Fired Up and Engaged! and the co-author of The Masters of Success (along
with Ken Blanchard, Jack Canfield, John Christensen and others). Jims newest book is entitled The No Excuse Guide
to Success: No Matter What Your Boss or LIfe Throws at You, provides valuable insight into ways to create positive
outcomes through ownership and personal accountability. He is also the creator of the acclaimed JIMPACT BOOTCAMP,
series of workshops that have created JIMPACT performance breakthroughs for
numerous attendees.
For over 27 years, Jim has developed creative, inspirational and high-energy
approaches toward creating organizational and individual performance
breakthroughs including his experience at the Bob Pike Group, Simmons Associates,
CoreStates Bank, the Vanguard Group of Investments and Prudentials American
Association of Retired Persons (AARP Operations). Jim presently serves as a faculty
member for both Rutgers University and Temple University International Executive
MBA Programs.
A sought-after trainer and speaker, his workshops, keynotes and executive coaching
experiences span across several industries including speakers, trainers, radio show
hosts, managers and leaders in how to deliver mistake-free, memorable and
powerful presentations.
Jim has been featured on the cover of the National Speakers Association SPEAKER
Magazine (November 2008) and the New Jersey PERFORMANCE Magazine (with
President Barack Obama, Newark, New Jerseys Mayor Cory Booker, Donald Trump,
Joel Osteen and others). For more information please visit us at
Professional Awards:
Prudentials Minority Interchange Constance O. Garretson Award
for Service and Professionalism
The Vanguard Group of Investments Award of Excellence
Temple University Gallery of Success Inductee
Featured on the cover of the New Jersey Performance Magazine
Featured on the cover of the NSA Speaker Magazine
Philadelphia INROADS Frank C. Carr Award for Community Service


Ames Friedman Peinovich

Chief Marketing Officer
Ames is a leading expert and entrepreneur in the fields of digital media, online marketing, and
social media, who has leveraged her passion and wealth of expertise for over 15 years working
with major media companies, small businesses and not-for-profits to attract customers, engage
target audiences and create tangible results that reach and surpass business goals for her
clients. As Chief Marketing Officer at JIMPACT Enterprises, Ames has been ignited by the
inspiration engine that is Jim Smith, Jr. to bring to bear her understanding of audience
development in the online space to engage and activate Jim's clients and customers in the US
and abroad. Having been JIMPACTed myself, I am inspired and driven to bring such a wholly
transformative experience to others by evangelizing for JIMPACT Enterprises and bringing Jim
himself to connect with new audiences around the world.
Prior to her work with JIMPACT Enterprises, Ames enjoyed a pioneering career in new media.
First, she worked with the original web powerhouse, AOL, as a Director leading editorial,
product and business management. Ames was inspired by her first love of live music to create
and launch the world's first online ticketing website to combine tickets to live events from all of
North America's widely varied ticketing vendors under one roof, creating a seamless, effortless
solution for consumers a game-changer in the industry. Having revolutionized online ticketbuying, she next set her sights on the Hyper-Local industry with AOL CityGuide, one of the
original leaders in local content online. Next, with a focus on new trends in advertising and
marketing swiftly changing the marketplace, she directed business management at AOL Music,
the influential music website that gave birth to such blogs as and
Her reputation as a creative leader in launching online properties for major media companies
led NBC to romance Ames to join their NBC Local Media group, where she combined her
passions for the entertainment industry and her deep knowledge of the local sphere to relaunch
NBC's local news channel websites with a groundbreaking approach combining blogging,
crowd-sourcing, social media and trends in advertising and marketing with their traditional hard
news coverage. With NBC, she led online coverage of the historic election of Barack Obama, a
life-changing experience for Ames.
Ames has a Bachelor of Arts from University of Massachusetts at Amherst, having graduated
with honors in the fields of English and Art History. She then tried her hand at rockstardom as
lead singer and songwriter for a band in the Boston music scene for over a decade, which
significantly informed the later pursuit of her passion for live music and her drive to connect
audiences with their passions through online media.


Laura Putnam
Senior Trainer/Chief Motion Officer (CMO)
Laura is the CEO and Founder of Motion Infusion, delivers trainings on wellness and human
performance improvement for employees, managers and company leaders. She utilizes a
movement-based approach to facilitate learning, promote well being and solve worksite-related
problems, such as repetitive strain injuries and decreased productivity. She is JIMPACT's Chief
Motion Officer (CMO).
Laura draws from her varied background in the fields of education, public policy and movement.
In the sphere of education, she is an international teacher trainer, developing and conducting
workshops around the world, including Africa and Central America. In addition to broadening her
cross-cultural perspective, this travel helps to hone her language skills: she is fluent in French,
conversant in Italian and Spanish, and familiar with several African languages. Previously, Laura
taught in inner-city high schools, as well as a junior secondary school in a small village in West
Africa. In addition, she was executive director of a nonprofit youth-leadership organization that
was featured by President George Bushs Points of Light Foundation. In the area of public policy,
she worked with both the Senate Antitrust Subcommittee and the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace.
Lauras expertise in movement comes from her life-long pursuit of physical excellence. She was
a nationally competitive gymnast, professional dancer, and certified Pilates and fitness instructor.
Currently, as a yoga practitioner and avid skier, she continues to stay active. Through these
varied experiences, Laura discovered that movement and learning go hand in hand. Engaging
on a kinesthetic level helps to deepen the learning process. She now is dedicated to bringing
this mind-body approach to human performance improvement in the workplace.
Laura holds a Bachelors degree from Stanford University in International Relations and a
Masters in Education from Brown University. She is certified by the American Council on Sports
Medicine as a Health and Fitness Instructor and by Core Dynamics as a Pilates Instructor.


Dr. Marie Amey-Taylor

Senior Trainer
Dr. Marie Amey-Taylor is Assistant Vice President, Human Resources Department (Learning &
Development Division) and Associate Director of the Academic Center on Research in Diversity
(ACCORD) at Temple University. She holds a PhD in Psycho-Educational Processes/Adult and
Organizational Development and a masters degree in Urban Education and Policy Studies, College of
Education, Temple University. She is also certified to administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
She has provided consulting services for a wide range of clients from the CIA to
PriceWaterhouseCoopers throughout the United States, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, South America
and the Middle East. Her areas of expertise include leadership and organizational development;
diversity/sexual harassment awareness training; management development; interpersonal relations
and communication; change management; team building; train-the-trainer programs; conflict resolution
and mediation; and a wide range of professional development programs.
Dr. Amey-Taylor's accomplishments in the areas of diversity include a comprehensive study entitled
Diversity Trainers: Personal Profiles, Paradigms and Practices, consulting engagements, and major
presentations at national conferences. Her designs for diversity training programs and activities are
published in the training field's best seller, 20 Active Training Designs (Mel Silberman, ed., Pfeiffer &
Co., 1992), Encounters Between Jews and Blacks: A Study Guide (Blue Flower Press, 1996), the
Training and Performance Sourcebook (McGraw-Hill, 1997) and the 2000 Sourcebook (McGraw-Hill,
Her recognition as a leader in diversity and cross-cultural relations is further exemplified by her
selection as a group leader and Vice President of the board of Operation Understanding which
provides cross cultural educational experiences for African American and American Jewish students.
She is also a charter member of the Board of Governors of PRIME, a multicultural training and
research group; is a Senior Associate for Tulin Diversiteam Associates, an internationally acclaimed
diversity and sexual harassment consulting firm. Dr. Amey-Taylor was featured in the magazine,
Diverse Issues in Higher Education, in their January 24, 2008 article entitled When Diversity Training
Goes Awry.
She is the founder and director of InterACTion, an improvisational theater troupe and training group.
The troupe has received national recognition. InterACTion's clients have included educational
institutions, businesses, government agencies and professional associations.
Dr. Amey-Taylor has challenged, stimulated and entertained both undergraduate and graduate
students with her creativity, energy and engaging facilitation style. She loves her work and it shows.
She is one of JIMPACTs most requested trainers.


James Charney
Leadership and Communication Consultant
James is a consultant and entrepreneur focused on cross-cultural leadership and
communication related to China. His unique experience in China working for an American
multinational in business development and risk management combined with his experience as
the head of strategy and marketing for a local Chinese company has given him unique insight
into the challenges businesses face from a cross-cultural perspective related to leadership and
communication. He is known for providing deep insight into the cultural complexities of
running a multinational organization and working with business partners that have conflicting
cultural norms and expectations.
In his role as a consultant he has led business strategy initiatives for media companies and
has assisted design consultancies in the creation of interactive retail concepts for multinational
companies looking to drive impulse purchases for their audiences in China. James has been
described as ideas on steroids by taking ideas to the next level to create meaningful and
compelling experiences for customers.
He graduated from Wesleyan University with Honors in East Asian Studies and completed his
MBA with the Rutgers International Executive MBA Program in Shanghai, China. He has a
passion for teaching Chinese and has been recognized for his innovative approach to teaching
by creating context and relevance by integrating concepts of cross cultural literacy, economics
and history. He has designed a web series of introductory Chinese language lessons through
his youtube channel, Chinese with Charney.
James helps to deliver strategic performance breakthroughs for JIMPACT clients by
taking ideas to the next level and helping to create corporate cultures that celebrate our


Allison V. Manswell
Senior Trainer
Allison is a corporate trainer, curriculum designer and personal performance coach. Her expertise in
marketing and human resources management includes a strong combination of business and
interpersonal skills. Her riveting presentations leave an unforgettable impression on JIMPACT
She received her BA in Justice and Law Enforcement from the University of Winnipeg in Winnipeg,
MB. She earned her Masters degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Managerial
leadership, from City University in Bellevue, WA. Early in her career she worked with the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police. She has also served as an adjunct faculty member with the University of
Phoenix, Maryland and online campuses. Ms. Manswell hasdelivered numerous workshops and
training seminars in corporate, government and educational settings.
Her personal strengths include a natural ability to relate to people, their situations and potential
solutions. Mrs. Manswell is known for her high-energy presentations that leave an unforgettable
impression on participants.
Allison Manswell is one of the most electrifying speakers in the Les Brown Speakers
Network. Because of her dynamic combination of powerful speaking and cutting-edge
methods that take people to the next level, Allison is in high demand as a speaker, trainer and
coach. Allison is insightful, inspiring and challenges people to tap into their greatness.
Whether in a one-on-one session or delivering a knock your socks off keynote speech,
Allison Manswell delivers.
- Les Brown, World Renowned Speaker


Nanci Appleman-Vassil, MA, NCC
Senior Trainer
Nanci is a seasoned business professional with more than 20 years experience in training,
organization development, executive coaching and corporate consulting with a focus on change
management, developing leaders and managers, and building high performing teams. She
specializes in facilitating individuals, groups and organizations toward better solutions for
increased effectiveness. Nanci is a Master Facilitator for DBMs Leading and Navigating Through
Organizational Change workshops.
Nancis consulting experience includes technology, health care, engineering, manufacturing,
education and retail. Her clients include, GSK, International Paper, Red Hat, Nomacorc, LLC,
Sony Ericson, Cisco, Cigna Health Systems, Governor's Instititue, The Body Shop, Nationwide
Insurance, Sara Lee and John Deere.
As the Corporate Training Manager for R.H. Donnelley, the largest independent Sales, Marketing
and Publisher for the Yellow Pages industry, she provided a full range of training and organization
development services including identifying, coaching and developing managers and other upper
tier employees to build a high performance culture. She also designed and conducted a
corporate-wide Inclusion assessment process.
Nanci co-created a Leadership and Professional Development series for all new managers and
high potential individual contributors. As the Performance Training Team Leader, she developed
an infrastructure for technical and team training in the RHD Morrisville, NC location.
As the Director of Programs for NTL Institute for the Applied Behavior Sciences in Alexandria, VA
(1981-1993), Nanci designed a team-based infrastructure to better service their existing and new
clients from around the world. She was responsible and accountable for five profit and loss
centers; designed/implemented tracking systems to curtail costs, increase profitability and
prepared statistical reports on the financial status of each workshop or line item for that center.
She also designed and executed strategic business and marketing plans for several profit
JIMPACT clients laud Nancy for her authentic, customer focus, and commitment to


Rodney Smith
Senior Manager of Financial and Business Operations
Being a native Philadelphian, Rodney's academic background and professional history is very
diverse. His academic experiences include a B.S. degree from the University of Pittsburgh.
He received an M.B.A. from the University of Hartford where his studies featured an
accelerated, intensive eight-month internationally focused period at the University of Hartford
Business School in Paris, France.
His professional experiences include meaningful periods with companies or organizations
such as The Vanguard Group, Alafia Records, Mending Steps, and INROADS, Inc. Rodney
brings to JIMPACT a wide range of expertise in the areas of career development, coaching
and training, recruiting, marketing, financial management and investment analysis, musical
recording, and television production.
He is currently excited to be a part of JIMPACT because as he says the company has a
tremendous positive impact on the lives of so many people around the world!
Michael Thompson
Director of Business Development
His expertise is in the areas of sales and leadership development.
Michael spent the earlier part of his career in industrial sales and market
development. In these roles, he established business development
programs that enabled him to repeatedly exceed his sales plans, earning
him several sales achievement awards.
Michael also worked as a Diversity Consultant, where he led
comprehensive management-level sessions at a number of Fortune 500 companies. In this role,
he functioned as both course designer and facilitator.
As a leader in several community-based organizations, Michael has developed a number of
creative approaches for helping high school students better understand many of the challenges
associated with customer service and sales careers. At Academies Inc., a non-profit
organization, he developed problem-solving case studies and led interactive workshops for high
school juniors and seniors, focusing on the importance of critical decision making principles.
Michael earned his Masters degree in Technical Writing with a specialization in Training and
Development from Bowling Green State University, Ohio.
He received his BA in English with a concentration in Business Management from Morris
College, Sumter, SC.

46 South Maple Avenue, Suite 1C
Marlton, NJ 08053
direct: 484.461.7278
fax: 484.461.7304
Learn more@
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