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Q1. Choose the best option


Begin a job search by _______________.

Assessing your skills and aptitudes
All of the above


Which of the following is NOT a strategy for organizing and formatting your resume?
Using reverse chronological order to show a pattern of job experience
Using a functional rsum to highlight skills instead of chronology
Trying to limit your rsum to one page
Using a modified functional rsum to highlight specific job skills as well as a pattern of job experiences
Using passive voice to describe your accomplishments

b) Searching online for job prospects

d) Registering with an employment agency

3. When developing application letters ______________

a) You can reuse one standard letter for different employers without spending effort customizing it for each
b) Only submit your application letter to advertised openings.
c) Use active voice and action verbs
d) None of the above

d) A and B

e) B and C

Common mistakes people make in job interviews include _________________.

Knowing little about the company or the role they would play at the company
Having little idea of how their education prepares them for work
Having only vague ideas about how they could benefit the employer
Speaking negatively about former employers

5. Which of the following is a good interview strategy?

a) Do not bring anything into the interview with you.
c) Provide yes or no answers whenever possible

e) All of the above

b) Do not ask questions of your interviewer.

d) Remember to smile often and to be friendly.

e) Criticize your former employer.


Which of the following does not apply to a targeted rsum?

It is suited to a graduate with relevant educational qualifications but limited employment experience.
Highlights your employment history relevant to the specific position for which you are applying.
Focuses on skills and capabilities, rather than employment history

7. Which part of a job application aims to persuade?

a) The rsum
b) The position description

c) The letter of application

8. Creating your own network and letting people in this network know when you are looking for
employment is:
a) Networking
b) Direct mail
c) Temping and freelancing

When writing an effective rsum, it is vital to:

Use skill headings and organize your information so that important information stands out
Use keywords to help recruiters match you to the position
All of the above
d) Write actively

10. Applicants are assessed against their ability to match essential and desirable selection criteria at
which stage of the interview process?
a) After the interview
c) While the interview is being conducted
b) The pre-interview stage
11. Which of the following is not a pre-interview activity?
a) Meeting legislative requirements such as EEO
b) Selecting the interview panel

c) Asking or patterning questions

12. You want to post your career profile, network and share only work-related information via social
media. Which would be the best social media option to achieve this?
a) Facebook

b) Youtube

c) LinkedIn

13. Which of the following best describes the role of keywords in rsum writing and promotion?
a) Keywords are nouns, noun phrases, or adjectives that identify skills and abilities unique to a specific
profession or industry.
b) Keywords should include job titles, relevant skills, industry jargon, and necessary educational and academic
c) Keywords highlight skills and experience within a rsum because they concentrate on what you can do
d) All of the above
14. What information should not be in a covering letter?
a) An expression of interest in the job and statement of application for the position
b) A brief overview of specific qualities, qualifications and experiences mentioned in your rsum and
statement of your interest in the organization
c) An extensive, broad overview of your qualities, and qualifications, because your rsum covers the specific
d) Information about where and how you can be reached for an interview.
15. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic components of a rsum?
a) Contact information
b) Religious Background
c) Work Experience

d) Personal Interests

16. at which stage of interview would you normally ask question about the job and organization?
a) At the beginning of the interview, where you would provided the opportunity to ask questions before the
formal interview.
b) In the closing stage of the interview.
c) In the middle stages of interview, while responding to question, it would be appropriate to ask questions in
17. Yours Sincerely:
a). Is typed four lines below the last line of the letter.
b). Is a complimentary close in a business letter, and matches a formal salutation
c). None of the above

Q1. What are the five things you should do to perform effectively in interview?
Q2. What are the five places you can search for a job? Define them in detail?
Q3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of job-hunting available to a
university graduate. Give examples and reasons to support your main ideas.
Q4. You are applying for a position in some company, for which you will be interviewed by a panel prior
to acceptance. Discuss how you will prepare for the interview, including preparation of your resume and
then conduct yourself during and after the interview.
Q5. What are different kinds of interviews? Discuss with examples
Q6. Job application is sometimes known as sales letter. Why?
Q7. What are Blind ads? Why applying against Blind Ads can let your efforts go in vain?
Q8. Discuss the role of interviewer in detail.
Q9. What are the eight essential letter components? What do you understand by term clich
statement? Why is it written?
Q10. What are the three characteristics of subject line?
Q11. How can networking help you find a job?

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