The Fall and Rasie of China 12

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With Japanese forces preparing to overrun China, the Nationalists and

Communists enter into a united front late in 1936, aimed at resisting Japan.
Japan attacks in July 1937, easily overrunning the cities of North and East
China. Chiang retreats, moving his Nationalist government to Chongqing,
deep in Chinas interior, while the Communists melt into the North China
countryside, out of harms way.

The Age of Mao Zedong (19451968)

By the end of World War II, the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) has won the loyalty
of Chinas poor peasants, while the GMD has
squandered the good will of the urban Chinese.
In the civil war that follows, the tide of battle
turns decisively in Maos favor. Beijing falls on
January 1, 1949, and Mao declares the birth of
the Peoples Republic of China.


The early years of the new regime are devoted

to political consolidation and economic recovery.
A nationwide land reform program is introduced Mao Zedong, chairman of
in 1950, marked by massive land confiscations the Chinese Communist
Party Central Committee,
and violent struggles against evil landlords. 19351976.
In Chinas cities, the transfer of power in 1949
witnesses stepped-up political struggles against reactionary classes, including
Guomindang collaborators, foreign agents, and wealthy capitalists.
The outbreak of war in Korea in 1950 puts added strain on Chinas warweakened economy while forcing Mao more firmly into Stalins embrace,
thereby hardening the lines of Cold War conflict between East and West.

Corel Stock Photo Library.

During eight years under Japanese occupation, 19371945, the Communists

grow stronger, while the Nationalists, beset by rampant inflation, widespread
corruption, and incompetent leadership, grow weaker. When the United States
enters the anti-Japanese war in December 1941, the tide of battle begins to
turn against Japan. In August 1945, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki brings the war to a sudden, decisive end. With Japans surrender,
Mao and Chiang begin preparations for a final showdown.

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