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Web-based Multi-Source Data Processing Middleware

for Land Observations and Monitoring
ESA LP 2013
Jonas Eberle1, Dr. Christian Httich1, Prof. Dr. Christiane Schmullius1

Middleware is to provide a web-based infrastructure and


comprehensive information products derived from Earth

Observation that support environmental and earth system
research. Data integrated in the infrastructure of the

Siberian Earth System Science Cluster (SIB-ESS-C) are

provided with web services compliant to the specifications
of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). A web-based
client was further developed for data visualization,

Technical Concept of SIB-ESS-C

The mission of the Multi-Source Data Processing

Parallel processing in Python

GDAL for spatial data processing
PostGIS database and Drupal CMS backend
Service-based provision of data and metadata
Published in ISPRS Journal of Geo-Information:
Eberle, J.; Clausnitzer, S.; Httich, C.;
Schmullius, C. Multi-Source Data Processing
Middleware for Land Monitoring within a WebBased Spatial Data Infrastructure for Siberia.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2013, 2, 553-576.

Screenshot of SIB-ESS-C

Available tools:
Pixel-based time-series plot with identified pixel

Time-Series Analysis

covered with clouds based on quality flags

Polygon-based time-series plot with mean, min, max
and standard deviation for each date
Decomposition plot of time-series data
BFAST (Breaks For Additive Season and Trend)
integration for change and trend detection
CSV / chart export
Available data:
MODIS Land Products
MODIS Snow Products
Integrated Surface Database


Data Integration

Global Surface Summary of the Day

Decomposition (left) and BFAST (right) plot of MODIS EVI time-series data

Users can delineate study areas for data integration and analysis. Tools for accessing remote sensing
MODIS data and in-situ climate data are provided within the webclient via OGC Web Processing Service.
Go to and try it for your area of interest:
1. Register as a user and login

4. Get an email when dataset is ready

2. Create a new study area within Data Catalog

5. Add data to the map for visualization and try the

3. Add a new task for data integration

1 Friedrich-Schiller-University


Institute for Geography

Department for Earth Observation
Grietgasse 6, 07743 Jena, Germany

Contact information:
Twitter: @sibessc

time-series analysis tools

Try it now:


Acknowledgement: The author of this poster is sponsored by the EU.

Processing Middleware

Based on Open-Source Software

Processing workflow for MODIS data

access, analysis and monitoring.

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