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Q3: What kind of media institute might distribute your

media product and why?

There are many production companies that inspired our own, such
as Bloomhouse and Miramax. These companies all have simple
idents and so they inspired us while producing our logo. Also the link
their graphology to the name of the company, Bloomhouse include a
house. This meant that we tried to link the graphology and the
name together as this is effective for other companies. Our
production company is called Reel Productions and so to link the
graphology we have used a film reel. Our companys logo is black
and white, this is so that it is simple and thus easy to recognise.
Also the graphology within the logo is a film reel, this indicates to
the audience what the company is for and what they will be
watching. Not only this but the film reel is grey, which again allows
the ident to be simple yet recognisable and sophisticated. The
simplicity of the ident means that the audience can focus on it more
as it is easy to understand and take in.

production company provides the basis for works in film, performing arts,
TV, radio and video. Typically the production company are responsible for
the development and filming of a production. They are usually responsible
for fundraising the production or can do this through other companies or
private investors. They are usually under contract or owned by motion
picture Company, media conglomerate, film studio or Entertainment
Company. The company that should produce our thriller should be 'Warner
Bros'. This is due to their recognisability for being a production company
that typically have produced many films of the thriller genre. By using this
production company the audience will immediately be aware that this is of
the thriller genre and due to the success of the company that audience
will be more likely to watch our thriller. Not only this but due to the
simplicity of the ident, it is easily recognisable. The ident denotes a blue
and gold shield shape with the letter 'W' and 'B' written in the middle.
Across this 'Warner Bros. Pictures' is written in capitals and inside a banner
type shape. By using capitals the company is extremely clear to the
audience and so therefore it is easy to recognise. Not only this, but the use
of blue and gold also makes the ident simple and therefore noticeable for
the audience in order for them to recognise it.

The money that will fund a film like ours may come from various different
places. These places may be the studio, product entities, investors, banks
or funds, or wealthy individuals who may like to invest.
There are many reasons why certain people and job roles are named
within the title sequence at the beginning of films. Titles are used in order
to represent people who have worked on the film and the production of it
and also so they gain credit for their work. There are many different jobs
that are named within title sequences such as the director, music,
costume and makeup, editor, actors within the film, and the company that
produced it. They can appear in many different orders however the
company is typically shown at the start and the actors may be shown
when or if the actors are shown on screen. We have reflected this as all
these titles have been shown within our thriller production. Also this has
been reflected as our production company is shown at the start of our
opening as well as the actors while the actors are shown.

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