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Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

Homework 1
Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile
You are asked to interconnect locations by means of a set of point-to-point (P2P) links. The
connecting network must be constituted of one or more P2P links, according to the specifications
listed below.
All links must be in clear line-of-sight (LOS) with, at least, the first Fresnel zone not obstructed. If
two locations are not in line of sight you can split the links into more sublinks, identifying
intermediate locations, maintaining the same construction constraints. All intermediate locations
must be in accessible places (near roads, villages). Check accessibility conditions by Google Maps
or Google Earth.
The link must be designed in order to guarantee the best data rate.

First link
The first link must connect Vercelli city to the City Hall of Verrua Savoia, the coordinates are:
Verrua Savoia:

Latitude 451930.52 N
Longitude 8259.92 E
Latitude 45923.67 N
Longitude 8536.02 E

The operating frequency of the link is in the outdoor Hyperlan 802.11a frequency band. You must
use Ubiquity radios, model XR5, point-to-point antennas must be used for the realization of the link.
You are requested to respect the EIRP limit (30 dBm). The maximum tower height is 15 meters
above the ground.

Second link
The second link is between Bergamo and Cuneo, the coordinates are:

Latitude 454141.65
Longitude 94011.83
Latitude 442319.73
Longitude 73249.68


The operating frequency is in the license free band. You must use the Alcoma system (radio and
antennas). The maximum tower height is 40 meters above the ground, the maximum power is 5 W.
Due to the limitation of the maximum frequency of RadioMobile, I suggest to use the 17 GHz ISM
band (17.1 - 17.3 GHz), Alcoma system AL17F MP360.

Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

First link First solution

First of all, we created the units of Vercelli and Verrua Savoia with the coordinates provided by the

Therefore we tried to create a direct link between the two points with the following parameters:

Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

We set the maximum and minimum frequencies according to Hyperlan 802.11a frequency band
specifications, the other parameters are left to their default.
Thus we chose Topology:


Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

Settings of the system:

We determined the values of the transmit power and the antenna gain in order to respect the EIRP
limit of 30 dBm, we know that:
EIRP(dBm) = PTX(dBm) + GANT(dBi)
We also set maximum tower height to 15 meters above the ground.

Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

The obtained radio link is shown below:

We are asked to use Ubiquity radios, model XR5, which has the following datasheet:

Hence, we decided to transmit @24Mbps because that is the best data rate you can obtain in these
channel conditions.
This link is working but with an intermediate point we definitely got better performance.

Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

First link Second solution

In this second solution we added an intermediate point in Ronsecco. We chose this point because it
is a good compromise between good quality link and excellent accessibility conditions.

In order to find this solution, it was very useful the function shows elevation profile of Google
Earth, the screenshot below is an example.

Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

The second tool for the research of the point was visual coverage of Radiomobile.

We chose the red coverage for Vercelli and the green for Verrua Savoia, so we got a clear overlap
of the two in order to identify suitable areas.

Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

Thus we created two new links: Vercelli-Ronsecco, Ronsecco-Verrua Savoia.

Networks properties of these links were basically the same as the previous solution, except for the
system settings:

Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

The radio links obtained are the following:

We had to use again Ubiquity radios XR5, so we decided to transmit @48 Mbps, in order to respect
all the constraints.

Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

Second link
First of all, we created the units of Bergamo and Cuneo with the coordinates provided by the text. In
this case it is unthinkable to create a direct connection because the points are not in line of sight and
the distance is clearly too high.
Then we tried different combinations of points, using visual coverage, obtaining this final solution:

Also in this case, we checked accessibility conditions using Google Earth:


Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

Networks properties:

We set maximum and minimum frequency according to suggestion in the text, then we chose:

Topology: Data net Star Topology (Master/Slave)

Membership: Bergamo (Master) with antenna direction pointing to Ca Borgo (Slave) and
vice versa for the first P2P.

We have also created two more nets in order to take into account the second and the third link,
reaching Cuneo.


Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

Settings of the system:

We initially set the Transmit Power to the maximum allowed and the same for the height of the
antenna. When checking link by link using the Radio Link window, we noticed that it was possible
to have a higher received signal lowering the antenna height.
Receiver Threshold was chosen according to the sensitivity table of the Alcoma system AL17F
MP360, shown below:

We could set the Receiver Threshold to -61,3dBm, so we decided to transmit at @360Mbps.


Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile

In order to select the Antenna Gain we considered the following models from Alcoma catalogue:

We decided to use the first model (AL1-17/ME) with a gain of 33dBi in the link between Bergamo
and Ca da Borgo and between Serravalle Langhe to Cuneo. In the second link, Ca da Borgo to
Serravalle Langhe, it has been necessary to use the 38dBi antenna (AL2-17/ME) in order to reach
the required level for a 360Mbit/s link.
The three radio links are shown below:


Bocchi 190546, di Gennaro 190555, Radicioni 190243

Homework 1: Design and Validation of P2P links by RadioMobile


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