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NIC 15.26 Rev.00

August 19, 2015

Steam Turbines Guidelines for On-Site Validation of the

Overspeed Protection System

The purpose of this technical bulletin is to inform Customers of the introduction of an additional procedure
required to validate the overspeed protection system of GE Oil & Gas Steam Turbines. The application of
these instructions is mandatory to mitigate the risk of critical events that could occur during the on-site
validation of the overspeed protection system.

Serviceable Units

All GE Oil & Gas Steam Turbines.

Compliance Category
M - Maintenance

Identifies maintenance guidelines or best practices for reliable equipment operation.

C - Compliance Required

Identifies the need for action to correct a condition that, if left uncorrected, may result in
reduced equipment reliability or efficiency. Compliance may be required within a
specific operating time.

A - Alert

Failure to comply with the Service Bulletin could result in equipment or facility damage.
Compliance is mandatory within a specific operating time.

S Safety

Failure to comply with this Service Bulletin could result in personal injury. Compliance is
mandated within a specific operating time.

Timing Code
1 Prior to Unit Startup / Prior to Continued Operation
2 At First Opportunity / Next Shutdown
3 Prior to Operation of Affected System
4 At First Exposure of Component
5 At Scheduled Component Part Repair or Replacement
6 Next Scheduled Outage
Nuovo Pignone S.r.l. con socio unico (Registro Imprese di Firenze, Codice Fiscale e partita IVA 06176750484) Capitale Sociale 100.000.000,00 i.v.
Societ soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di General Electric Company

Nuovo Pignone S.r.l. Proprietary Information

The information published in this Technical Bulletin is offered to you by GE in consideration of its ongoing sales and service relationship with
your organization. However, since the operation of your plant involves factors not within our knowledge, and since operation of the plant is
within your control and responsibility for its continuing successful operation rests with you, GE disclaims responsibility or liability for damage
of any type, including but not limited to direct, consequential or special damages that may be alleged to have occurred as a result of applying
this information, regardless of whether it is claimed that GE is strictly liable, in breach of contract, in breach of warranty, negligent, or is in any
other respect responsible for any alleged injury or damage sustained by your organization as a result of applying this information. The
information contained in this Technical Bulletin is confidential and proprietary This Bulletin and the information contained in it are protected by
copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. This Bulletin and information are provided for authorized use only, and may not be used by
or disclosed to others without the prior express written consent of Nuovo Pignone S.r.l.


NIC 15.26 Rev.00

August 19, 2015

On December 2014 during the first solo run test at site on a steam turbine, an uncontrolled acceleration
occurred, which caused the maximum speed threshold (110% of rated value) to be exceeded. When the unit
was manually stopped by the Operator, the turbine shaft was already over 140% of the rated speed; this
critical overshoot caused associated mechanical damage to the unit.
The investigations highlighted two main causes for this failure:
- Incorrectly configured protection system that inhibited additional diagnostic safeguards needed during
the overspeed test
- Improper execution of the overspeed test due to an outdated or incomplete test procedure.
To address this occurrence, GE Oil & Gas has issued the RIC8990272 documentation, which describes the
guidelines that must be followed during commissioning and after any major maintenance on the shaft
line when it is required to perform the overspeed protection system validation in conjunction with the
equipment installed on the unit.


For all steam turbines, GE Oil & Gas strictly recommends applying the guidelines specified in RIC8990272
during commissioning activities or after any major maintenance on the shaft line to mitigate the potential
risk of uncontrolled acceleration due to the incorrect configuration/testing of the overspeed protection
Furthermore, for units in operation GE Oil & Gas recommends that Users verify at the first opportunity that
the overspeed system configuration parameters (e.g., speed input, acceleration and start logic) are
compliant with the specifications described in RIC8990272.
For any issues related to the normal parameter settings or if any clarifications are required, GE Oil & Gas
recommends that Customers contact the local GE Service Manager or Contract Performance Manager to
verify the proper specifications to be applied for the unit.

Planning Information
Manpower skills
The validation described in the RIC8990272 has to be performed by personnel qualified by GE.
Special Tooling
Reference Documents
RIC8990272 Steam Turbine Overspeed Test
Scope of work
The activity consists of the configuration and the test of the existing monitoring system according to the
guidelines specified in the RIC8990272. The validation has to be performed by personnel qualified by GE.
Nuovo Pignone S.r.l. Proprietary Information


The information contained in this Technical Bulletin is confidential and proprietary. This Bulletin and the information contained in it
are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. This Bulletin and information are provided for authorized use
only, and may not be used by or disclosed to others without the prior express written consent of Nuovo Pignone S.r.l.


NIC 15.26 Rev.00

August 19, 2015
Note: In order to keep the GE Oil & Gas global installed fleet database updated, it is kindly requested that the
COMPLIANCE RECORD and USER SATISFACTION SURVEY be completed and sent to the addresses specified in the forms.


For units under warranty or covered under a Contractual Service Agreement (CSA) please refer to your GE Oil
& Gas Project Manager.
For technical questions or application and commercial requests please contact:
GE Oil & Gas
Customer Service Center
Via Felice Matteucci, 2
50127 Florence, Italy


Phone: +39 055 427 2500

Fax: +39 055 423 2800

Please specify the Unit Serial Number and Technical Bulletin associated with the request and whether the
request is technical or commercial.
To directly access and download GE Oil & Gas Technical Bulletins published for your fleet or to subscribe to
our Technical Bulletin e-mail notification service, please visit the Technical Enhancements & Notifications
This online tool is available only to registered GE customers.

Expense Policy

The recommendations contained in this Technical Bulletin are for information only. Unless otherwise
indicated in a Contractual Service Agreement (CSA) in force between the parties, a specific Purchase Order
must be agreed and all costs associated with the implementation of the recommendations shall be paid by
the Customer.

Nuovo Pignone S.r.l. Proprietary Information


The information contained in this Technical Bulletin is confidential and proprietary. This Bulletin and the information contained in it
are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. This Bulletin and information are provided for authorized use
only, and may not be used by or disclosed to others without the prior express written consent of Nuovo Pignone S.r.l.

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