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I want to tell you about one interesting story which is written by Stephen Leacock.

For the first, lets talk

about the author.
Stephen Leacock (13 Dec 1896-28 March 1944) was a Canadian teacher, political scientist, writer and
humorist. Between the years 1915 and 1925, he was the best-known English-speaking humorist in the world.
He is known for his light humor along with criticism of peoples follies. There is one kind of medal in the
world which is named in his honor: The Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal for Humor.
The story I want to talk about is named Mrs. Easy has her fortune told.
The first part of the story is the moment when Mrs. Easy entering her apartment to find a friend waiting for
her. She feels sorry about such a long waiting. She is excited with last events of her life. We can see it
through her exclamations: Ive just had such an exciting experience! Im just done out!, But just wait
for a minute till I ring and tell to Martha to make a cocktail. Youll have one, wont you? Martha, make two
cocktail no, make fur or no (calling louder as Martha has left) Martha make six. My dear Mary, I
need it. And some others So, her wish to have some cocktails also can prove the fact the woman is
aroused, she wants to calm down herself. The first pat opens the reason of Mrs. Easy being worried: she has
got her fortune told, and she is going to be kidnapped.
This part acquaints us with the main character of the story Mrs. Easy, her husband Henry, her friend
Mary, her housekeeper Martha, and with old Mrs. Brown fortune teller (but shes not the main fortune
teller f the story).
The second part is based on the story of Mrs. Easy. Her story is going at the place which is belonged to a
new fortune teller in her life Mr. Yahi. Mrs. Easy things that she has found Yahi by chance. This part tells us
that Mrs. Easy believes with the whole her heart that Mr. Yahi is a mysterious Yogi soothsayer. She goes
there every day to get her fortune told. But she shouldnt speak about this place with anyone, its forbidden.
She believes Mr. Yahi do always contemplate, he eats nothing and he is one of the Hindis casts.
Here this Mr. Yahi and his assistant (realizing that the woman is really impressed and attracted) they both
started their play. Mrs. Easy has to qualify by contemplation: she must send in ten dollars and not to Mr.
Yahi, of course, to his assistant. Then she gets a thought message (it was sent by post!) to tell her to send ten
dollars again and keep on contemplating. So, she knows she has succeeded. After contemplating like that
for four weeks, they let her become a neophyte that means a person just starting to be a Yogi. So, these
cheaters proves their victim in being real and magic for her.
Mr. Yahi-Bahi contemplates all the time, and Mrs. Easy goes there and put her ten dollars, watching the
assistant de-astralizes her money. As soon she decided she can hurt his feelings forcing him to de-astralize
money, at the same moment (readers know that exactly for a reason) Yahi-Bahi has out of his meditation. So
he asks her to come in.
His way of talking is strange and mysterious, that makes Mrs. Easy trust him stronger. And she really
believes She believes that Dark Things are impending over her, she believes that she can talk with
spirits which are called by Yahi-Bahi. And it doesnt matter foe her that the spirit of Napoleon asks her to to
give an extra key of her apartment to Yahi. Mrs. Easys husband Henry isnt too much worried about that,

he laughs at every news from that mystic Yahi-Bahi and his wife, he jokes probably because of
understanding that the whole situation is deliberate, conscious deception. The victim (Mrs. Easy) is ready to
bring together all her money and jewelers, to mark it with special sign which is mean The Protection of
Sirius. Of course, the exstra key Mr. Yahi left to itself...
So, the third part is climax. Its very short, but its powerful. The whole truth is opened in this part. Henry
says that her two crooks are arrested, Mr. Yahi and Mr. Ram Spudd. Henry says that they are cheaters, but
his wife still doesnt believe that fact, speaking about their superpowers. But the opinion of this woman
suddenly changes when it touches pride
Henry says Ram Spudd said that they nearly caught the old hen! Mrs. Easy shocked and at the same time
she thinks that it would be nice if hell get five years. And when shes heard that Mr. Yahi said that she is an
old sheep, she told that hope hell get about ten.
This is the end of the story.
The characters of the story are absolutely different. Mrs. Easy is the main character. Mr. Ram Spudd and
Yahi are negative characters, and being readers we know that they are cheaters. He is neutral character. He is
like a viewer, who could see the whole situation from the far side, and who knows what this funny (as for
him it was fun) story holds.
So, Mrs. Easy is a middle-aged woman, gullible, nave and a bit stupid, she looks at this world through the
pink glasses. She probably cant all the seriousness of the situation cuz she lives keeping strong in her heart
the things like superstitions and believing in omens and so on. She is a prototype of the woman which cant
be the role model. The woman like her can be deceived very easy, and it can bring a lot of troubles.
The main idea of this text is the idea of being realist. Every person, of course, needs something to believe:
someone believes in God, someone in destiny, someone just in love and truth. But choosing something to
believe we shouldnt lose our mind, we should sensibly evaluate things and situations. And even there is
really something mystic in our life (mystic force, mystic facts or something like this) we have to be vigilant
and make sure that there is no any person who wants to fool you.

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