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Gmail - (BN) Microsoft to Warn E-Mail Users About Government Hack Attacks (1)

20/01/2016 15:59

JP CE <>

(BN) Microsoft to Warn E-Mail Users About Government Hack Attacks (1)
4 messages
Jean-Pierre Clientel-Engele <>
31 December 2015 at 08:06

Microsoft to Warn E-Mail Users About Government Hack Attacks (1)

By Tim Culpan
State-sponsored attacks more sophisticated than other hacks
Microsoft joins Google in singling out government hacking
(Bloomberg) -Microsoft Corp. said it will tell users of its e-mail and cloud storage services when government-backed hackers
may have targeted them.
The policy expands on existing procedures where Microsoft tells users if they believe an account has been
targeted or compromised by a third party, Corporate Vice President Scott Charney wrote in a blog post
Were taking this additional step of specifically letting you know if we have evidence that the attacker may be
state-sponsored because it is likely that the attack could be more sophisticated or more sustained than attacks
from cybercriminals and others, Charney wrote. We do not plan on providing detailed or specific information
about the attackers or their methods.
Microsoft, whose Internet services include e-mail and OneDrive online storage, joins rivals including
Google Inc. in advising customers when they suspect state-sponsored groups attacked their accounts. Countries
seeking access to personal communications often use anti-terrorism efforts or protecting national security as
Googles Gmail service warned former U.S. diplomat William Stanton that state-sponsored attackers may have
attempted to access his account, Bloomberg News reported last month, citing Stanton. That warning didnt name
the country, though Stanton said he believes hes a target of Chinese attacks because of his former job, akin to the
U.S. ambassador to Taiwan, and his current role as an academic at Taiwans National Tsing Hua University.

U.K. Proposal
The U.S. Congress in June passed a bill curbing the National Security Agencys power to collect phone calls, part
of a backlash against state spying highlighted after revelations by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden about
U.S. government monitoring of electronic communications.
Apple Inc. is among the global technology companies that have publicly pushed back against government
attempts to access personal communications, saying a proposed U.K. surveillance law would weaken privacy and
isnt justified by national security threats.
The creation of back doors and intercept capabilities would weaken the protections built into Apple products and
endanger all our customers, Apple said in a submission to the U.K. parliament this month. A key left under the
doormat would not just be there for the good guys. The bad guys would find it too.
(Updates with attack warnings, U.K. proposal starting in fifth paragraph.)

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Gmail - (BN) Microsoft to Warn E-Mail Users About Government Hack Attacks (1)

20/01/2016 15:59

Related tickers:
GOOG US (Alphabet Inc)
MSFT US (Microsoft Corp)
To contact the reporter on this story:
Tim Culpan in Taipei at
To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Michael Tighe at
Robert Fenner
Recommended Stories Microsoft to Warn E-Mail Users When It Suspects Govt Hack: Rtrs
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Reuters Top News: Exclusive: Microsoft to warn email users of suspected hacking by governments
Microsoft to Oracle See Benefit of Shift to Subscription Model
Seeking Alpha: Microsoft to warn users of suspected government hacking
People Edward Snowden (Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp)
Scott Charney (Microsoft Corp)
Topics Business News (BUSINESS)
Bus, Eco, Govt News (BIZNEWS)
Computers (CPR)
Info Tech, Computer Security (ITSECURE)
Mobile Phones (MOBILE)
Social Networking (SOCIALNET)

Click here to view story in Bloomberg <>
To: Jean-Pierre Clientel-Engele <>

31 December 2015 at 14:41

[Quoted text hidden]


Jasper Arnold <>

5 January 2016 at 00:00

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Gmail - (BN) Microsoft to Warn E-Mail Users About Government Hack Attacks (1)

20/01/2016 15:59

To: Jean-Pierre Clientel-Engele <>

In Gmail reading
[Quoted text hidden]

JP clientel-engele <>
To: Jasper Arnold <>

5 January 2016 at 07:05

great !
[Quoted text hidden]

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