Schwarz's Lemma (Without Proof) : Theorem

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Schwarzs Lemma (without Proof)

If f : D ! D is a holomorphic map such that f (0) = 0 then
|f (z)| |z| for every z 2 D.


What are all the bijective holomorphic maps from D onto D ?

f (z) = az for |a| = 1.
a (z) = 1a az
(Hint. By Cauchy Integral Formula,
| a (z)| max|w |=1 | a (w )|, which is 1).

If f (0) = 0 and f : D ! D is a holomorphic bijective map then f is
a rotation: f (z) = e i z for some 2 R.


By Schwarzs Lemma, |f (z)| |z|. However, same argument

applies to f 1 : |f 1 (z)| |z|. Replacing z by f (z), we obtain

Proof Continued.
|z| |f (z)| implying |f (z)| = |z|. But then f (z)/z attains max
value 1 in D. Hence f (z)/z must be a constant function of
modulus 1, that is, f (z) = e i z.

If f : D ! D is a holomorphic bijective map then f is a Mobius
f (z) = e i

a z
for some a 2 D and 2 R.
1 az

Note that f (a) = 0 for some a 2 D. Consider f
a for
a z
a (z) = 1 az , and note that f
a (0) = 0. Also, f
a is a
holomorphic function on D. Further, since | a (z)| < 1 whenever
|z| < 1, f
a maps D ! D. By last corollary, f
a (z) = e z,
that is, f (z) == e i a 1 (z). However, by a routine calculation,
a (z) = a (z).

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