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Building Orientation

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Building Orientation

Load Parameters
0 degrees
0 to 360

This entry should be left blank unless you wish to rotate the building from the wall and roof directions already
entered on the Walls and Roofs tabs of the Create Rooms screen. This entry is typically used if the building
design has been rotated after you have entered the directions for all the roofs and walls.
Enter the angle that the building is to be rotated in degrees east of north. The program will add this value to all
wall and roof directions previously entered. For example, all walls with an original Wall Direction of 180 degrees
(south) can be reoriented to face 225 degrees (southwest) by entering the building orientation as 45 degrees (180
+ 45 = 225 degrees.)

mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\Trane\TRACE%20700\HelpFiles\Trace\T... 1/8/2017

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