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Many people have contributed directly or indirectly to this study to whom I
grateful for their considerable comments and supports. Firstly, I would like
particularly to thank Prof. Dr. Hasan nal Nalbantoglu for his supervision and
invaluable critique, which also contribute to my further academic work. I also
wish to thank Assist Prof. Dr. Necmi Erdogan for kindly accepting to take part
in my jury and for his constructive advice and precious remarks. Additionally,
would like to thank to the other committee member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Helga
Rittersberger-Tl who has kindly encouraged and supported me with her
influential thoughts during this thesis. With my sincere and warmest
appreciation, I hope our cooperation would continue.
I also would like to express thanks to Ankara University Communication
Faculty, METU-GISAM and METU Cinema Club for providing the films and
technical help.
I owe gratitude to Lisa and Paroma for making English reduction of this study
and also their friendship and kindness. I am very grateful to my dear friends,
Yasemin, zlem, and Senem for their generous help and unlimited tolerance. I
felt lucky that they were always being with me when I was in trouble. I also
have to express my gratitude to Pnar, Ali Fuat, Gkhan, Coskun, Reyhan,
igdem, and _nan for their support and advice during this study. Very special
thanks go to Zerrin who patiently listened to me when I was lost, and always

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