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North Middle School -- 7th grade


Dear Parent/Guardian,
In order to ensure this school year concludes in a successful manner, we have
implemented the following plan to help with the students understanding of our Patriot
First, students will carry a planner where they keep their daily assignments. It is
the students responsibility to keep the book up to date with classroom assignments. As a
parent you will be able to look at this book to check your childs daily work assignments.
This book can also be used as a communication tool between home and school.
Next, students will be expected to follow basic classroom rules. These expectations are
as follows:

Listen to directions the first time given.

Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Raise your hand to speak.
Be prepared to work when the bell rings for class to begin.

As teachers, we will monitor students use of their assignment books and their
ability to follow the classroom rules. Teachers will put marks in the planner indicating the
areas needing improvement. The marks and their meaning are listed below:

Inappropriate Behavior

Assignments Are Not Completed

Tardy to Class

Materials Not Being Brought to Class

Just as they used this system in 6th grade, any student earning three marks in one day
(1st offense) will need to have a parent signature in their planner and be required to
conference with their advisory teacher to explain their behavior. (2nd offense) student will
attend a team meeting and parent signature will be required. (3rd offense and any after)
student will be assigned after school detention and parent signature will be required. With
all of us working together, this year can be the most successful school year for your child
yet. If you have questions, call the school (279-6804) and ask to speak with any 7th grade
7th Grade Advisory Teachers

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