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Continuous Gas Lift Example

Tubing 2 7/6
2.5 bpd/psi
WOR 6:1
Production required 100 BOPD
Surface injection pressure 850 psi
Production WHP 50 psi
Av/Ab = .11
TD 8200

BHP 3200 psi

40o API
water gravity 1.07
WHT 100F
BHT 220F
Flowing tubing Temp 120F
Spring tension 0 psi

Oil Gravity = .825
Total Fluid gravity =.825*.433*1/7 +1.07*.433*6/7 = .45 psi/ft
Flowing BHP BHP-q/J 3200-700/2.5=2920 psi
Find the gas gradient in the casing be calculating the pressure at a
depth of one half of the TD. In this case the pressure at 4000
is 930 psi using a gravity of .6. The gas gradient is .02 psi/ft.
Find the depth that the casing pressure is 100 psi over the tubing
pressure. By graphically or by solving the for the depth.
Psur + Dko G gas PD = BHPf Go (TD Dko )
850 + Dko .02 100 = 2920 .45(8200 Dko )
Dko = 3535 ft

Find the flowing gradient, graphically or solving for it.

FFL = TD BHPf / Go
G f = (( Dko FFL) Go WHPf ) / Dko
FFL = 8200 2920 / .45 = 1710 ft
G f = ((3535 1710) .45 50) / 3535 = .22 psi / ft

Select the valve closing pressure, decreasing with depth, using the
surface pressure that is available, in this case 830, 830, 810, 795 psi.
Find the unloading gradient for the tubing size using the plot, then
calculate valve depth. Use the closing pressure of
D1 = ( p v1 p sp ) / G s
D1 = (850 50) / .5 = 1600'
D2 = ( p v 2 G f D1 p sp ) / G s
D2 = (830 .14 *1600 50) / .5 = 1110 + 1600 = 2710
D3 = ( p v 3 G f ( D1 + D2 ) p sp ) / G s
D3 = (830 .14(2710) 50) / .5 = 800 + 2710 = 3510'
D4 = ( p v 4 G f ( D3 ) p sp ) / G s
D4 = (810 .14 * 3510 50) / .5 = 540 + 3510 = 4050

Calculate the valve opening and closing pressures.

Using chart find the surface bellow pressure by finding closing
pressure on x axis, go up to the depth lines and surface
pressure on the left Y axis.
Find the temperature gradient using the data given.
For the top valve
PBt = ( p vc S t )
PBt = (830 0) = 830 psi
PB 60 = ( Pvc 60 S )(1 A )
PB 60 = (800 0)(1 .11) = 710 psi
Pvo 60 = PB 60 / A
Pvo 60

= 710 / .89 = 797 psi

Solve for the other valves.

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