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A. Fill in the blanks with the missing words from the video
1. The pilgrims invited the _____________________ to share a
_____________with them.
2. Thanksgiving didnt become a(n) ____________________tradition until
_________years later.
3. The first Thanksgiving was in ________________.
4. Thanksgiving was a ____________day festival with_____________,
__________________ and other _____________________.
5. The First Ever National Thanksgiving Holiday was introduced by
president ________________________in the year ______________________.
6. President __________________________announced that the nation
would celebrate Thanksgiving on ______________________________in
7. In 1939 Thanksgiving was celebrated a week earlier in order for the
__________________________to be extended.
8. The tradition of pardoning turkeys was introduced in
_____________by president ____________________________.
B. Explain the words in bold in English
a. in honour of the first successful harvest
b. venison was on the first Thanksgiving menu
c. she published recipes for stuffing
d. in 1863, in the mist of the civil war
e. Thanksgiving was moved up a week to give depression era retailers
more time to make
C. Answer with True(T) or False(F)
1. Turkey, pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce are more contemporary
recipes ______
2. The Pilgrims established the Thanksgiving celebration for years to
3. Sara Josepha Hale contributed to making Thanksgiving a national
4. Moving Thanksgiving a week earlier was accepted with enthusiasm
5. A turkey is pardoned means that it is eaten on Thanksgiving

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