Career Objective: Computer Science and Engineering 2013 - 2017

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Rohith Krishna

Phone: +91-9908669165

Flat No.516, Rinda Residency, Samanthaputi colony

The objective of my career is to understand and built the higher levels of programs. Further expect to develop
software which would help to improve the quality of life.

Computer Science and Engineering

2013 2017

CVR College of Engineering

percentage: 70


2011 2013

Narayana Junior College

percentage: 89.5


2010 2011

Dilsukhnagar Public School

percentage: 88

Programming language: C, JAVA and Python
Database: MySQL
Web Technologies: HTML, CSS
Good at datastructures and algorithms
Worked on Microsoft Office for presentation, Content writing, Calculations and analysis
Innovative thinker
Can do perform basic commands of UNIX

SEARCH ENGINE: Our college website ( doesnt have any search engine facility. So we had
implemented a search box for our college website, so that searching will be made fast. For this we have use
Django framework and developed a webpage which consists of a text box. So whenever user wants to search
anything he just need to enter the text in the box and click on search button. The back-end solr tool which is
running does the searching part and generates results and we display the results on web page, to the user in the
form of hyperlinks.
Tools and Frameworks: Django Web Framework, ApacheSolr
Languages: Python, Html, CSS

R. Rohith Krishna

Team Work
Positive Attitude
Strong mental ability
Creative Thinking
Ability to work under pressure and still able to generate better results

R. Rohith Krishna

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